Teaching Dossiers for Teaching or Educational Leadership Awards

Have you been nominated for a teaching or educational leadership award? Join Dr. Shannon Murray on Friday, February 3, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm (snow date February 10) to talk about all things related to preparing a dossier that showcases your teaching and educational leadership. If you are a sessional instructor and don't have a teaching dossier, check out the many resources available through the Academic Instructional Skills Program on Moodle to help you get started.

Lunch and Learn--Professional Identity Formation: Integration into Veterinary Curricula

Professional identity formation is occurring, intentionally or unintentionally, as one enters a profession. Understanding the process involved with professional identity formation is beneficial for educators to allow for the incorporation of activities in the curriculum to assist with this developmental process in students. Following a 20-minute presentation on this topic, there will be an opportunity for discussion with colleagues interested in issues around professional identity formation in various professional programs on campus. Join Dr.