Equine Emergencies: First Aid for Horses
Horses need first aid care just like people. Equine Emergencies offers horse owners an opportunity to learn the proper treatment of equine ailments in emergency situations. Dr. Erica Koch, Assistant Professor in AVC's Ambulatory Equine Services, will present information on monitoring a horse's vital signs, wound and injury treatment and administering medications. Recognizing when to call a veterinarian and must-have items for a first aid kit will also be discussed. Everyone is welcome. Part of AVC's Community Workshop Series.
Equine Emergencies: First Aid for Horses
Horses need first aid care just like people. Equine Emergencies offers horse owners an opportunity to learn the proper treatment of equine ailments in emergency situations. Dr. Erica Koch, Assistant Professor in AVC's Ambulatory Equine Services, will present information on monitoring a horse's vital signs, wound and injury treatment, and administering medications. Recognizing when to call a veterinarian and must-have items for a first aid kit will also be discussed. Everyone is welcome. Part of the AVC Community Workshop Series.
UPEI Research Breakfast
The twenty fifth Research Breakfast will take place on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at The Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Georgian Room, from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. It will feature presentations from two of our faculty members: Dr. Mark Fast, Novartis Research Chair in Fish Health, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology & Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will present “Trying to Stop Sea Lice From Partying Like Its 1999”. Dr. Khym Goslin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education will present “Instructional Leadership for the 21at Century Changes in Teaching and Schooling”.
Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
SPEAKER: Ben Perry, Department of Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Investigating Chinese Herbal Extracts as Potential Anti-Obesity Therapeutics.
SPEAKER: Sarah Jones, Department of Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Dose-Response Curves of Morphine in Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss.)
UPEI Recreation Office Open House
Enjoy apple cidar, hot chocolate, cookies and candy canes. Lots of door prizes including draws for memberships and gift certificates. Come find out all about our Recreational Programs. Wednesday, December 15 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
Official Launch of UPEI School of Nursing and Department of Family & Nutritional Sciences Capital Campaign
UPEI is pleased to invite all students, faculty and staff, retirees, alumni, friends and interested members of the public to attend the official launch of the School of Nursing and Family & Nutritional Sciences Capital Campaign on Friday, December 17 at 11:00 am in the Concourse of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
There will be gift announcements, and displays of the building interiors and student projects at this event. A reception for all attending will follow in the Credit Unions of PEI Day Lounge.
For further information, please contact Linda Callaghan at 566-0415 or lmcallaghan@upei.ca
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th!
Men's Hockey vs. DAL
Men's Hockey exhibition game vs. DAL
UPEI Annual New Year's Levee
H. Wade MacLauchlan, UPEI President and Vice-Chancellor, and Perlene Morrison, UPEI Alumni Association President, invite all alumni, staff, faculty and friends to our New Year’s Levee.
The Levee takes place on Saturday, January 1, 2010, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, at Schurman Market Square in Don and Marion McDougall Hall.
Special Guest Dr. Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz, UPEI President-designate.
UPEI's Annual Christmas Social
You are cordially invited to UPEI's Annual Christmas Social. It's a time for faculty, staff, retirees, and family to mingle and wish each other the best of the season.
Thursday, December 16
3:00-4:30 pm
in the AVC Learning Commons
Donations for the UPEI Food Bank will be accepted at the door.
Celebrate our UPEI community as the Academic Support Group Staff Achievement Award is presented.
Super Saturday!
Super Saturday break!