UPEI School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences holds Pi Day celebration

The UPEI School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (SMCS) held a “Pi Day” celebration on March 14, 2023. There was a good turnout of students and faculty for the celebration, which included pie eating, dressing up in math-related attire, math trivia, and the featured event—the annual SMCS Integration Tournament.

Supports, Activities, and Events for UPEI Students during the labour disruption

The following message was issued to UPEI students via their University email accounts on March 20, on behalf of UPEI Student Affairs.

Hello UPEI Students,

With the commencement of the faculty strike, we are reaching out to ensure that you know we are open for service and are here to support you. It’s also important to know that during a faculty strike, the University will remain open, and students are welcome on campus.

Soup for the Soul

The Chaplaincy Centre invites you to come for Soup for the Soul, hosted by the staff of the Robertson Library. Come enjoy a tasty bowl of soup—black bean and lentils, and broccoli cheddar—with a dinner roll and fresh fruit!

UPEI virtual information session: Tips on how to prepare a strong study permit/visa application 

Welcome to UPEI! Now that you have been accepted, what are the next steps? Join our team of international advisers and recruiters for top tips on how to prepare your study permit applications! 

Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84631232173?pwd=UERTT0RCYktqOGFTYm9vcW9icmlIZz09

Meeting ID: 846 3123 2173

Passcode: 841509