Campus Notices

The Department of Physics is once again hosting public viewings of the sun using our solar telescopes. We invite you to join us on Friday, June 28, from 12:30-2:00 pm on the grassy area between Memorial Hall and Robertson Library. There you can view the sun's chromosphere through our ground-based telescope before climbing to the observatory and viewing the sun's photosphere through a different telescope. And if you don't know what a chromosphere or a photosphere is, we'll teach you!

If the weather is cloudy on Friday, we will have to cancel this event, but we will be holding additional events every two weeks throughout the summer.

Check our website mid-morning Friday for any weather updates:

Dr. Brent Robichaud, candidate for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Biology, will give a public research presentation titled Deciphering Microbial Community Patterns in the coastal Northwest Atlantic” on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 1:30 pm in Duffy Science Centre, Room 204.

Dr. Nicole Strum, a candidate for a tenure-track position in the Department of Music, will give a public research presentation entitled "Analysis of Musical Timbre: The Saxophone Multiphonic Sonority as Timbre/Harmony Amalgam" on Friday, June 28, at noon in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, Steel Building (Room 224).

Everyone is invited to a public talk by Dr. Renée Valiquette, a candidate for a tenure-track position in Diversity and Social Justice Studies (DSJS), on Friday, June 28, from 10:00-11:00 am, in SDU Main Building 320. Her talk is titled “Vibrant Otherness for Wild Futures.”

You can also join via Zoom:

For more information, please contact Jill Blaquiere,, or Dr. Ann Braithwaite,

Attention Alumni on campus!

UPEI Summer Reunion is fast approaching! Join your fellow UPEI, SDU, and PWC classmates to reminisce and make new memories in celebration of your milestone anniversaries! As a highlight, all are welcome to register for our Milestone Reunion Celebration event on Friday, July 26, featuring music entertainment by Ryan Merry (BA’10), and a comedy performance by the very funny Patrick Ledwell.

Please register online by Thursday, July 18 (July 4 for reunion golf outing) for this year’s reunion events (including free events). If you need assistance with your registration, please contact the UPEI Alumni Office by email at or telephone at 902-566-0687. 



The Department of Physics is once again hosting public viewings of the sun using our solar telescopes. We invite you to join us on Friday, June 28, from 12:30-2:00 pm on the grassy area between Memorial Hall and Robertson Library. There you can view the sun's chromosphere through our ground-based telescope before climbing to the observatory and viewing the sun's photosphere through a different telescope. And if you don't know what a chromosphere or a photosphere is, we'll teach you!

If the weather is cloudy on Friday, we will have to cancel this event, but we will be holding additional events every two weeks throughout the summer.

Check our website mid-morning Friday for any weather updates:

Dr. Brent Robichaud, candidate for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Biology, will give a public research presentation titled Deciphering Microbial Community Patterns in the coastal Northwest Atlantic” on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 1:30 pm in Duffy Science Centre, Room 204.

Dr. Nicole Strum, a candidate for a tenure-track position in the Department of Music, will give a public research presentation entitled "Analysis of Musical Timbre: The Saxophone Multiphonic Sonority as Timbre/Harmony Amalgam" on Friday, June 28, at noon in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, Steel Building (Room 224).

Everyone is invited to a public talk by Dr. Renée Valiquette, a candidate for a tenure-track position in Diversity and Social Justice Studies (DSJS), on Friday, June 28, from 10:00-11:00 am, in SDU Main Building 320. Her talk is titled “Vibrant Otherness for Wild Futures.”

You can also join via Zoom:

For more information, please contact Jill Blaquiere,, or Dr. Ann Braithwaite,

The Writing Centre will be available for appointments through the second summer session from June 24 to August 1.  To arrange an appointment, email tutor Jacob Durden at

For additional updates, visit our Facebook page at

Presenter: Nauman Nazeer

Title: “Design, Synthesis, and Secondary Structure Stabilization of Self-Assembling Antimicrobial Peptides”

Synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) possess broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, immunomodulatory properties, and the ability to self-assemble into various nanostructures. However, many synthetic AMPs display secondary structure instability which leads to host toxicity, low selectivity, and aggregation that limits their application in clinical settings. This thesis investigates the use of rational approaches to design synthetic self-assembling AMPs that can address these issues. A library of peptides was designed based on chicken Angiogenin-4 (chAng4) protein as a template. From this library, a macrocyclic mini-peptide derived from chAng4 (mCA4-5) was found to be effective against a variety of pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains. To obtain more stable secondary structures, analogues of mCA4-5 with varying hydrophobicity, net charge, chirality, and modes of cyclization were synthesized. Lactam-cyclized analogues of mCA4-5 were found to have more stable secondary structures with improved antibacterial activity, bacterial flocculation, proteolytic stability, and proinflammatory activity. Therefore, the techniques described in these studies could be useful for the rational design of novel AMP-based nanomaterials with constrained and stabilized secondary structures for applications such as drug delivery, antimicrobial coatings, wound healing, and immunotherapy.

Date/Time/Location: Friday, June 28, 2024, 1:30 pm in AVC 287N

Everyone is welcome.

