Campus Notices

The UPEI Music Department Recital Series is pleased to present the UPEI Christmas Choral Concert under the direction of Professor Sung Ha Shin-Bouey. The concert features UPEI Choral Groups, voice majors, and guests on Saturday, December 1 at 7:30 pm in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall of UPEI’s Steel Building.

Come listen to Bach’s beautiful Magnificat and other Christmas favourites! Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students, and are available online at, or by contacting or (902)566-0507.

The UPEI Music Department Recital Series is pleased to present the UPEI Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Professor Dave Shephard. The ensemble will be performing works such as Time after Time, Minnie the Moocher, I was a Fool, Sway, Blue Bossa and others. The program features UPEI vocal majors as well as a newly formed UPEI Jazz Combo.

The concert is Tuesday, November 27 at 7:30 pm in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall of UPEI’s Steel Building. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students, and are available for sale online at, or by contacting or 902-566-0507.

As of December 1, 2018 all employers in Canada must be compliant with the New WHMIS 2015 regulations. Here at UPEI this means that:
- All hazardous products have to be classified to comply with WHMIS 2015 regulations.
- All hazardous products must be labeled according to WHMIS 2015.
- All hazardous products require new Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to comply with WHMIS 2015.
- All UPEI staff, faculty, graduate students, and student employees are required to complete WHMIS 2015 training.
- An inventory of all biological, chemical or physical agents used, produced, or otherwise present at UPEI that may be hazardous to workers must be created and maintained. 

More details, including examples, templates and instructions can be found on the UPEI Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Department’s website under the heading “WHMIS 2015 Transition”. HSE staff are also available to assist you with any questions you may have around WHMIS 2015 and this transition.

Over the summer months UPEI was fortunate enough, with support from the Canada Summer Jobs Program, to hire two full-time students to assist us with labelling and inventorying hazardous products on campus. Unfortunately, they were not able to assist everyone on campus with labeling and inventory and we do not have additional support to provide in completing these tasks. 

If the space you are responsible for has not been inventoried and still needs to have hazardous product labels updated to WHMIS 2015 please review the information at: and use the inventory template found here:… as the December 1, 2018 deadline is fast approaching. HSE has obtained a limited supply of peel-and-stick tick-mark labels for workplace labeling of hazardous materials to assist in the labelling process and get you started. If you are interested in using these labels both Central Services at AVC and and the HSE office in KMB have a supply. 

We appreciate your assistance in making this transition to WHMIS 2015 and bringing your space into compliance with the new WHMIS 2015 regulations. Together we are making UPEI a healthy and safe place to work, study and visit. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Kevin Robinson at or 902-566-0516.

Suicide impacts campuses and communities everywhere, and UPEI is no exception. ‘Make It Public’ aims to raise awareness and encourage conversation through personal stories. The event will be led by student speakers, and will feature live music by students from the Holland College School of Performing Arts. Free food. All are welcome.  This event is today from 2-4:00 pm in the Fox and Crow.

The Faculty of Education formally announces the upcoming PhD defense by Olive Bryanton. 

Olive will be defending her dissertation titled "Pioneers in Aging: Voices of women 85 years and older aging in place in rural communities". 

All are welcome to attend Olive's public presentation, taking place on Friday November 23, 2018 from 2:30 to 3:00 pm in Duffy Research Centre room 212 building #28- the building beside AVC building (not the Duffy Science Centre).

All are welcome to attend this week's FSDE Graduate research seminar on Wednesday, November 21 at 12:00pm in FSDE 212.

This week's presenters are:
Holly Wilts - MSc Student with her title, "The Effect of Salix Buffers on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural-Riparian Transition Zones in Potato Cropping Systems"


Melanie Bos - MSc Student with her title, "Evaluating the environmental impacts of potato production on PEI."


Accessibility Services would like to communicate the following to students who receive exam accommodations: 

With final exams approaching, registration can begin on Access Deck under the "Final Exams" section. Please be sure to input your exam requests in the final exams section and not the midterm/test section. All final exam requests MUST be submitted by Wednesday, November 28th to secure accommodations. Requests that come in after this date may not receive accommodation.

As always, exam requests will be verified 3-4 days before the exam to provide time for professors to submit exams to Student Affairs. Please check your Access Deck Login page for information regarding exam start time, exam location, and proctor. You must have a piece of photo ID with you for each of your final exams.

For questions regarding exam requests or accommodations, please contact Amanda Squires, our Accessibility Support Facilitator at or 902-566-0668. Thank you!

Third event in our fourth year - Roasted Rep Pepper and Potato Soup plus Chicken Noodle Soup. Of course, rolls (with butter!) and rumours are in the wind of a tasty dessert treat or two! 
This event is co-hosted by three groups - UPEI Women in Business, Engineers Without Borders, and UPEI Retirees Association. 
Warm soup makes a cold day so much better! 

This event is today in the Chaplaincy Centre from 11:30 to 1:00 pm.

The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre welcomes
Health Canada's Know More campaign to the W.A. Murphy Centre on Wednesday,
November 21 & Thursday, November 22 from 11-3. This interactive experiential
tour is open to everyone to raise awareness of Canada's opiod crisis.
Participants will learn how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose. We look forward to seeing you there!


