Campus Notices

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, between 10 pm and midnight, ITSS will conduct routine maintenance on the remote desktop services accessed via the website During this time, any remote desktops or applications accessed via this site will be unavailable. Rx Works will be unavailable between 10 pm and midnight only.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at 902-566-0465. 

We have a variety of outdoor games to sign out for use on campus with your colleagues. Games include bocce, croquet, ladderball, washers, and yard-zee. You are encouraged to sign out items for more than one day.

Come out and try pickleball and/or spikeball with fellow UPEI staff and faculty every Thursday at noon for the summer (weather permitting) near the new residence.

You do not have to register online. To sign out equipment, contact Angela Marchbank at

The Healthy Campus Committee coordinates these initiatives through the UPEI Employee Wellness Strategy supported by the Joints Benefits and Advisory Committee.

The deadline for Animal Care Protocol submissions (new, renewal, or amendment) is Friday, August 2, 2024, for the August meeting of the Animal Care Committee (ACC). 

Please note that as of June 1, 2020, all animal user protocols must be submitted through UPEI's Researcher Portal at

For new protocols, select ‘applications’ and for renewal or amendment protocols select ‘events.’

To view any UPEI ACC Standard Operating Procedures and Codes of Practice, they can be accessed through myUPEI at

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, between 10 pm and midnight, ITSS will conduct routine maintenance on the remote desktop services accessed via the website During this time, any remote desktops or applications accessed via this site will be unavailable. Rx Works will be unavailable between 10 pm and midnight only.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at 902-566-0465. 

On Wednesday, June 26, the Active Transportation working group of the Healthy Campus Committee held a Car Free Day.

One hundred and fourteen UPEI staff and faculty participated by signing up to bike, walk, bus, or carpool to campus on June 26, corresponding to a total of almost 2,000 km, more than 175 litres* of fuel, and the equivalent of an entire campus parking lot** saved.

Prize winners included Veronica Kaye, Owen Shaw, and Donna Sutton

The longest distance biked was 57 km by Logan Dawson and the longest walked was 3.6 km by Crystal Doyle. 

It was great to hear from folks who typically come in this way anyway, and why, as well as see some others add a bit more activity to their commute.

Some pro tips:

  • Parking off campus and a 10-minute walk is a great way to start and end the day, with many physical and mental health benefits.
  • T3 transit (1) comes from all across the Island, (2) stops right on campus, and (3) costs only $10-20/month. UPEI folks living as far as Summerside, Rustico, Morell, Fortune, and Souris or as close as Cornwall, Stratford, or downtown Charlottetown regularly or occasionally take 5, 15, or 60+ minutes at the start and end of the day to relax, read, and listen to a podcast or music rather than drive. What would you do with the extra time?
  • Did you know that there are bike racks across campus and showers available to the campus community.

MUCH more to come from the Active Transportation working group. We are planning events, infrastructure, and programming to get you moving! If you have a passion for active transportation and would like to join our group, please reach out to Stephanie Palmer, Travis Saunders, or Angela Marchbank.   

*Based on the 2021 average Canadian car fuel efficiency of 8.9L/100 km

**Gated Lot C beside FSDE has 104 parking spots.

The Faculty of Nursing is delighted to share the upcoming teaching presentation schedule for the shortlisted candidates for competition 10A22 & 11A23, tenure track/term appointment faculty positions. 

Teaching Presentation Title: Advancing Nursing Education and Research: Commitment, Challenges and Future Directions 

Ashton Dougan, Monday, July 8, 2024, 1:00 pm, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) 205N

Jillian Mosher, Thursday, July 11, 2024, 9:00 am, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) 205N

Nancy Clark, Thursday, July 11, 2024, 1:00 pm, Zoom meeting: (Meeting ID: 660 9678 4770; Passcode: 688535)

Jennifer Neves, Friday, July 12, 2024, 1:00 pm, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) 205N

All are welcome to attend.

The Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit has extended the deadline to submit an abstract to present at the Maritime Health Research Summit to Monday, July 8, at 4 p.m. AT  

On October 24, 2024, the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit will bring together patients, the public, and those working in healthcare and health research at the Maritime Health Research Summit at a free, one-day conference in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The conference theme, Moving the Dial on Learning Health Systems, will bridge the gap between research and clinical practice.

