"Does God exist?" A debate on the cosmological argument

Drs. Peter Koritansky and Malcolm Murray from the UPEI Philosophy department will debate the question: "Does God Exist," and if so, what is the best argument for God's existence? Dr. Koritansky will be taking the affirmative position, that God exists with the cosmological argument as his justification. Dr. Murray will be taking the negative position, affirming that belief in God has no rational basis. Come and vote for the winner of the argument! Doors open at 6:00 pm. All are welcome.

PEI Science Fair

Grades 4-6 Science Fair (Runs 7:30 am to 1:00 pm) with Public Viewing from 12:00-1:00 pm, Awards at 1:00 pm Throughout the day, volunteers from the Let's Talk Science Program will be conducting experiments. Bricks 4 Kidz will be on-hand to demonstrate principles of engineering and architecture using LEGO® bricks. Participants can drop by at their leisure and try their hand at an experiment. Grades 7-12 Science Fair (Runs 7:30 am to 5:00 pm) with Public Viewing from 2:30-4:00 pm, Awards at 4:00 pm From 12:00-3:00 pm, faculty, undergraduate and graduate students from UPEI will host a Science Expo. Science Fair students will participate in a variety of science activities, including hands-on demonstrations, science puzzles and much more.

Candidate Presentation, School of Sustainable Design Engineering

The campus community is invited to a public presentation by Dr. Ali Bonakdar, entitled “Challenges in Advanced Manufacturing Process Simulation with Application in Gas Turbine Engine”. Dr. Bonakdar is currently a Senior Gas Turbine Manufacturing Engineering Specialist at Siemens Canada and an Adjunct Professor at Concordia University. He is a candidate for a tenure-track faculty position in the School of Sustainable Design Engineering. Everyone is welcome.

Human Biology and Environmental Sciences Seminars

The Human Biology and Environmental Sciences research seminars will wrap up for the year on Friday, April 10. Graduate students will present the following talks: “Phytochemical profiling and anticancer analysis of select woody plants," presented by Colin Stetson (HUB), co-supervised by R. Hurta and J. McCallum ​ “Examining pain anxiety in young adult athletes,” presented by Gillian Potter (HUB), supervised by W. Montelpare All are welcome.

Bake Sale for Vanuatu

The Island Studies Student Association (ISSA) will be hosting a bake sale to raise funds for Vanuatu - which was devastated by Cyclone Pam a couple weeks ago. Spearheaded by Interim ISSA President, Katharine MacDonald, the bake sale is part of a larger fundraising effort organized by the Master of Arts in Island Studies students with help from faculty and staff - including (and especially) Dr. Jean Mitchell (Department of Anthropology), who has had a long-time association with Vanuatu. Please help support this very worthwhile cause - and help spread the word. And be sure to watch for more upcoming events!

Effective Communication at Work - RESCHEDULED

​In order to communicate effectively, individuals have to master the techniques of effective listening and self expression. These skills involve verbal and non-verbal behaviours as well as the ability to speak with persuasion and confidence. This session will look at both sides of the communication equation. This session offers helpful strategies to: · Develop techniques to communicate assertively. · Speak effectively when conversing about conflict. · Recognize the barriers that can get in the way of listening. The Effective Communication at Work session has been rescheduled to Tuesday, April 28 from 12:00-1:00 pm. If you would like to attend the session, please pre-register by contacting Megan at mgee@upei.ca.