Employment Info Session with the Canadian Armed Forces
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
For all UPEI Students and Alumni
The UPEI Experiential Education department will be hosting a virtual information session on employment opportunities with the Canadian Armed Forces.
All UPEI students and alumni are welcome to attend, listen in, and ask questions to learn more about working with the Canadian Armed Forces.
Info Session: How to apply for jobs with the Government of Canada
12:00 - 1:00 pm
For UPEI students and alumni
The UPEI Experiential Education department and the Public Service Commission of Canada will be hosting a virtual information session on how to apply for jobs with the Government of Canada.
All UPEI students and alumni are welcome to attend, listen in, and ask questions to learn more about working with various federal departments.
UPEI Connect Office Hour with CEO of CMHA PEI Treena Smith
12:00 - 1:00 pm
The UPEI Experiential Education department will be hosting a virtual Office Hour with alumni guest speaker Treena Smith on Monday, November 2nd at 12:00 pm.
New book by UPEI's Dr. James Randall explores the study of islands
A new book by UPEI professor Dr. James Randall offers up island studies as a tool to better understand our own world of islands. An Introduction to Island Studies is an approachable look at this interdisciplinary field—from islands as biodiversity hotspots, their settlement, human migration and occupation, through to the place of islands in the popular imagination.
Twelve organizations to host climate change interns in 2021
The following is released from the Province of Prince Edward Island.
Twelve organizations from all sectors across Prince Edward Island will host 15 interns and build climate change expertise in 2021 as part of the ClimateSense Professional Internship Program. The program is administered by the UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation for the Province of Prince Edward Island.
UPEI Concussion Clinic offers assessment and care
The UPEI Concussion Clinic is offering assessment and care for people who have experienced recent head injury and continue to have symptoms that limit their ability to return to school, work, or physical activities. The clinic is offered weekly at the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre in the W. A. Murphy Student Centre.
Stephen Peters: Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense
Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense: Stephen Peters
Monday, October 26, 2020
Web conference
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) Thesis Defense of Stephen Peters
Title: Investigating the effectiveness of a causal MBSE software tool in modelling conceptual CubeSat data
Haley Butler: Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense
Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense: Haley Butler
Monday, October 26, 2020
Web conference
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) Thesis Defense of Haley Butler
Title: Development of Natural Bio-inks for Neural Cell Bioprinting Applications
Meet Donovan Wyand, fourth-year Kinesiology student
UPEI's students are making an impact on campus, here in Canada, and around the world!
Why did you choose the Kinesiology program at UPEI?
Lots of reasons, really. I didn’t have the income to move off-island, I wanted to stay close and connected to my friends and family, I was going to play for the UPEI men's soccer team, and because I knew UPEI had great science programs.
Public Speaking Workshop (online with Google Meet)
For UPEI students and alumni.
9:00 - 10:30 am
Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.
This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page.