Campus Notices
My name is Andrea Furlotte and I am the dietetic intern at Chartwells UPEI this year. As part of my placement, I will be preparing and serving up a special meal which will be taking place this Thursday, August 15th at 11:30 am in the AVC Café for $11.99, taxes in.
The menu will be as follows:
Summer salsa and southwest wonton cups, sweet chili-lime grilled chicken breast
Mediterranean baked sweet potato, corn on the cob, broccoli salad.
Dessert will be coconut blueberry cake with lemon glaze
For more information, please feel free to reach me at
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you there!
Our learners face many demands for their attention, so getting them to actively engage in their learning can be a challenge. How do you choose the best pedagogies? Today, lectures and active learning have been cast as competing opposites. In fact, they can be quite effective when used together. Interactive lectures combine engaging lecture segments with selected active learning methods.
This intensive two-part workshop series, offered by the E-Learning Office, aims to give instructors the opportunity to experience first-hand the components necessary for creating interactive lectures.
Part one, titled Better PowerPoints for Better Lectures, focuses on slide design and the creation of study handouts. Part two, titled Action-Oriented Learning Design, focuses on interactions that can be created in PowerPoint and on active learning techniques that will connect and solidify lecture materials.
Part one will be offered on Monday, August 9th and repeated again on Thursday August 26th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in Room 210 of the Robertson Library. Part two will be offered on Tuesday, November 12th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. Interested individuals can register for either part on its own or for both parts. REGISTER
The Department of Physics is continuing its series of summer solar viewings. The campus community and members of the public are invited to view the Sun through a telescope on Wednesday, August 14, 1:30-2:30pm. The telescope will be set up outside the FSDE Building main entrance (across from the MacLauchlan arena entrance). Drop by to see the features of the Sun safely and learn about our nearest star. For a full list of viewing dates and to find updates about the event status related to weather, visit our website at
Central Printing is closed August 12 to 15, 2019
The Department of Physics is continuing its series of summer solar viewings. The campus community and members of the public are invited to view the Sun through a telescope on Wednesday, August 14, 1:30-2:30pm. The telescope will be set up outside the FSDE Building main entrance (across from the MacLauchlan arena entrance). Drop by to see the features of the Sun safely and learn about our nearest star. For a full list of viewing dates and to find updates about the event status related to weather, visit our website at
Ms. Emerald Naylor, a student in the Master of Arts, Island Studies program, will be defending her thesis entitled "More than sun and pineapples: A look into the culture of astronomical sciences in Hawai'i." The defence will take place on Thursday, August 15th, 2:00pm, in Rm. 278 North, AVC Building. The public is welcome. However, please reserve a seat by contacting the program coordinator at
Faculty and Staff of UPEI that have parking permits for General or Designated lots and use payroll deduction are asked to download the parking form (link below) from the Security Service web page, complete both sides, and drop it off with Security Services/send with inter-office mail, or scan and email to for processing. You will be notified when your permit is ready for pick up.
Employees that use the pay in full option are asked use the same process. When you pick up your hanger we will finalize your payment at that time.
Link to form:
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendment) is Friday, September 6.
Ensure you download the current forms from, use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms (only current forms will be accepted). To view any UPEI ACC SOPs and Codes of Practice, they can be accessed through myUPEI at
Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.
- Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - North Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
- Submit an electronic copy to
Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.
For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Administrative Assistant at 902-566-0973.
This is a reminder that the deadline for proposals for the 2019 Atlantic Universities' Teaching Showcase, which will be held at UPEI on Saturday, October 19, is August 16. Details of the theme, keynote address, and call for proposals can be found at .
My name is Andrea Furlotte and I am the dietetic intern at Chartwells UPEI this year. As part of my placement, I will be preparing and serving up a special meal which will be taking place this Thursday, August 15th at 11:30 am in the AVC Café for $11.99, taxes in.
The menu will be as follows:
Summer salsa and southwest wonton cups, sweet chili-lime grilled chicken breast
Mediterranean baked sweet potato, corn on the cob, broccoli salad.
Dessert will be coconut blueberry cake with lemon glaze
For more information, please feel free to reach me at
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you there!
Human Resources developed a new online Employee and Spouse/Dependent Tuition Waiver fillable form. These forms can be found on the main page of MyUPEI under UPEI Forms as well as on the Human Resources portal under Professional Development. In order to have the tuition waiver reflect your account prior to the tuition deadline, please submit all Fall 2019 Tuition Waivers via the online form no later than August 26, 2019. Please be advised Human Resources will no longer accept printed waiver forms.
