The Human Biology and Environmental Sciences seminar series

The Human Biology and Environmental Sciences seminar series, hosted by the UPEI Biology Department continues on Friday, October 23. Karen Samis, UPEI Biology Department will present:   “Undergrads unpack knockouts:  A research program designed to give undergraduates experience in genetics”   ​Date:  Friday, October 23, 2015 Time: 12:30 pm Duffy Science 204   All are welcome

2015 Gairdner High School Student Lecture at UPEI

The University of Prince Edward Island is pleased to host the 2015 Gairdner High School Student Lecture. This year's lecturer is Dr. Harold F. Dvorak. Dr. Dvorak is the Mallinckrodt Distinguished Professor in the Department of Pathology at the Center for Vascular Biology Research at Harvard Medical School's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.  His talk is entitled: “What does a finger cut have to do with cancer?” Dr. Harold Dvorak is a medical researcher who discovered a vital link between the blood vessels of our circular system with virtually every medical condition. He was also the first to observe that cancerous tumours behave like “cuts that don’t heal.” He is the founding director of the Center for Vascular Biology Research at Harvard Medical School, where he is also the Mallinckrodt Distinguished Professor of Pathology. He is the winner of several international wards for his scientific research, including the 2014 Canada Gairdner International Award. The Canada Gairdner Awards are Canada’s most prestigious medical award. It recognizes and celebrates the research of the world’s best and brightest biomedical researchers.    Established in 1959, more than 320 Canada Gairdner International Awards have been given to scientists from 15 countries; of these recipients, 82 have subsequently won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.    The Canada Gairdner Awards are supported by the governments of Canada, Alberta, and Ontario.   After the lecture, the high school students will be treated to a demonstration and talk about the benefits and opportunities of studying science.  

Family Friendly Halloween Event

Students, Staff and Faculty with young children are invited to come to the Campus Life Lounge, in Student Affairs (above the Bookstore in the W.A. Murphy Centre) on Saturday October 24th from 11am to 2pm. We will have gourd decorating, halloween games, crafts, a halloween movie, coffee and tea for parents, and snacs... we will also have a Haunted Boardroom. This is a great way for parents to meet other parents who are part of the UPEI community.   Costumes are encouraged, but not required!   (note: this event is geared towards children under the age of 12, but anyone is welcome)

Mawi'omi Student Centre Open House / Exhibition

The UPEI Mawi'omi Student Centre, community Aboriginal Elders, and the Office of the President welcome everyone to an Open House during Connecting Aboriginal Cultures week at UPEI. The Open House will also feature the opening of the exhibition, "Red Dress Project". Curated by student Jenna Burke, the project draws attention to missing and murdered Indigenous women and was originally conceived by a Metis artist in Winnipeg.

Mock Refugee Camp(us)

If you have ever thought "I have no idea what refugees are going through" or "there isn't anything I can do to help", then please join the UPEI WUSC Local Committee on October 28th between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm in the UPEI Student Centre!  The Mock Refugee Camp(us) will involve discussions and examples of refugee living conditions and rations. Some special guests will be present to answer questions, and there will also be interactive information booths, refugee profiles with personal stories, and an opportunity to play the UNHCR’s refugee simulation Against All Odds. Come, and bring your curiosity, your concerns, your questions, and your friends. All UPEI students, and staff, and Island community members are invited!  There will also be a documentary screening and discussion through Cinema Politica later in the evening for those who would like to explore more of the challenges faced by refugees. More information will bee available at the refugee camp display, so be sure to come check it out at any point during the day between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.  WUSC (World University Service of Canada) Committees all over the country have sponsored over 1,500 students from refugee camps and that number continues to increase.  This event is a great opportunity to learn how you can convert your existing concerns for the refugee crisis into strong, supportive, actions. For more information, contact Katie VanLeeuwen at or find them on Facebook: WUSC UPEI Local Committee.

Career Paths Workshop

UPEI Career Services is celebrating Canada Career Week the first week of November and hosting sessions over the lunch hour (11:30 - 12:30) on a variety of topics including: Career Paths (Tuesday, November 3, AVC 287N) Cover Letters & Resumes (Wednesday, November 4, AVC 287N) Job Search Skills & Strategies (Thursday, November 5, Memorial Hall 308) Registration is required. Please register early as space is limited. Contact

Cover Letter & Resume Workshop

UPEI Career Services is celebrating Canada Career Week the first week of November and hosting sessions over the lunch hour (11:30 - 12:30) on a variety of topics including: Career Paths (Tuesday, November 3, AVC 287N) Cover Letters & Resumes (Wednesday, November 4, AVC 287N) Job Search Skills & Strategies (Thursday, November 5, Memorial Hall 308) Registration is required. Please register early as space is limited. Contact