AVC holds public workshop about strangles

Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, AVC Equine Ambulatory Service, will give a community workshop on Wednesday, July 11, about strangles, a highly contagious bacterial infection that affects the upper respiratory system of the horse. The presentation will take place in AVC’s Lecture Theatre A at 7 p.m. She will talk about the symptoms of strangles, diagnosis and treatment, and ways to reduce the risk of infection. Last month, several cases of strangles were diagnosed in horses in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI. The bacteria causing the illness is easily transmitted by nose-to-nose contact between horses or from things that come in contact with nasal discharge from a sick horse, such as clothing, hands, or equipment. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served. For more information, call (902) 566-0589.

Neuroscience Journal Club

The monthly meeting of the UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held on Friday July 13, 2018 from 3-4 pm in the "fishbowl" of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). All neuroscience research students as well as faculty, scientists and staff with an interest in neuroscience topics are welcome to attend. For a copy of the paper to be discussed please contact Denis Kay (dgkay@neurodyn.ca) or Andy Tasker (tasker@upei.ca)

Memorial Gathering for Dr. Satadal Dasgupta

You are invited to share stories, memories, and food in honour of the late  Dr. Satadal Dasgupta.   We are meeting to express our appreciation for Dr. Dasgupta's decades of contributions to UPEI. His family, his wife Krishna, and their three daughters and their families, are looking forward to meeting the many students and colleagues he had known.   The memorial gathering for Dr. Dasgupta will be held on:   Date: July 21  Time: 1:30 - 4:30 pm ( speakers from 1:30 - 3:30 pm) Where: Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building, UPEI   For further information contact: mjmitchell@upei.ca or  smitheram@upei.ca  

Raising the Pride Flag at UPEI

UPEI, in partnership with the Queer Collective and Student Affairs, will raise the pride flag on Monday, July 23, 2018 at 12 pm at the flag plaza near Kelley Memorial Building to recognize the PEI Pride Festival taking place July 23-27. All are welcome to attend the flag raising. Pride PEI will be raising flags at other locations across the province throughout the day.

Robertson Library Talks - The Betrayer

Join us at our Library Talks to chat about PEI author Michael Hennessey’s book The Betrayer, a fictionalized account of the crimes leading up to the last hanging to take place on Prince Edward Island, in 1941. Two condemned men are led to the gallows - but was the crime committed by "the third man"? Meetings will be held on Thursdays at 3:00 pm in the Early Women Plaza, between Kelley Building and the Chaplaincy Centre. Rain location is in Robertson Library. The introductory meeting will be held on Thursday, July 19th, and meetings will continue weekly until August 23. A limited number of copies of the book are available from the Service Desk in the Library – first come, first served. Check out a copy and join the group. Everyone is welcome! And, in August, we’ll go on a walking tour of Charlottetown to discover where the gruesome murder took place!

Soil Health, Carbon Farming, and Fixing our Nitrogen Problem

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering invites the UPEI community to attend a special summer research seminar on "Soil Health, Carbon Farming, and Fixing our Nitrogen Problem," on Tuesday, July 17 at 1:30 pm in room 202 of Sustainable Design Engineering building. Dr. David Burton, Professor of Environmental Sciences, Dalhousie University, will be presenting as part of his research collaborations with Dr. Aitazaz Farooque of the FSDE. All are welcome! Abstract: Agriculture is being challenged on multiple fronts to improve its environmental footprint - reducing its impact on surrounding ecosystems and providing environmental goods and services in addition to traditional role of food production. Potato production in PEI provides an excellent case study to examine how this transition can be achieved. Fortunately agricultural production systems provide the opportunity not only to “do good” for the neighbours, but also improve our capacity to produce a safe nutritious food product. This requires a rethink of how we do agriculture with greater emphasis on long-term goals of sustainable production. Three research initiatives will be discussed to build “Soil Health”, store carbon in agricultural soils, and improve nitrogen use efficiency in potato production systems in PEI.

New Student Orientation 2018

Beginning on September 1, New Student Orientation (NSO) is an important part of the success of students at university, and is a perfect time to meet new friends, talk to upper-year students, learn about the campus, and have fun! The tight-knit community at UPEI is here to support you and welcome you to the campus. Take part in all of the opportunities given to you through NSO and start your UPEI career off on the right foot. Visit the New Student Orientation website to register and find out more.