Campus Notices
Security Services - Open 24 hours (all year)
Facilities Management - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (all year)
Shipping/Receiving & Mail Services - 8:00 am to 12:00 noon (all year); 1:00 to 4:00 pm (all year)
Veterinary Teaching Hospital - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (all year)
Diagnostic Services - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (all year)
Office Staff
During the academic year - September 1 to April 30
Office hours are between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (depending on department).
Summer Hours
Summer hours will start the first week of May and end the last week in August each
year. Office staff and other service departments may allow for an earlier start/end to
the work day (while still working their normal 6.75- or 7.5-hour work day).
Robertson Library may vary during the year; please visit their website.
Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre may vary during the year; please visit their website
Other changes to hours of operation (i.e. around exams, Christmas, or other holidays) will be posted.
Faculty Recognition Night will be held Monday, May 6, beginning at 7:00
pm (reception: 6:30 pm) at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall. Each year
this event honours the winners of the Hessian Award for Excellence in
Teaching and the UPEI Merit Award for Scholarly Achievement. It is also
an opportunity to honour the service of retiring academic staff, as well
as to recognize those who have served UPEI for 25 years or more (and who
have not previously received a 25-year pin).
Tickets are $50.00 each (with a subsidized price of $25.00 for FA
members and their guests), and can be pre-ordered at the Faculty
Association Office, Main Bldg., Room 315, Ext. 0438. Faculty Recognition
Night is co-sponsored by the UPEI Faculty Association and the Office
of the President.
Schedule of events
9:00 am – Motivational speaker, Bob Mueller
10:00 - Strength 'n' toning class, Lyndsey Paynter
10:30 - Zumba, Lyndsey Paynter
11:00 – Rugby Demo, UPEI Panthers
12:30 pm - Yoga, Anna Lacroix
1:00 - Bosu & core, Tracey Gairns-Brioux
Other activities going on through the day
- Panther Academy registration for all programs
- Blood pressure clinic
- Fitness centre demos for TRX & spin
- Squash & fencing demos
- Kids' face painting
- Free cake & coffee
Check our for all the details.
Free public lecture: *Early Childhood Matters* presented by Dr. Edward Melhuish
Monday, April 29 from 7:00-8:30 pm, Don & Marion McDougall Hall Room 242
Dr. Edward Melhuish is professor of human development at Birkbeck,
University of London and a research professor at the University of Oxford.
He is an internationally recognized expert in the study of child
development and social policy.
Further details can be found here:
For more information, please contact Cathy Hennessey,
Faculty Recognition Night will be held Monday, May 6, beginning at 7:00
pm (reception: 6:30 pm) at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall. Each year
this event honours the winners of the Hessian Award for Excellence in
Teaching and the UPEI Merit Award for Scholarly Achievement. It is also
an opportunity to honour the service of retiring academic staff, as well
as to recognize those who have served UPEI for 25 years or more (and who
have not previously received a 25-year pin).
Tickets are $50.00 each (with a subsidized price of $25.00 for FA
members and their guests), and can be pre-ordered at the Faculty
Association Office, Main Bldg., Room 315, Ext. 0438. Faculty Recognition
Night is co-sponsored by the UPEI Faculty Association and the Office
of the President.
Schedule of events
9:00 am – Motivational speaker, Bob Mueller
10:00 - Strength 'n' toning class, Lyndsey Paynter
10:30 - Zumba, Lyndsey Paynter
11:00 – Rugby Demo, UPEI Panthers
12:30 pm - Yoga, Anna Lacroix
1:00 - Bosu & core, Tracey Gairns-Brioux
Other activities going on through the day
- Panther Academy registration for all programs
- Blood pressure clinic
- Fitness centre demos for TRX & spin
- Squash & fencing demos
- Kids' face painting
- Free cake & coffee
Check our for all the details.
Free public lecture: *Early Childhood Matters* presented by Dr. Edward Melhuish
Monday, April 29 from 7:00-8:30 pm, Don & Marion McDougall Hall Room 242
Dr. Edward Melhuish is professor of human development at Birkbeck,
University of London and a research professor at the University of Oxford.
He is an internationally recognized expert in the study of child
development and social policy.
Further details can be found here:
For more information, please contact Cathy Hennessey,
Security Services - Open 24 hours (all year)
Facilities Management - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (all year)
Shipping/Receiving & Mail Services - 8:00 am to 12:00 noon (all year); 1:00 to 4:00 pm (all year)
Veterinary Teaching Hospital - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (all year)
Diagnostic Services - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (all year)
Office Staff
During the academic year - September 1 to April 30
Office hours are between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (depending on department).
Summer Hours
Summer hours will start the first week of May and end the last week in August each
year. Office staff and other service departments may allow for an earlier start/end to
the work day (while still working their normal 6.75- or 7.5-hour work day).
Robertson Library may vary during the year; please visit their website.
Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre may vary during the year; please visit their website
Other changes to hours of operation (i.e. around exams, Christmas, or other holidays) will be posted.
