Janet Pottie Murray Award Presentation

The Janet Pottie Murray Award for Educational Leadership recognizes an outstanding leader in education on campus, who demonstrates a consistent commitment to university teaching. The Senate Committee on the Enhancement of Teaching is pleased to announce that Dr. Alfonso Lopez as the 2011 recipient of this award. Join us for the presentation of this award to Dr Lopez, following which he will give a seminar on "Education in Developing Countries: How Canadian Universities Can Make a Difference".

The Vern Smitheram and Andy Robb Leadership Development Series

The Vern Smitheram and Andy Robb Leadership Development Series is presented by the University 100 program. UPEI is excited to host three presenters throughout the series including Julie Devon Dodd, Gordon Bailey, and Patrick Dorsey. Through their experiences we will learn more about what it means to be a leader, and about making a difference for the greater good. Join us for these exciting presentations! January 31, 1:00 pm, Main Building 211 - Gordon Bailey, executive chef and entrepreneur February 7, 1:00 pm, Main Building 211 - Patrick Dorsey, Vice President, ACOA PEI & Tourism If you’d like more information on the guest speakers, please contact Vickie Johnston at (902) 628-4363 or vjohnston@upei.ca

The Vern Smitheram and Andy Robb Leadership Development Series

The Vern Smitheram and Andy Robb Leadership Development Series is presented by the University 100 program. UPEI is excited to host three presenters throughout the series including Julie Devon Dodd, Gordon Bailey, and Patrick Dorsey. Through their experiences we will learn more about what it means to be a leader, and about making a difference for the greater good. Join us for these exciting presentations! January 31, 1:00 pm, Main Building 211 - Gordon Bailey, executive chef and entrepreneur February 7, 1:00 pm, Main Building 211 - Patrick Dorsey, Vice President, ACOA PEI & Tourism If you’d like more information on the guest speakers, please contact Vickie Johnston at (902) 628-4363 or vjohnston@upei.ca

Presidential Recognition Awards for UPEI Faculty and Staff

In recognition of the outstanding performance of our faculty and staff, and their dedication to students and our community—on-campus, provincially and globally—a number of annual awards have been created to acknowledge their efforts and achievements, and celebrate their contribution to our success as an institution. Up to 30 annual Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty—for exceptional performance by faculty in teaching, scholarly endeavours, service, and combined achievements—and seven Presidential Recognition Awards for UPEI Staff—for exceptional performance by staff—in each of seven categories, will be awarded. Both sets of awards will be presented at a celebratory event on April 5, 2012 at 3 pm in McMillan Hall at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. Working with their fellow VPs, as well as Deans and Directors, Dr. Jim Randall, VP Academic will lead the process to determine successful recipients of faculty awards, and Mr. Phil Hooper, VP Administration and Finance will lead the process to determine staff award winners. Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on March 9, 2012. For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit: president.upei.ca/presidential-recognition-awards-merit