Our UPEI Student Food Bank is donation driven an dis open during the academic year. Several groups and individuals have been very generous over the last 3 months. Unfortunately, today - the cupboard is bare. Spaghetti, sauce, tuna, rice, noodles, peanut butter, jam, healthy soup, toothpaste, tooth brushes, soap. All is welcome! T

Please join students in HIST1160 this lunch time as they display the research posters they have developed on aspects of the history of the devil. This event is Thursday, November 22 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the concourse of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

The Department of Biology is pleased to present two candidates for the position of Assistant Professor. The campus community is welcome to attend the following research presentations:
On Friday, November 23rd at 12:30 in Duffy Science 204, Dr. Alex Pasternak, University of Saskatchewan will present “Molecular genetics of the fetal response to viral infection: from SNP to function" 

On Tuesday, November 27th at 1:00 p.m. in the Irving Chemistry Centre, Room 104, Dr. Chris Verschoor, McMaster University will present: “Healthy aging: How old are you really?...and how do your monocytes feel about it?" 

All are welcome to attend!

The Faculty of Education formally announces the upcoming PhD defense by Olive Bryanton. 

Olive will be defending her dissertation titled "Pioneers in Aging: Voices of women 85 years and older aging in place in rural communities". 

All are welcome to attend Olive's public presentation, taking place on Friday November 23, 2018 from 2:30 to 3:00 pm in Duffy Research Centre room 212 building #28- the building beside AVC building (not the Duffy Science Centre).

For the second time, the pinnacle of motorsport, the Sustainable Alternative Novel Design Intramural (SANDI) Race of First Year, will be held at the Mount Academy on Monday, November 19 at 12:30 pm (weather permitting). This year's contest includes a speed race, slalom, and Concours competition. 
Come join us and cheer for your favorite team! We are counting on your support!

The next deadline for submitting Biosafety applications including new applications, renewals and/or amendments is Friday November 30 2018. These applications will be reviewed at the December 2018 meeting. 

Please ensure that you use the new electronic forms available at

Submit the following: 
• one hard copy of the application form with signatures and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and 
• one e-copy of all documents to

Please note that applications received after this deadline will be reviewed at the January 2019 meeting. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or


Ethics protocols that involve ‘more than minimal risk’ must be reviewed by the full UPEI Research Ethics Board (REB). The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Monday December 3 2018. They will be reviewed at the December meeting. Protocols involving ‘more than minimal risk’ that are received after December 3 will be reviewed at the January 2019 meeting. 

Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve ‘more than minimal risk’, renewals, and amendments may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received. 

Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete forms.

Submit the following: 
• one hard copy of the signed application form and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and 
• one e-copy of all documents to

For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or

Black Friday is a few days away so 'tis the season to be cautious. Please be mindful when shopping online, remember when a deal seems too good to be true it usually is. Before making any purchases this week ITSS wants you to check out this quick guide. Happy (and safe) shopping.

Third event in our fourth year - Roasted Rep Pepper and Potato Soup plus Chicken Noodle Soup. Of course, rolls (with butter!) and rumours are in the wind of a tasty dessert treat or two! 
This event is co-hosted by three groups - UPEI Women in Business, Engineers Without Borders, and UPEI Retirees Association. 
Warm soup makes a cold day so much better!

This event is Wednesday, November 21 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the Chaplaincy Centre. 

Anne Minors is a musically trained architect and theatre consultant. After designing hospitals in the UK and civil engineering projects in Hong Kong, she then specialized in designing and delivering buildings for the performing arts. As Head of Design at Theatre Projects between 1984 and 1995, she consulted to the architectural practices of Moshe Safdie, Barton Myers, Charles Moore, Bing Thom, Michael Hopkins, Frank O Gehry, Cesar Pelli, Michael Wilford and Zaha Hadid on projects in North America and the Far East.

Anne founded Anne Minors Performance Consultants in 1996, a multidisciplinary practice of designers, stage engineers and lighting and sound designers, and in 20 years completed 30 arts buildings in 7 continents, working with  architectural firms Dixon Jones, Foster and Partners,Tabanlioglu, Emre Arolat Architects, David Chipperfield, Herzog and de Meuron, KPMG, ERA and Diamond Schmidt.

Anne Minors will deliver two presentations at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI). Both will take place in Room 104, Memorial Hall. The first presentation is at 4:30- 5:30 pm, Tuesday, November 20 and is entitled “A Musical Tapestry- Gathering forms for Sound 1989-2019”. It will focus on international design projects for performance spaces. The second is at 3:30-4:30 pm, Wednesday, November 21 and is entitled “Audience eye-movements in viewing images of concert halls - with and without music - a behavioral study”.

Presentations are under the auspices of UPEI's Department of Psychology, in conjunction with courses on music cognition and the psychology of human learning and memory. For more information, contact Annabel Cohen at or 902-628-4325.

The Island Lecture Series November lecture is Tuesday, November 20, at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus, and will feature Dr. Joseph Glass speaking about “The Life and Times of Dr. Leo Frank: A Jewish Fox Rancher.”

Hidden away in Stratford, a small municipal park is named in memory of a former resident, Dr. Leo Frank, a unique individual in the Jewish and general history of PEI. In 1915 he established the Rosebank Fur Farms: a profitable business and showcase for black silver fox ranching as featured in many postcards, stereoscope cards, articles in North America newspapers, and a motion picture. A mysterious character, he made quite an impression on Islanders and his economic, social, and cultural activities were often discussed in the local press. However, he did not draw attention to his Jewishness until after his marriage in 1935. Although the ranch ceased operations in 1944, he and his wife Ruchamah lived at Rosebank until 1958. The lecture highlights the

Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend. 

For more information, please contact Laurie at or (902) 894-2881.