Campus Notices
Campus telephone service will be disrupted between 6 and 9 pm, Tuesday,
April 16 to facilitate upgrades to the equipment.
The campus voice-mail system will not be functional during this time; also,
a couple 2- to 3-minute outages will cause all telephone service to be
non-functional during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns about services in your area, contact
Procurement Services 566-0424 or
An Office Ergonomics Session will be offered by Marie Brine, occupational
therapist on Thursday, April 18 from 2:00-3:30 pm. Location: AVC 287N.
She will be reviewing information on proper work station setups such as
proper positioning of your chair, desk, keyboard, mouse, screen, phone,
etc. for individual body type/size.
These information sessions are covered by the Health and Safety budget and
are open to staff, faculty, and students free of charge.
Please register in advance with Rylie Cole ( as space is
Note: Those who attend the Office Ergonomics Session will be eligible to
receive an office ergonomics assessment available through the wellness
program with the Athletics & Recreation Department. Please note however the
number of assessments will be dependent upon budget approval.
Campus telephone service will be disrupted between 6 and 9 pm, Tuesday,
April 16 to facilitate upgrades to the equipment.
The campus voice-mail system will not be functional during this time; also,
a couple 2- to 3-minute outages will cause all telephone service to be
non-functional during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns about services in your area, contact
Procurement Services 566-0424 or
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition will be on Wednesday, April 17 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines:
-be emailed to Sheila Kerry at
-sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document
-no longer than 250 words
The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendments)is Friday, May 3 for the May meeting.
Ensure you always download the current forms from and use Adobe Reader to complete forms. Only current forms will be accepted.
Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.
∙ Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
∙ Submit an electronic copy to
Protocol submissions received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month.
For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau at 566-0973.
Erika Ritter will be phone-in guest on CBC Radio's Maritime Noon on Tuesday, April 16, to discuss our inconsistent attitudes and behaviours with animals.
Ritter, author of The Dog by the Cradle, the Serpent Beneath: Some Paradoxes of Human-Animal Relationships, among many other works(, will be writer in residence with the UPEI English department in the fall of 2013.
Horsemeat in the burgers?
Tune in on Tuesday to hear Erika Ritter and those who call in to CBC to discuss human-animal relationships.
This is a reminder that in order to accommodate changes to software installed on computers in the student computer labs for the new school year (fall semester), we must receive requests including any installation media (CD’s, DVD’s, etc.) and any related licensing information such as serial numbers before June 1, 2013. ** NOTE: Software should be Windows 7 compatible. Email all requests to Any requests received after June 1 will be applied in the next round of software updates. All software installations are required to be licensed as network installations and not single workstations only.
For more information and software currently installed in the student labs, please click on the link below.
Thank you
ATTENTION: The information found at the end of this notice was missing from the original campus notice that went out last week.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write,
UPEI's faculty writers' retreat.
When: Monday, May 20 to Friday, May 24.
Where: Stanley Bridge Resort
Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights' accommodation, meals
and snacks
Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data-collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to
the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing.
The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any department/faculty/school.
We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about Time to Write. Please contact Dave Atkinson, Research Communications Officer, 620-5117. For more information, including a
link to the online registration form, visit
Campus telephone service will be disrupted between 6 and 9 pm, Tuesday, April 16 to facilitate upgrades to the equipment. The campus voice-mail system will not be functional during this time; also, a couple 2- to 3-minute outages will cause all telephone service to be non-functional during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns about services in your area, contact Procurement Services 566-0424 or
Peggy Court
Procurement Services
ATTENTION: The information found at the end of this notice was missing from the original campus notice that went out last week.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write,
UPEI's faculty writers' retreat.
When: Monday, May 20 to Friday, May 24.
Where: Stanley Bridge Resort
Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights' accommodation, meals
and snacks
Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data-collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to
the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing.
The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any department/faculty/school.
We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about Time to Write. Please contact Dave Atkinson, Research Communications Officer, 620-5117. For more information, including a
link to the online registration form, visit
Campus telephone service will be disrupted between 6 and 9 pm, Tuesday, April 16 to facilitate upgrades to the equipment. The campus voice-mail system will not be functional during this time; also, a couple 2- to 3-minute outages will cause all telephone service to be non-functional during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns about services in your area, contact Procurement Services 566-0424 or
Peggy Court
Procurement Services
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition will be on Wednesday, April 17 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines:
-be emailed to Sheila Kerry at
-sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document
-no longer than 250 words
The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendments)is Friday, May 3 for the May meeting.
Ensure you always download the current forms from and use Adobe Reader to complete forms. Only current forms will be accepted.
Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.
∙ Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
∙ Submit an electronic copy to
Protocol submissions received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month.
For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau at 566-0973.
Erika Ritter will be phone-in guest on CBC Radio's Maritime Noon on Tuesday, April 16, to discuss our inconsistent attitudes and behaviours with animals.
Ritter, author of The Dog by the Cradle, the Serpent Beneath: Some Paradoxes of Human-Animal Relationships, among many other works(, will be writer in residence with the UPEI English department in the fall of 2013.
Horsemeat in the burgers?
Tune in on Tuesday to hear Erika Ritter and those who call in to CBC to discuss human-animal relationships.
This is a reminder that in order to accommodate changes to software installed on computers in the student computer labs for the new school year (fall semester), we must receive requests including any installation media (CD’s, DVD’s, etc.) and any related licensing information such as serial numbers before June 1, 2013. ** NOTE: Software should be Windows 7 compatible. Email all requests to Any requests received after June 1 will be applied in the next round of software updates. All software installations are required to be licensed as network installations and not single workstations only.
For more information and software currently installed in the student labs, please click on the link below.
Thank you
ATTENTION: The information found at the end of this notice was missing from the original campus notice that went out last week.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write,
UPEI's faculty writers' retreat.
When: Monday, May 20 to Friday, May 24.
Where: Stanley Bridge Resort
Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights' accommodation, meals
and snacks
Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data-collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to
the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing.
The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any department/faculty/school.
We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about Time to Write. Please contact Dave Atkinson, Research Communications Officer, 620-5117. For more information, including a
link to the online registration form, visit
Campus telephone service will be disrupted between 6 and 9 pm, Tuesday, April 16 to facilitate upgrades to the equipment. The campus voice-mail system will not be functional during this time; also, a couple 2- to 3-minute outages will cause all telephone service to be non-functional during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns about services in your area, contact Procurement Services 566-0424 or
Peggy Court
Procurement Services
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition will be on Wednesday, April 17 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines:
-be emailed to Sheila Kerry at
-sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document
-no longer than 250 words
The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendments)is Friday, May 3 for the May meeting.
Ensure you always download the current forms from and use Adobe Reader to complete forms. Only current forms will be accepted.
Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.
∙ Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
∙ Submit an electronic copy to
Protocol submissions received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month.
For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau at 566-0973.
Erika Ritter will be phone-in guest on CBC Radio's Maritime Noon on Tuesday, April 16, to discuss our inconsistent attitudes and behaviours with animals.
Ritter, author of The Dog by the Cradle, the Serpent Beneath: Some Paradoxes of Human-Animal Relationships, among many other works(, will be writer in residence with the UPEI English department in the fall of 2013.
Horsemeat in the burgers?
Tune in on Tuesday to hear Erika Ritter and those who call in to CBC to discuss human-animal relationships.