If you have any questions please contact Kellie Nicholson at: 902-566-0514 or
Ms. Emerald Naylor, a student in the Master of Arts, Island Studies program, will be defending her thesis entitled "More than sun and pineapples: A look into the culture of astronomical sciences in Hawai'i." The defence will take place on Thursday, August 15th, 2:00pm, in Rm. 278 North, AVC Building. The public is welcome. However, please reserve a seat by contacting the program coordinator at
This year’s conference, hosted at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), will focus on The Future of Work — the challenges and opportunities “emerging” and “disruptive” technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation are having on labour and consumption.
Those interested in attending can register here:
Annual Fire Alarm Inspections
Troy Life & Fire Safety will be performing the annual fire alarm inspections throughout campus beginning Monday, July 8, 2019. As part of these inspections, there will be testing of alarms. There will be an audible notification stating this is a test at the beginning of testing and again when the testing is completed. The building occupants are not required to evacuate during the testing period. The ringing of alarms is required to test their function and to ensure the speakers work throughout the building. This will be a small portion (up to 2 hours) of the total time they are in the building.
Memorial Hall – July 8
Chaplaincy Centre – July 8
Duffy Science Centre – July 9
School of Sustainable Engineering Building –July 10
Don and Marion McDougall Hall – July 11 - 12
Alumni Canada Games Place – July 12
Health Sciences Building – July 15
K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre – July 15
Steel Building – July 16
Chi Wan Young Sports Centre – July 17
Daycare Building – July 17
Regis & Joan Duffy Research Centre – July 18
W.A. Murphy Student Centre –July 19
Cass Science Hall – July 22
SD Main Building – July 22
AVC Rodent Facility – July 22
Robertson Library – July 23 –24
Kelley Memorial Building – July 24
Central Utility Building – July 25 - 26
618 University Avenue – July 26
Atlantic Veterinary College – July 29 – August 2
Tunnel System – August 5
Bill & Denise Andrew Hall – August 19 -20
Bernardine Hall – August 21
Blanchard Hall – August 22
Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall – August 23
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jackie MacPhail at or 6034.
The Department of Health Management will be interviewing two candidates for the two-year term faculty position in Aquaculture Population Health. As part of the interview process, each candidate has been asked to present a teaching and service seminar.
Dr. Anthony Snyder is an Aquatic Animal Health Veterinarian for the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. He received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree from the Atlantic Veterinary College in 2010 and before that his Bachelor of Science degree from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. His experience is working primarily with the Atlantic Canadian Aquaculture Industry over the past 9 years, specifically in Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia. He is the current President of the Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association and Secretary for the Eastern Aquaculture Veterinary Association.
Clinical Aquatic Animal Medicine: A Fundamental Approach
Tuesday, August 13, 10:30 am
AVC Lecture Theatre "A"
Any interested faculty/staff are invited to attend. A copy of the candidate's CV and letter of application are available by contacting Tracy O'Flaherty ( in the Department of Health Management.
The Department of Health Management will be interviewing two candidates for the two-year term faculty position in Aquaculture Population Health. As part of the interview process, each candidate has been asked to present a teaching and service seminar.
Our second candidate will be on-campus August 12.
Dr. Sonja Saksida received her Bachelors of Science in Marine Biology, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology from the University of Guelph. Dr. Saksida has over 25 years of experience in aquatic animal health. She has extensive clinical and field veterinary experience in Canada and internationally and has worked with over 15 finfish and shellfish species grown in commercial aquaculture, enhancement and research facilities. Dr. Saksida has published over 25 scientific papers and 15 technical reports focusing on fish health issues such as sea lice and antimicrobial use. She has presented at number of nationals and international scientific meetings and conferences; 15 as an invited speaker. In addition to speaking to the scientific community, she has also spoken on topics of public interest on aquaculture and fish health to local schools, First Nations and community organizations and industry groups. Dr. Saksida was the CEO of British Columbia Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences (BC CAHS) in Campbell River, BC where she helped develop and manage the research and disease/pathogen screening services. Dr. Saksida was also the Lead Veterinarian for the Aquatic Animal Health Program for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) in BC and a Veterinary Programs Officer in the Import/Export Aquatics section at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) where she was involved in both developing and applying regulations pertaining to aquaculture and fish health. She worked with the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NSDFA) to develop their Provincial Aquatic Animal Health Regulation. Dr. Saksida is a strong believer of involving a broad group of stakeholders when working towards solutions to problems. As a result she has assembled a large and diverse network that includes researchers from all over the world, regulators, aquaculture and fisheries producers/manager/veterinarians, first nations groups and members of the NGO community. Dr. Saksida is currently focusing on understanding and controlling disease spread and ensuring fish health management practices remain effective and with minimal environmental impact. Additionally, she is interested in animal welfare and wild/farmed pathogen movement.
Skills Required for Aquaculture Clinical Practice and Teaching
Monday, August 12, 2019 @ 9:00 am
AVC Lecture Theatre "A"
Any interested faculty/staff are invited to attend. A copy of the candidate's CV and letter of application are available by contacting Tracy O'Flaherty ( in the Department of Health Management.
