Facilitation Skills Workshop (online with Google Meet)

For UPEI students and alumni.
11:00 am–12:30 pm

Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.

This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page

Diversity and Inclusion Workshop (online with Google Meet)

For UPEI students and alumni.
2:30 - 4:00 pm

Registration is required and space is limited. A Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants the morning of the workshop.

This workshop is part of UPEI’s Work Integrated Learning Digital Badge program. Students who participate in this workshop will be eligible to receive digital badges to recognize their participation. For more information on this program and other workshop offerings, please visit the Work Integrated Learning web page

CFI supports green research at UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) announced support through the John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) earlier this year for research that originated at UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering. The funding, of more than $110,000, was awarded to Dr. Bishnu Acharya, who is refining techniques to turn low-value biomass into high-value products.

Interrupting Harm Workshop (online with Google Meet)

Interrupting Harm asks participants to think about the everyday actions that they can take to interrupt when they witness harm. The workshop will take participants through the process of owning the responsibility of doing something, noticing opportunities to interrupt harm, and then choosing an interruption that fits their needs and the needs of the people receiving the interruption. Through the use of scenarios, self-reflection and creative problem-solving, participants will come away from this workshop feeling empowered with new skills in their toolbox to interrupt harm.

SV-PRO Reading Week Lunch and Learn

Recognize, Respond, Refer: From Sexual Violence Policy to Action
This workshop will provide participants with an overview of UPEI’s sexual violence policy, the responsibilities of University Community members and the services available to survivors through the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office.
