A chronological list of UPEI media releases. Enter keywords in the "search" box to find applicable releases.
Media Releases
UPEI recently held a ceremony to recognize the recipients of the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards and the 2018 Inspiring Young Alumni Awards.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the release of two juvenile bald eagles by the Atlantic Veterinary College’s Wildlife Service on Saturday, October 13, at 2 p.m., at Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project in Orwell, P.E.I. Prior to the release of the eagles, there will be a Mi’kmaq smudging ceremony and drumming.
The University of Prince Edward Island has aligned functional areas that are related to student affairs and the recruitment/registration process.
The University of Prince Edward Island held its nineteenth annual Recognition of Founders ceremony on Friday, September 28, today in Don and Marion McDougall Hall to acknowledge those who have contributed to the University in a significant way.
Congratulations to Amanda Stanyer and Kameron Kielly, the UPEI Panther Subway Athletes of the Week for September 24–30.
The results from a large national research project led by the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group (HALO) at the CHEO Research Institute shows that about two-thirds of Canadian children haven’t achieved an acceptable level of physical literacy.
The Honourable Catherine Callbeck will be installed as the ninth Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island on Saturday, September 29. Dr. Callbeck is a retired business leader and senator, and former premier of the province of Prince Edward Island. The native of Central Bedeque, PEI, was unanimously elected to the volunteer position earlier this year by UPEI’s Board of Governors.
Calling all UPEI alumni! It’s time to suit up in your finest UPEI swag and come back to cheer on your Panthers for Homecoming 2018.
Congratulations to Sophie Carragher and Ignacio Sanchez, the UPEI Panther Subway Athletes of the Week for September 17–23.
The Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) announced the recipients of its region awards for excellence in teaching and education leadership. Among the honourees was Dr. Greg Doran, chair and associate professor of English at UPEI and coordinator of UPEI’s theatre studies program.