The Department of Health Management will be interviewing 3 candidates for the Canada Research Chair tenure-track faculty position in Veterinary Epidemiology. As part of the interview process, each candidate has been asked to present two brief seminars; one suitable for graduate student level and the other a presentation of their research.
Dr. Caroline Ritter studied veterinary medicine in Germany before moving to Canada for her PhD in the Department of Production Animal Health (University of Calgary). Currently, she is employed as a Banting postdoctoral fellow in the Animal Welfare Program at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Ritter’s research focusses on improving prevention and control of animal disease through a better understanding of the influences behind dairy farmers’ management decisions.
Statistical Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials in Veterinary Epidemiology
Beliefs, Behavior and Beyond: Insights into Dairy Farmers' Management Decisions and the Role of the Veterinarian
Monday, August 19, 10:30 am
AVC, Lecture Theatre "A"
Any interested faculty/staff are invited to attend. A copy of the candidate's CV and letter of application are available by contacting Tracy O'Flaherty ( in the Department of Health Management.
The Department of Health Management will be interviewing three candidates for the Canada Research Chair tenure-track faculty position in Veterinary Epidemiology. As part of the interview process, each candidate has been asked to present two brief seminars: one suitable for graduate student level and the other a presentation of their research.
Our third candidate will be on-campus August 19 and August 20.
Dr. Diego Nobrega is currently affiliated with the University of Calgary, where he is pursuing his second PhD as a recipient of the prestigious Killam Doctoral Scholarship. He is also a High-Level Foreign Expert at the China Agriculture University in Beijing.
His primary area of expertise is antimicrobial resistance of bacteria. Dr. Nobrega works in prevention and control of infectious diseases of dairy cattle, and in identification of genetic mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance. Additionally, he nurtures a keen interest in biostatistics, data science and bioinformatics. With a DVM degree, MSc in Preventive Veterinary Medicine and a PhD in Microbiology, Dr. Nobrega has published extensively and notably in the field of veterinary epidemiology. Additionally, he is currently appointed President of the Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate Students' Association, a reviewer for prestigious journals in field of antimicrobial resistance and has served on numerous committees at the University of Calgary.
Statistical Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials in Veterinary Epidemiology
Do We Need Critically Important Antimicrobials to Treat Non-Severe Clinical Mastitis in Dairy Cattle? A Network-Meta Analysis
Wednesday, August 14, 10:30 am
AVC Lecture Theatre "A"
Any interested faculty/staff are invited to attend. A copy of the candidate's CV and letter of application are available by contacting Tracy O'Flaherty ( in the Department of Health Management.
The Department of Health Management will be interviewing three candidates for the Canada Research Chair tenure-track faculty position in Veterinary Epidemiology. As part of the interview process, each candidate has been asked to present two brief seminars; one suitable for graduate student level and the other a presentation of their research.
Our second candidate will be on-campus August 14 and August 15.
Dr. Johanna Penell earned her veterinary degree and her PhD in veterinary epidemiology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala, Sweden. After postdoc training in human epidemiology she moved to the UK to be part of the team starting the new school of veterinary medicine in 2014. Three years ago Dr. Penell moved back to SLU to work with the veterinary nurse program and then as vice dean for education at the faculty of veterinary medicine and animal sciences. Dr. Penell’s particular professional interest is in the application of quantitative methods to animal-health research problems. Currently she is PI on a project investigating the environmental bacterial contamination in different environments within an animal hospital with the long-term goal of providing updated recommendations for routines and cleaning procedures to minimize the risk for health-care associated infections. Also, Dr. Penell is currently working on investigating factors related to exceptional longevity in Labrador retrievers.
Statistical Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials in Veterinary Epidemiology
Investigating Body Composition Factors Related to Exceptional Longevity in Labrador Retrievers
Monday, August 12,10:30 am
AVC Lecture Theatre "A"
Any interested faculty/staff are invited to attend. A copy of the candidate's CV and letter of application are available by contacting Tracy O'Flaherty ( in the Department of Health Management.
Interactive lectures combine engaging lecture segments with selected active learning methods. This intensive two-part workshop series, aims to give instructors the opportunity to practice with the components necessary for creating interactive lectures.
Part one, titled Better PowerPoints for Better Lectures, focuses on slide design and the creation of study handouts. Part two, titled Action-Oriented Learning Design, focuses on interactions that can be created in PowerPoint and on active learning techniques that will connect and solidify lecture materials.
Part One - Monday, August 12th or Thursday, August 29th. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Room 210 Robertson Library.
Part Two - Tuesday, November 12th. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Room 265 Robertson Library.
There are still spots available in both of the upcoming Part One sessions REGISTER