UPEI Scholarships Info Session
Open to anyone interested in learning more about scholarship opportunities at UPEI, including an overview of how and when you can be considered for the available awards and bursaries.
UPEI Scholarships Info Session
Open to anyone interested in learning more about scholarship opportunities at UPEI, including an overview of how and when you can be considered for the available awards and bursaries.
Indian School Road reading
Chris Benjamin is a well-known fiction and features writer. His latest book, Indian School Road: Legacies of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School, won the 2013 Dave Greber Freelance Book Award.
On Friday, September 18, Chris Benjamin will be sharing his new book on campus at UPEI during a brown bag lunch to be held in the Main Faculty Lounge from 12:00 - 1:00. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The event takes place soon after the publication of the Summary Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In an interview with the CBC’s Peter Mansbridge on June 1, Justice Murray Sinclair stated, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” t is in this spirit that the UPEI community and members of the public are gathering together with Chris Benjamin to discuss Legacies of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School.
The Faculty of Education and the UPEI Aboriginal Students' Association are organizing the event.
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Information Session
The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College is holding an information session at UPEI's Health Sciences Building on Friday, September 25. CMCC offers a four-year Doctor of Chiropractic degree program as well as the opportunity for advanced post-graduate studies in Clinical Sciences, Radiology, and Sports Sciences.
Established in 1945, the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) is the leader in chiropractic education and research in Canada. The vision for CMCC was to establish the highest standard of chiropractic education and become a catalyst for a unified profession nationwide. Seventy years later, we celebrate a tradition of excellence in chiropractic education, research and patient care. With expert faculty, a rigorous curriculum, extraordinary facilities, and outstanding clinical experiences for students, our commitment to building a strong future for the profession ensures that graduates of CMCC are among the best educated and most skilled chiropractors in the world. We strive to prepare the next generation of chiropractors to be clinically competent, compassionate, successful, and ethical professionals in the health care community.
Nature-Inspired Writing Workshop with UPEI’s Deirdre Kessler
Macphail Homestead, 271 Macphail Park Road, Orwell
Saturday, September 12, 2015, 2:00 to 5:30 pm
Explore nature-based writing in the beautiful setting of the Macphail Homestead. See how poetry, memoir, dramatic monologue, and fiction begin with a sense of place and with close observation of the natural world.
During this 3.5-hour workshop, participants will explore nature and their response to it as they write short pieces in a series of timed exercises developed by a skilled teacher. Supplies needed: notebook, pencil or pen.
People of all ages and all levels of writing experience are welcome. Register online or on the day of the workshop. The workshop fee is $40. Students and seniors pay $30.
Come for the workshop and stay for a light supper and free public reading by Deirdre Kessler, sponsored by the Writers’ Union of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Macphail Homestead.
Supper in Tea Room at participants’ own expense. Go to macphailhomestead.ca to see menu designed by Red Seal Chef Joel Short.
Contact: Doreen Huestis, Macphail Homestead Site Director: 902-651-2789 or macphailhomestead@pei.aibn.com
Deirdre Kessler is a poet and author of 15 books for young people and a dozen books of nonfiction for adults. Recently published are a memoir, Mother Country, published by Oberon Press (Dec. 2014) and Born! A foal, five kittens, and Confederation, a children’s book illustrated by Brenda Jones set in Charlottetown in 1864, which received a 2015 P.E.I. Museum & Heritage Foundation writing award and a 2015 City of Charlottetown Heritage Award. Deirdre teaches creative writing, children’s literature, and the course on L.M. Montgomery with UPEI’s Department of English. She is a recipient of a UPEI Award for Teaching Excellence.
Free public lecture about equine behaviour
Applied equine behaviour is the focus of the Atlantic Veterinary College’s 2015 Animal Welfare in Practice conference, which will take place from September 18 to 19. Dr. Gemma Pearson, Equine Behaviour Service, Dick Vet Equine Hospital, University of Edinburgh, will give a public lecture, “Demystifying the horse whisperer—how horses really learn,” on Friday, September 18, at 7 p.m. Dr. Pearson has been working with behaviour cases for over 15 years; she is currently conducting research into horse-veterinarian interactions. Her lecture will take place in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, Don and Marion McDougall Hall, UPEI. The public lecture on Friday, September 18, is free. Registration is required to attend the conferenceon Saturday, September 19; the Saturday events will be held in AVC’s Lecture Theatre A. Please visit upei.ca/awc or call (902) 628-4360 for program details and registration information. The conference is co-hosted by the SJDAWC and the AVC Animal Welfare Club, with generous additional support from the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada.
Blessed John Henry Newman Dinner with Prof Peter Erb
The First Annual Blessed John Henry Newman Dinner will be held at the University of Prince Edward Island on Friday October 2, 2015.
Professor Peter Erb, the university’s founding SDU Visiting Scholar of Catholic Studies, will speak at this charity event on “Newman’s University and Ours: the World of the Past and the World to Come.” Reception is at 6:00 pm followed by a formal dinner at 7:00 pm in UPEI’s McDougall Hall.
Tickets are $80 per person or a table of 10 is $750. Proceeds support special collaborations between UPEI’s Canadian Catholic Students’ Association and the Catholic Studies programme with charitable donation receipts offered for a portion of the ticket price.
For information and tickets, contact Robert Dennis at rdennis@upei.ca, (902) 566-0774; newmandinnerpei@gmail.com; or, visit www.newmandinner.wordpress.com. Tickets are also available from Maureen MacKay in SDU Main Building, room 511. Please join us for a special evening of fellowship that celebrates the Catholic intellectual tradition.
Master of Management and Professional Accounting session
The University of Toronto’s MMPA Program is the only program dedicated to developing both MBA and MMPA (Master of Professional Accounting) knowledge and skills in an integrated framework. An MBA learning experience develops analytical skills and case-oriented reasoning capacities, and an MMPA learning experience develops technical knowledge and application skills. The MMPA program is designed to be the most time-concentrated, Master’s level gateway to professional accounting and financial markets employment, particularly for students graduating from non-business programs. Advanced standing is available for business students.
The MMPA program is accredited by CPA Ontario allowing our graduates to move straight to the final module, Capstone 2 of the CPA PEP and then on to the CPA Common Final Exam (CFE).
Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine information session
Are you planning to apply to Dalhousie Medical School?
We invite you to attend our presentation: "Admission requirements for the Faculty of Medicine".
All prospective applicants are welcome to attend.
Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
Dr. Jessica Rodriguez, Texas A&M university, College Station, Texas.
Seminar Title: "Canine schistosomiasis: The neglected tropical diseases of U.S. dogs".