UPEI athletes and events recognized at the 47th annual Sport PEI Amateur Sport Awards

UPEI was well represented in the list of winners at the 47th annual Sport PEI Amateur Sport Awards ceremony. The annual event was held Thursday night at the Confederation Centre of the Arts’ Homburg Theatre.

UPEI’s Women’s Basketball team was named the CBC PEI Team of the Year. The Panthers had a historic season in 2019–2020, winning the AUS title and taking home bronze at the U SPORTS national championships.

MBA in Global Leadership student making a difference in Nigeria

A student in UPEI’s MBA in Global Leadership program has created a project to help feed and educate children in an internally displaced person (IDP) camp in Abuja, Nigeria. Abisola Erinosho, an international student from Nigeria, created the Educate A Child initiative as part of the service learning leadership experience in the global leadership and ethics course.

Faculty of Arts ConneXions Seminar Series: Dr. Anne Furlong

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to offer the second event in its new ConneXions Seminar Series. Join us on Zoom, Friday, February 26, 2021, at 2:30 pm, when Dr. Anne Furlong will present “Adaptation as communication: a linguistic pragmatic approach to adaptation studies.”

Zoom link: https://upei.zoom.us/j/61586078663?pwd=RGRjQ2pJTzAxZkI2ckxyU1cvRVJ1QT09

MA Island Studies Thesis Defence: "Islandness: Factors influencing change in the Prince Edward Island Lobster Fishery" by Ian McIsaac (Zoom video conference)

Ian McIsaac, a candidate in the Master of Arts, Island Studies (MAIS) program, will defend his thesis on Thursday, March 4, 2:30–4:30 pm. The thesis is entitled "Islandness: Factors influencing change in the Prince Edward Island Lobster Fishery." As this thesis defence will be conducted using Zoom video conferencing technology, pre-registration is required. If you wish to attend, please visit http://bit.ly/MAISthesis-McIsaac to reserve your spot. 

Arthritis research project looking for participants

Dr. Sarah Finch, associate professor, UPEI Department of Applied Human Sciences, is researching treatments and therapies being used by people living with arthritis. Participants are invited to take part in a one-on-one conversation online or by phone to share their experiences with arthritis management. These interviews are expected to be 30 to 60 minutes in length. The study is looking for participants of any age, with any type of arthritis, or their caregivers.