Update about UPEI Faculty of Medicine held on January 13
Dr. Greg Keefe, UPEI’s interim President and Vice-Chancellor, delivered a presentation to approximately 75 people on January 13, 2023, updating them on the progress of the development of the UPEI Faculty of Medicine, the joint doctor of medicine degree with Memorial University, and the new building being built at the north end of campus that will house the new faculty.
Residence Services virtual information session for prospective students!
Bell Let's Talk Booth – W.A. Murphy Student Centre
Drop by the Bell Let’s Talk Booth in the concourse of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre anytime from 11:00 am–4:00 pm to pick up your thought bubble to share a message, hashtag, or resource to help contribute to the mental health conversation! Markers and tape will be provided, and you are invited to hang your bubble. And don't forget to pick up your free reusable bag and toque!
Bell Let’s Talk Booth – Robertson Library
The UPEI Robertson Library is excited to participate once again in the Bell Let's Talk campaign. Drop by our information table from 11:00 am–1:00 pm in the Main Foyer of Robertson Library for resources and information on mental health.
Fill out a Bell Let’s Talk thought bubble, and receive a FREE Bell Let’s Talk toque or reusable bag! Looking for de-stress and wellness ideas? Check out these Library resources to help relieve stress and distract from daily life.
UPEISU Mental Health Check-In – Bell Let's Talk
The UPEI Student Union is hosting a Mental Health Check-In on Wednesday, January 25 from 3:00 pm–4:00 pm in the Concourse, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Stop by on your way to class and take a moment to check in and reflect on your mental health. We will have free mental health resources and stress management kits (limited supply), and the UPEISU Student Wellness Coordinator will be there to talk with. We look forward to seeing you!
$8 Lunch in support of Bell Let's Talk Day
Chartwells is excited to host an $8 Lunch in support of Bell Let’s Talk on Wednesday, January 25, from 11:00 am–4:00 pm in Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall. All are welcome!
CMHA-PEI is here to help - Bell Let's Talk
The Canadian Mental Health Association, PEI (CMHA-PEI) Division is here to offer support for those living with mental illness, as well as help with navigation of community resources.
Representatives from CMHA-PEI's Peer Support, as well as Community Education offices will be set up in the concourse of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre from 11:00 am–1:00 pm on Bell Let's Talk Day to talk with students about mental health and how CMHA can help year-round.
We hope to see you on Bell Let’s Talk Day!
PsyD Students Supporting Students – Bell Let's Talk
UPEI Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) Students invite you to stop by our information tables in the concourse of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre from 11:00 am–1;00 pm to learn how we are supporting UPEI students.
Soup for the Soul - Bell Let's Talk
Hosted by the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre, enjoy a free bowl of soup and friendly atmosphere at Soup for the Soul! Join us at the Chaplaincy Centre on January 24, 11:30 am–1:00 pm for soup, bread, and conversation. Bring a friend or make a new one!
UPEI Panthers this Week (January 23–29)
The UPEI Panthers hockey and basketball teams are looking forward to a full week of games between January 23–29.
Wednesday, January 25:
7:00 pm: The UPEI Women’s Hockey Panthers (14-6-1) are away in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, to play against the St. Francis Xavier University X-Women (14-4-3). The two teams faced each other on January 21 with the Panthers earning a 3-2 overtime win. The Panthers are 2-1 against the X-Women this season.
Thursday, January 26: