Candidate Seminar Presentation - Dept. of Companion Animals
On February 19th & 20th, Dr. Emilia Bourassi will be interviewing for the open, tenure-track faculty position in small animal internal medicine in the Department of Companion Animals at the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC). Dr. Bourassi is currently in the 3rd, and final, year of a combined residency/MVSc. graduate program at the AVC. As part of the interview process, Dr. Bourassi has been asked to present two brief seminars; one suitable for 3rd year DVM students and the other a presentation of her research interests.
TUESDAY, February 19th, 2019
12:30pm, 287N, AVC Learning Commons
Treatment & Management of Hypoadrenocorticism
Research & Clinical Applications of Plasmapheresis
Any interested faculty / staff are invited to attend. A copy of her CV and letter of application will be available from Laurel Fisher (
Department of Biomedical Sciences Seminar
Dr. Jay Penney, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA will present a seminar entitled "Using iPSC-derived microglia to model mutations in the Alzheimer's Disease risk gene TREM2" on Friday, February 22 at 2:00 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre B.
Science MSc defense: Tyler Baker
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to Tyler Baker's MSc Thesis Defense entitled "Visual cueing: does it produce an acute improvement in turning in a Parkinsonian sample?".
Everyone is welcome.
Neuroscience Journal Club
The monthly meeting of the UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held Friday, February 22nd from 3-4 pm in the "Fishbowl" of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). This will be a "meet and greet" discussion with our special invited speaker, Dr. Jay Penney from MIT, who will present a seminar in AVC Lecture B at 2 pm that day. All faculty, staff and students with an interest in neuroscience research are welcome.
Presentation by Dr. Andre P. Grace
The Faculty of Education would like to invite you to a public
presentation by Dr. Andre P. Grace, The Comprehensive Sexual Health of Canadian Youth: Employing the Comprehensive Health Education Workers Project to Emphasize Education and Intervention.
Mawi'omi Centre Presents: Telling Your Story
Are you interested in submitting a story for Grain Magazine's Indigenous Writers and Storytellers Issue ( but are having issues making your story sound just right? Well, the Mawi'omi Centre will be hosting a writing workshop on February 26 to help you send in the best story you can!
A Most Pleasant Evening with Vagabond
This year Vagabond Productions takes its audience back to the Renaissance, but not for a visit with the familiar playwright you might expect. It isn't very often directors and theatre troupes venture into the realm of the Renaissance without Shakespeare being involved in some respect. This year, however, Greg Doran and the cast and crew are presenting a show that has no known author.
Don't mistake that for meaning there won't be familiarity. The classic Renaissance comedic stylings and flowing iambic pentameter are still very much present and accounted for. Vagabond are looking to take this show and run with it in an over the top fashion so that uproarious laughter will be an unavoidable pleasantry, as the troupe returns to the UPEI faculty lounge in 2019. If you like The Princess Bride, then you'll love A Most Pleasant Comedy of Mucedorus.
The production runs from March 12th to 16th and seating is limited with no pre-sale tickets available. So, if you'd like to catch a classic, family-friendly Renaissance style show that you've never seen before, make sure to head over to The Faculty Lounge in The Main Building at UPEI. The doors open at 7:00 pm, for a 7:30 pm start. Admission is "pay-what-you-can." For more information, contact UPEI Vagabond Productions on Facebook, at, or call 902-566-6013.
Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
Speaker: Dr. Joel Ross, Faculty of Science
Title: Synaptic dysfunction in human neurons with autism-associated genetic variants
2019 Canadian Association of Physicists National Lecture Tour
Title: The Second Quantum Revolution
Presenter: Dr. John Donohue,Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Abstract: 1950s, the early-century arguments over quantum foundations and interpretations were quietly swept aside once scientists and engineers demonstrated tools and technologies that could only be imagined with the help of quantum mechanics. The laser, nuclear magnetic resonance, atomic clocks, and semi-conductor technologies have revolutionized the world in ways big and small, and another quantum revolution lies around the corner. By combining tools from the information theoretic study of computer science and multiple disciplines of experimental physics, quantum computing, communications, and sensing are poised to set the technological standard going forward. In this talk, I will overview the field of quantum information science, from its background and history to current experimental progress and early industrial adoption. I will overview how the fundamental unit of quantum information, the qubit, can be experimentally realized using structured superconducting circuits, the energetic structure of trapped ions, and the numerous degrees of freedom offered by single-photon level light. I will discuss how one of the fundamental tenets of quantum mechanics, the measurement-disturbance relationship, can be used as a tool to guarantee secure communications. Finally, I will introduce how an information-theoretic approach to quantum measurement can provide new tools with real-world applications.
Biography: Dr. John M. Donohue is the Scientific Outreach Manager at the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo. His job is to communicate quantum science to audiences both broad and specialized. Dr. Donohue received his PhD in Physics with a Quantum Information specialization from the University of Waterloo in 2016, where his research focused on quantum nonlinear optics. Dr. Donohue has completed postdoctoral research in Paderborn, Germany, discovering quantum-compatible ultrafast all-optical pulse processing techniques enabled by nonlinear waveguide techniques. He received his BSc in Physics from the University of Windsor in 2011.
Raising Confident, Competent Children
Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and anyone who cares for children are invited to "Raising Confident, Competent Children", the second in three free Triple P Positive Parenting Seminars, presented by Dr. Philip Smith, Psychology. It's not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this one. For more information, and to sign up for free child care, visit