There will be an outage of the UPEI Novell network on Saturday, April 27,
starting at 8:00 pm and lasting until midnight. The G:, H:, Q:, J:, K:, and
P: drives will be unavailable at this time.
It is recommended that you close all documents you may be working on prior
to Saturday night and also reboot your computer on Monday morning if you
leave it running over the weekend.
IT Systems and Services regrets any inconvenience this service interruption
will cause UPEI staff and faculty.
Geoffrey Mondoux
Server Administrator,
Join graduates, families, and friends as we celebrate Convocation 2013 Mass
All are welcome!
University of Prince Edward Island graduates, their families, and friends are invited to a gathering to celebrate—in prayer and song—
the accomplishments of the Class of 2013.
Sunday, May 5, 2013, 6:30 pm
Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown
Mass celebrants will be the Most Reverend Richard J. Grecco, Bishop of the Diocese of Charlottetown and University Chaplain Father Andrew MacDonald.
Reception to follow.
RSVP to Sister Susan Kidd, Campus Minister or 902-894-2876
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee will host master of science defence on Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Teri McComber, BSc will defend her master of science thesis entitled:
Food Group Composition of Elementary School Children’s Lunches: Changes in Food Group Intake Associated with the Implementation of School Nutrition Policies
The seminar will be held on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
10:00 am
Applied Human Sciences Boardroom (HSB 325)
Everyone is welcome.
Celebration of Colleagues – Monday, May 6, 2013
All faculty and staff are invited to attend a “Celebration of Colleagues”
on Monday, May 6 from 2:30–4:30 pm, in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy
Student Centre.
At 3:00, the 25-Year Service Awards and The Presidential Awards of Merit
will be presented.
For further details on the awards, please visit:…
There will be an outage of the UPEI Novell network on Saturday, April 27,
starting at 8:00 pm and lasting until midnight. The G:, H:, Q:, J:, K:, and
P: drives will be unavailable at this time.
It is recommended that you close all documents you may be working on prior
to Saturday night and also reboot your computer on Monday morning if you
leave it running over the weekend.
IT Systems and Services regrets any inconvenience this service interruption
will cause UPEI staff and faculty.
Geoffrey Mondoux
Server Administrator,
Join graduates, families, and friends as we celebrate Convocation 2013 Mass
All are welcome!
University of Prince Edward Island graduates, their families, and friends are invited to a gathering to celebrate—in prayer and song—
the accomplishments of the Class of 2013.
Sunday, May 5, 2013, 6:30 pm
Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown
Mass celebrants will be the Most Reverend Richard J. Grecco, Bishop of the Diocese of Charlottetown and University Chaplain Father Andrew MacDonald.
Reception to follow.
RSVP to Sister Susan Kidd, Campus Minister or 902-894-2876
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee will host master of science defence on Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Teri McComber, BSc will defend her master of science thesis entitled:
Food Group Composition of Elementary School Children’s Lunches: Changes in Food Group Intake Associated with the Implementation of School Nutrition Policies
The seminar will be held on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
10:00 am
Applied Human Sciences Boardroom (HSB 325)
Everyone is welcome.
Celebration of Colleagues – Monday, May 6, 2013
All faculty and staff are invited to attend a “Celebration of Colleagues”
on Monday, May 6 from 2:30–4:30 pm, in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy
Student Centre.
At 3:00, the 25-Year Service Awards and The Presidential Awards of Merit
will be presented.
For further details on the awards, please visit:…
There will be an outage of the UPEI Novell network on Saturday, April 27,
starting at 8:00 pm and lasting until midnight. The G:, H:, Q:, J:, K:, and
P: drives will be unavailable at this time.
It is recommended that you close all documents you may be working on prior
to Saturday night and also reboot your computer on Monday morning if you
leave it running over the weekend.
IT Systems and Services regrets any inconvenience this service interruption
will cause UPEI staff and faculty.
Geoffrey Mondoux
Server Administrator,
Join graduates, families, and friends as we celebrate Convocation 2013 Mass
All are welcome!
University of Prince Edward Island graduates, their families, and friends are invited to a gathering to celebrate—in prayer and song—
the accomplishments of the Class of 2013.
Sunday, May 5, 2013, 6:30 pm
Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown
Mass celebrants will be the Most Reverend Richard J. Grecco, Bishop of the Diocese of Charlottetown and University Chaplain Father Andrew MacDonald.
Reception to follow.
RSVP to Sister Susan Kidd, Campus Minister or 902-894-2876
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee will host master of science defence on Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Teri McComber, BSc will defend her master of science thesis entitled:
Food Group Composition of Elementary School Children’s Lunches: Changes in Food Group Intake Associated with the Implementation of School Nutrition Policies
The seminar will be held on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
10:00 am
Applied Human Sciences Boardroom (HSB 325)
Everyone is welcome.
Celebration of Colleagues – Monday, May 6, 2013
All faculty and staff are invited to attend a “Celebration of Colleagues”
on Monday, May 6 from 2:30–4:30 pm, in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy
Student Centre.
At 3:00, the 25-Year Service Awards and The Presidential Awards of Merit
will be presented.
For further details on the awards, please visit:…