Dozens of outstanding submissions have been received, but more abstracts are welcome for both oral and poster presentations. Submissions may be based on scientific/academic research, quality improvement/embedded research projects, community-based research, or others, and could include topics/themes such as:

  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility 
  • Sex and Gender-based Analysis
  • Indigenous Health Research 
  • Health Policy/Health-care Reform
  • Health System Performance 
  • Healthcare Improvement Partnerships 

View the Call for Abstract details and follow along on the CHCR and MSSU social media pages for updates! Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far.

CHCR Facebook

CHCR Linked In

MSSU Facebook

MSSU Linked In

Overview: "Be an Ally! Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace" will give employees and managers a better sense of how to fully support LGBTQ+ members within the workplace. 

From discussions around inclusive concepts, terminology, and vocabulary to how to create a fully positive space within the workplace, this course will teach behaviours that can help bring diversity and inclusion into the modern workplace. Diversity and inclusion are essential for building a modern, high-performing workplace!​ 

Designed for everybody--from employees and executives to managers and entrepreneurs.  

Type of delivery: In person. 

Duration: One course for a total of six (6) hours.

More information: 


The deadline for Animal Care Protocol submissions (new, renewal, or amendment) is Friday, August 2, 2024, for the August meeting of the Animal Care Committee (ACC). 

Please note that as of June 1, 2020, all animal user protocols must be submitted through UPEI's Researcher Portal at

For new protocols, select ‘applications’ and for renewal or amendment protocols select ‘events.’

To view any UPEI ACC Standard Operating Procedures and Codes of Practice, they can be accessed through myUPEI at

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

The Faculty of Nursing is delighted to share the upcoming teaching presentation schedule for the shortlisted candidates for competition 10A22 & 11A23, tenure track/term appointment faculty positions. 

Teaching Presentation Title: Advancing Nursing Education and Research: Commitment, Challenges and Future Directions 

Ashton Dougan, Monday, July 8, 2024, 1:00 pm, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) 205N

Jillian Mosher, Thursday, July 11, 2024, 9:00 am, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) 205N

Nancy Clark, Thursday, July 11, 2024, 1:00 pm, Zoom meeting: (Meeting ID: 660 9678 4770; Passcode: 688535)

Jennifer Neves, Friday, July 12, 2024, 1:00 pm, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) 205N

All are welcome to attend.

The Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit has extended the deadline to submit an abstract to present at the Maritime Health Research Summit to Monday, July 8, at 4 p.m. AT  

On October 24, 2024, the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit will bring together patients, the public, and those working in healthcare and health research at the Maritime Health Research Summit at a free, one-day conference in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The conference theme, Moving the Dial on Learning Health Systems, will bridge the gap between research and clinical practice.

Dozens of outstanding submissions have been received, but more abstracts are welcome for both oral and poster presentations. Submissions may be based on scientific/academic research, quality improvement/embedded research projects, community-based research, or others, and could include topics/themes such as:

  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility 
  • Sex and Gender-based Analysis
  • Indigenous Health Research 
  • Health Policy/Health-care Reform
  • Health System Performance 
  • Healthcare Improvement Partnerships 

View the Call for Abstract details and follow along on the CHCR and MSSU social media pages for updates! Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far.

CHCR Facebook

CHCR Linked In

MSSU Facebook

MSSU Linked In

We have a variety of outdoor games to sign out for use on campus with your colleagues. Games include bocce, croquet, ladderball, washers, and yard-zee. You are encouraged to sign out items for more than one day.

Come out and try pickleball and/or spikeball with fellow UPEI staff and faculty every Thursday at noon for the summer (weather permitting) near the new residence.

You do not have to register online. To sign out equipment, contact Angela Marchbank at

The Healthy Campus Committee coordinates these initiatives through the UPEI Employee Wellness Strategy supported by the Joints Benefits and Advisory Committee.

Dana Hospitality will host a weekly BBQ every Thursday this summer from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm (weather permitting) in front of the AVC main doors. Check out the menu here.


The Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit has extended the deadline to submit an abstract to present at the Maritime Health Research Summit to Monday, July 8, at 4 p.m. AT  

On October 24, 2024, the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit will bring together patients, the public, and those working in healthcare and health research at the Maritime Health Research Summit at a free, one-day conference in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The conference theme, Moving the Dial on Learning Health Systems, will bridge the gap between research and clinical practice.

