Campus Notices
The UPEI Wind Symphony will perform its final recital of the Fall semester on Friday, November 25 at 7:30 pm at Park Royal United Church in Charlottetown. With performances in recent years at local Churches – Saint Dunstan’s Basilica and Zion Presbyterian – the Wind Symphony is continuing a tradition of performing beyond campus. The exceptional acoustics of Park Royal will make this performance memorable, and the seating capacity will allow for all Wind Symphony supporters to attend.
Tickets for this performance at $15 Adults/Seniors and $10 Students may be acquired at the UPEI Music Department and at the admission’s desk the evening of the recital.
For more information, read the full press release.
There will be a shutdown of domestic hot and cold water at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre on Saturday, November 26th beginning at 6:00am. The shutdown is expected to last for approximately 4 hours. This shutdown is necessary to do repairs to the main water line in the building.
Facilities Management apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jackie MacPhail at or 902-566-6034.
Want to be published in the Winter edition of the International Relations Office newsletter?! This is a great way to share your experiences, research, poetry, pictures, etc with the campus community!
Submissions May Include:
-Personal reflections (ex: cross-cultural reflections, experiencse coming to Canada, reporting on your exchange, news from your society or updates/experiences of graduate or graduated students)
- Poetry
- Pictures
- Drawings
- Your own research- especially as it relates to international students or the international community at large
- Other forms of submission are welcome!!
Submission deadline is November.30th. Please email all submissions to
To see our Fall Newsletter, please visit
Event details:
• Wednesday, Nov 23rd, 10:30am to 12:30pm, Student Centre: “What is Social Justice?” -- displays, exhibits, and an “outrage tree”
• Wednesday, Nov 23rd, 4pm, The Wave: “Rants and Raves”
• Thursday, Nov 24th, time and place TBA: Students Protecting Animals film screening, “Cowspiracy”
All events are free and everyone welcome! For more information, contact Ann Braithwaite, DSJS,
Come join us for some or all of Social Justice Week at UPEI! A series of events, films, discussions, displays, interactive exhibits, and performances to get us all to think about what social justice means and how we can move together towards a more just world for more people.
Event details:
• Thursday, Nov 24th, time and place TBA: Students Protecting Animals film screening, “Cowspiracy”
All events are free and everyone welcome! For more information, contact Ann Braithwaite, DSJS,
All pay changes, PTFs, overtime submissions, paper timesheets, etc., must be received by Human Resources by noon:
November 30, 2016 for the December 16, 2016 payroll
December 5, 2016 for the December 30, 2016 payroll
December 19, 2016 for the January 13, 2017 payroll
Electronic timesheet deadline – December 19, 2016 for December 30, 2016 pay
Join the UPEI School of Nursing and Graduate Studies Coordinator, Dr. Janet Bryanton, for a Master of Nursing Open House on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 from 6:30-8:00 pm, in the Health Sciences Building, room 106, UPEI.
Talk with current Master of Nursing students to hear about their journey in the program, tour the building and have your admissions questions answered! Refreshments will be served. All current Nurses in PEI are welcomed to attend.
Various municipalities in Canada have developed legislation to address public safety concerns about dogs that bite. Speakers at this workshop will discuss problems associated with legislation that bans specific breeds and provide information on alternative approaches to the issue of dangerous dogs. The workshop will offer information on identifying dangerous dogs, risk factors for dog bites, the effectiveness of interventions, and the impact of breed–specific legislation on dogs and humane societies.
Speakers: Dr. Alice Crook, Dr. Shauna Richards, Jenna Lane, Chelsea Tuff-Hopkie, Atlantic Veterinary College; Marla Somersall and Donna Marie, PEI Humane Society.
When: Tuesday, November 29, 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Where: Atlantic Veterinary College, Lecture Theatre A
Admission is free, and everyone is welcome! For information, call (902) 566-0589, or visit
Donate to the Campus Food Bank and get into this Friday night’s UPEI Women’s Hockey game free! Drop off your dry food items at the Campus Food Bank Display beside the box office, or bring it to donate at the game! The Panther Women’s Hockey team takes on Mount Allison at 7 pm in MacLauchlan Arena.
