- FREE STAND-UP COMEDY: MOCCASIN JOE - Sponsored by the Native Council of PEI, Aboriginal Women's Association of PEI, and UPEI's Department of Student Services. - Donations gratefully accepted for Grandmother's House and the Chief Mary Bernard Memorial Women's Shelter in Lennox Island.

The Path of True Love

Vagabond Productions is back in action, and it is offering a valentine’s day gift to its audience: a free show. Yes, you read it correctly: admission will not be charged for Vagabond’s production of “The Path of True Love,” a rip-roaring romantic comedy. The show will run from February 10 until 13 in the Faculty Lounge, in Main. The doors will open at 7 p.m., for a 7:30 p.m. “curtain.” While admission will not be charged, Vagabond Productions will gladly accept donations to the Theatre Studies Program at the end of each evening’s performance. For more information, you can contact Dr. Greg Doran at 566-6013 or theatre@upei.ca.

Executive-style MBA Program presents 2nd Annual "Be a Locavore" Event

Be a Locavore! You are invited to engage with the students from the UPEI Executive-style Master of Business Administration Program in exploring the topic of local food. This event will take place on Saturday, February 6, 2009 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, UPEI School of Business/McDougall Hall. From 9:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m., there will be a presentation of the local food challenge by an expert panel consisting of Tim Carroll, Phil Ferraro, and Rob Paterson and moderated by Ian Petrie, well known as a CBC reporter who covered the agricultural industry for many years; 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon: a chance to share your views on local food with our MBA students; 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.: come see the MBA students present their response to the local food challenge. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call Grace McCourt at (902)566-6474 or e-mail mba@upei.ca.