Dozens of outstanding submissions have been received, but more abstracts are welcome for both oral and poster presentations. Submissions may be based on scientific/academic research, quality improvement/embedded research projects, community-based research, or others, and could include topics/themes such as:

  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility 
  • Sex and Gender-based Analysis
  • Indigenous Health Research 
  • Health Policy/Health-care Reform
  • Health System Performance 
  • Healthcare Improvement Partnerships 

View the Call for Abstract details and follow along on the CHCR and MSSU social media pages for updates! Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far.

CHCR Facebook

CHCR Linked In

MSSU Facebook

MSSU Linked In

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE) is pleased to announce an upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering thesis defense on Friday, July 5, at 9:00 am in the FSDE building, Room 223.

Iker Zulbaran Alvarez, supervised by Dr. Yulin Hu, will present his thesis titled "Valorization of tunicate processing waste into value-added bioproducts."

Everyone is welcome.

Dr. Wendy Rodgers, President and Vice-Chancellor invites students, staff, and faculty to one of two Campus Town Halls next week. Dr. Rodgers, along with the senior executive team, will be there to listen to your ideas and respond to questions. (There will be more chances to engage over the summer and throughout the fall semester.)

Both town halls are for all members of the campus community—students, staff, and faculty—and are being held at different times on different days as options to attend. If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join virtually—see links below. 

If you are unable to participate in the scheduled town halls, there will be more opportunities to engage in discussion about our future in the coming weeks and months. You are always welcome to send thoughts and suggestions to at any time.

Read the full message from President Rodgers.

The UPEI Chaplaincy Centre is announcing changes to its operating hours and access for the summer months. Beginning July 2, the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre will be open Monday–Friday from 8 am–6 pm, i.e., regular operating hours.

To accommodate the diverse needs of our UPEI community, the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre will also be accessible during the following times via the Salto electronic lock system: 

  • Monday–Friday, 6 am–8 am and 6 pm–10 pm 
  • Saturday and Sunday, 6 am–10 pm

Current students, staff, and faculty will be able to enter the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre during these times by swiping their active UPEI Campus Card near the Salto keyless wall reader located next to the accessible door (nearest the Robertson Library). The UPEI Chaplaincy Centre will remain locked to all users from 10 pm–6 am daily. Doors will be unlocked for special events or group bookings. 

If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan Hewitt, Manager of Student Culture and Community Standards, UPEI Student Affairs at

Attention Alumni on campus!

UPEI Summer Reunion is fast approaching! Join your fellow UPEI, SDU, and PWC classmates to reminisce and make new memories in celebration of your milestone anniversaries! As a highlight, all are welcome to register for our Milestone Reunion Celebration event on Friday, July 26, featuring music entertainment by Ryan Merry (BA’10), and a comedy performance by the very funny Patrick Ledwell.

Please register online by Thursday, July 18 (July 4 for reunion golf outing) for this year’s reunion events (including free events). If you need assistance with your registration, please contact the UPEI Alumni Office by email at or telephone at 902-566-0687. 



The 2024 Atlantic Learning Exchange (ALE) Conference, titled “The Power of Patients: Safety, Equity, and Engagement,” will bring together national, and regional leaders to foster inspirational and thought-provoking dialogue surrounding the quality and safety of patient and family healthcare. The conference will be held at the Delta Beausejour in Moncton, New Brunswick, on October 22 and 23, 2024.

The conference will include a Showcase and Learning Exchange, where successful applicants will have the opportunity to showcase their work and engage with participants in an interactive learning exchange environment which includes time for questions, simulation, and hands-on demonstration. Attendees will be given ample time over a two-day period to meet with selected applicants and learn all about their new and exciting work.

The portal to submit applications is now open. Submissions will be accepted until Monday, July 15, 2024, at 5:00 pm AST. For more information about the application process, please refer to the Showcase and Learning Exchange Guidelines.

Twelve applications (three per Atlantic province) will be selected to receive full support (registration, travel, meals, and accommodations) for the ALE Conference. If a province lacks qualified applicants, slots may be reallocated to other provinces, maintaining the same monetary value. Acceptance notifications will be sent out on Thursday, August 8, 2024.

For more information, contact

Dana Hospitality will host a weekly BBQ every Thursday this summer from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm (weather permitting) in front of the AVC main doors. Check out the menu here.