Tuition Waiver forms for the Winter 2017 semester must be submitted to Human Resources by no later than December 13, 2016. When completing the form, please include all of the required information (Course name, time, start and end date, cost and the number of semester hours) to avoid any delays in processing the waiver. Please submit original forms directly to Human Resources (lower level Kelley building, room #143).
If you have any questions please contact Human Resources at: (902) 566-0514.
The Department of Pathology and Microbiology invites you to attend a seminar given by Dr. Noel Clancey, Principle Clinical Pathologist and Co-Manager with Batt Laboratories Ltd., Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, England.
Dr. Clancey is being interviewed for a Tenure Track Clinical Pathologist position, Competition #10A16. He will be giving his seminar titled "Across the Pond: One Clinical Pathologist's Experience in the UK" on Monday, November 28 at 10:30 a.m. in AVC Farm Services' Boardroom, SB130.
Santa will be here from 12 to 3, so your children can get their picture taken. We'll have fun crafts like making "snow", and will be showing the movie Elf.
We will have childrens books for kids to keep, donated from Charlottetown Value Village.
If you have any questions, please contact Elyse at
Glucose/Cholesterol/Blood Pressure /BMI Clinic
Friday, November 25, 2016; 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
W.A. Murphy Student Centre – UPEI Health Care Clinic, Student Affairs
Call 902-566-0616 to book your 10-minute individual appointments with the UPEI campus nurse to measure your glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index levels.
At this signature Health and Fitness Week event, more than 20 exhibitors will present different health-related promotional material at their information booths. Food and door prizes!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016; 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
W.A. Murphy Student Centre – McMillan Hall
Come join us for some or all of Social Justice Week at UPEI! A series of events, films, discussions, displays, interactive exhibits, and performances to get us all to think about what social justice means and how we can move together towards a more just world for more people.
Event details:
• Wednesday, Nov 23rd, 10:30am to 12:30pm, Student Centre: “What is Social Justice?” -- displays, exhibits, and an “outrage tree”
• Wednesday, Nov 23rd, 4pm, The Wave: “Rants and Raves”
• Thursday, Nov 24th, time and place TBA: Students Protecting Animals film screening, “Cowspiracy”
All events are free and everyone welcome! For more information, contact Ann Braithwaite, DSJS,
There will be two Emergency First Aid and CPR training sessions offered in December. The training cost is covered by the Health & Safety budget and space is limited. If you are interested in attending one of the dates listed below please register by contacting Kathryn Harrison at or 902-566-0901 by December 1.
Friday December 9, 2016 from 9 a.m.- 4 pm.
Thursday December 15, 2016 from 9 a.m. - 4 pm.
Want to be published in the Winter edition of the International Relations Office newsletter?! This is a great way to share your experiences, research, poetry, pictures, etc with the campus community!
Submissions May Include:
-Personal reflections (ex: cross-cultural reflections, experiencse coming to Canada, reporting on your exchange, news from your society or updates/experiences of graduate or graduated students)
- Poetry
- Pictures
- Drawings
- Your own research- especially as it relates to international students or the international community at large
- Other forms of submission are welcome!!
Submission deadline is November.30th. Please email all submissions to
To see our Fall Newsletter, please visit
Come join us for some or all of Social Justice Week at UPEI! A series of events, films, discussions, displays, interactive exhibits, and performances to get us all to think about what social justice means and how we can move together towards a more just world for more people.
Event details:
• Monday, Nov 21st, 4:30pm, Dawson Lounge (Main 520): Dawson Lounge conversation series, “The Social Construction of Gender”
• Monday, Nov 21st, 7pm: Duffy 135: Cinema Politica film screening, “The Yes Men Are Revolting”
• Wednesday, Nov 23rd, 10:30am to 12:30pm, Student Centre: “What is Social Justice?” -- displays, exhibits, and an “outrage tree”
• Wednesday, Nov 23rd, 4pm, The Wave: “Rants and Raves”
• Thursday, Nov 24th, time and place TBA: Students Protecting Animals film screening, “Cowspiracy”
All events are free and everyone welcome! For more information, contact Ann Braithwaite, DSJS,