The 2024 Atlantic Learning Exchange (ALE) Conference, titled “The Power of Patients: Safety, Equity, and Engagement,” will bring together national, and regional leaders to foster inspirational and thought-provoking dialogue surrounding the quality and safety of patient and family healthcare. The conference will be held at the Delta Beausejour in Moncton, New Brunswick, on October 22 and 23, 2024.

The conference will include a Showcase and Learning Exchange, where successful applicants will have the opportunity to showcase their work and engage with participants in an interactive learning exchange environment which includes time for questions, simulation, and hands-on demonstration. Attendees will be given ample time over a two-day period to meet with selected applicants and learn all about their new and exciting work.

The portal to submit applications is now open. Submissions will be accepted until Monday, July 15, 2024, at 5:00 pm AST. For more information about the application process, please refer to the Showcase and Learning Exchange Guidelines.

Twelve applications (three per Atlantic province) will be selected to receive full support (registration, travel, meals, and accommodations) for the ALE Conference. If a province lacks qualified applicants, slots may be reallocated to other provinces, maintaining the same monetary value. Acceptance notifications will be sent out on Thursday, August 8, 2024.

For more information, contact

Dr. Nicole Strum, a candidate for a tenure-track position in the Department of Music, will give a public research presentation entitled "Analysis of Musical Timbre: The Saxophone Multiphonic Sonority as Timbre/Harmony Amalgam" on Friday, June 28, at noon in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, Steel Building (Room 224).

Everyone is invited to a public talk by Dr. Renée Valiquette, a candidate for a tenure-track position in Diversity and Social Justice Studies (DSJS), on Friday, June 28, from 10:00-11:00 am, in SDU Main Building 320. Her talk is titled “Vibrant Otherness for Wild Futures.”

You can also join via Zoom:

For more information, please contact Jill Blaquiere,, or Dr. Ann Braithwaite,

Presenter: Michael Kozma

Title: "Intranasal Theranostic Nanoparticle Treatment for Glioblastoma Multiforme”

Date/Time/Location: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 12:30 pm via web conference

If you wish to attend the public presentation, please contact the Graduate Studies Coordinator at to receive the link.

Everyone is welcome.



Attention Alumni on campus!

UPEI Summer Reunion is fast approaching! Join your fellow UPEI, SDU, and PWC classmates to reminisce and make new memories in celebration of your milestone anniversaries! As a highlight, all are welcome to register for our Milestone Reunion Celebration event on Friday, July 26, featuring music entertainment by Ryan Merry (BA’10), and a comedy performance by the very funny Patrick Ledwell.

Please register online by Thursday, July 18 (July 4 for reunion golf outing) for this year’s reunion events (including free events). If you need assistance with your registration, please contact the UPEI Alumni Office by email at or telephone at 902-566-0687. 



Presenter: Nauman Nazeer

Title: “Design, Synthesis, and Secondary Structure Stabilization of Self-Assembling Antimicrobial Peptides”

Synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) possess broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, immunomodulatory properties, and the ability to self-assemble into various nanostructures. However, many synthetic AMPs display secondary structure instability which leads to host toxicity, low selectivity, and aggregation that limits their application in clinical settings. This thesis investigates the use of rational approaches to design synthetic self-assembling AMPs that can address these issues. A library of peptides was designed based on chicken Angiogenin-4 (chAng4) protein as a template. From this library, a macrocyclic mini-peptide derived from chAng4 (mCA4-5) was found to be effective against a variety of pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains. To obtain more stable secondary structures, analogues of mCA4-5 with varying hydrophobicity, net charge, chirality, and modes of cyclization were synthesized. Lactam-cyclized analogues of mCA4-5 were found to have more stable secondary structures with improved antibacterial activity, bacterial flocculation, proteolytic stability, and proinflammatory activity. Therefore, the techniques described in these studies could be useful for the rational design of novel AMP-based nanomaterials with constrained and stabilized secondary structures for applications such as drug delivery, antimicrobial coatings, wound healing, and immunotherapy.

Date/Time/Location: Friday, June 28, 2024, 1:30 pm in AVC 287N

Everyone is welcome.

The UPEI Offices of Student Affairs (5th floor Dalton Hall) and Accessibility Services (1st floor Dalton Hall) will be closed on Wednesday, June 26, for a staff meeting. The offices will re-open on Thursday, June 27, at 8:30 am.

To submit an inquiry or book an appointment with Student Affairs, please email To submit an inquiry with Accessibility Services, please email or (testing inquiries only). Messages received during the closure will be answered as soon as possible.

Dr. Nicole Strum, a candidate for a tenure-track position in the Department of Music, will give a public research presentation entitled "Analysis of Musical Timbre: The Saxophone Multiphonic Sonority as Timbre/Harmony Amalgam" on Friday, June 28, at noon in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, Steel Building (Room 224).

Everyone is invited to a public talk by Dr. Renée Valiquette, a candidate for a tenure-track position in Diversity and Social Justice Studies (DSJS), on Friday, June 28, from 10:00-11:00 am, in SDU Main Building 320. Her talk is titled “Vibrant Otherness for Wild Futures.”

You can also join via Zoom:

For more information, please contact Jill Blaquiere,, or Dr. Ann Braithwaite,