Campus Notices
Ethics protocols that involve ‘more than minimal risk’ must be reviewed by the full UPEI Research Ethics Board (REB). The REB does not usually meet during July or August so protocols involving ‘more than minimal risk’ that are submitted in July and August will be held until September for review at the September 2019 meeting. Researchers should contact the Compliance Coordinator if an earlier review is required.
Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve ‘more than minimal risk’, renewals, and amendments may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received.
Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete forms.
Submit the following:
- one hard copy of the signed application form and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
- one e-copy of all documents to
For more information, please contact Joy Knight (Compliance Coordinator) at 620-5104 or
The next deadline for submitting Biosafety applications including new applications, renewals and/or amendments is Friday July 26, 2019. These applications will be reviewed at the August 2019 meeting.
Please ensure that you use the new electronic forms available at
Submit the following:
- one hard copy of the application form with signatures and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
- one e-copy of all documents to
Please note that applications received after this deadline will be reviewed at the September 2019 meeting. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or
Join us for another reading and discussion session on indigenizing and decolonizing the university, organized by the FDO and the IEAC faculty development group! This time we'll be reading an article by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, entitled "Decolonization is not a Metaphor" — found online at: Since it's a fairly long piece, we're suggesting reading up to page 28 — but of course, feel free to read the whole thing! We'll meet on Thursday, July 18, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge. This has been a really great series so far; grab a colleague and come join the always dynamic conversation!
The elevator in the SDU Main Building will be shutdown for approximately four (4) weeks beginning Monday, July 15th. This shutdown is necessary to complete a modernization of the elevator, including an updated control system as well as a new cab shell and flooring.
While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we proceed with this renovation project that will enhance the facility.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034,
The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendment) is Friday, August 2 for the August meeting.
Ensure you download the current forms and use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms (only current forms will be accepted). To view any UPEI ACC SOPs and Codes of Practice, they can be accessed through myUPEI at
Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.
- Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - North Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
- Submit an electronic copy to
Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.
For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Administrative Assistant at 902-566-0973.
The monthly UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held Friday July 12, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm pm in the "fishbowl" conference room of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). All faculty, staff and students with an interest in neuroscience research are very welcome. For a copy of the paper to be discussed please contact Brandon Smith ( or Andy Tasker (
Please be advised that effective immediately the new general inquiries email address for the Faculty of Arts is
The upcoming Mental Health First Aid training with James Reddin has a few spots still available.
The dates are July 18 and 23, 2019. Participants must attend both days of the training. The sessions are all day. The location and hours will be released prior to the training.
If you wish to participate email Molly S. at as soon as possible to register.
The University is midway through a year-long celebration to recognize its fiftieth anniversary. As we reflect on UPEI's past and significant contributions over the past 50 years, we also want to take the opportunity to engage with the community and look to the exciting possibilities ahead.
The 50th Anniversary Working Group thought one fun way to do this, as well as highlight our special year, was to have a 50th anniversary float constructed and enter several summertime parades across the province. UPEI will be in Summerside (Lobster Carnival) on July 13, Georgetown on July 20, Tyne Valley (Oyster Festival) on August 3, and in Charlottetown (Gold Cup) on August 16. UPEI will also participate in the PEI Pride parade.
UPEI’s float focuses on our iconic quadrangle and SDU Main Building, the oldest building on campus. But in addition to having this great design, we need your help! We would like to invite all members of the UPEI community, from young to old, and, in particular, past, present, and future students to participate by riding on the float (we expect to be able to accommodate 10-12 people per parade). If you, your family, colleagues, alumni and friends would like to volunteer or to learn more, please email
If you can't participate, keep an eye out for and cheer on UPEI's parade float this summer, and visit for more information on upcoming events.
Human Resources developed a new online Employee and Spouse/Dependent Tuition Waiver fillable form. These forms can be found on the main page of MyUPEI under UPEI Forms as well as on the Human Resources portal under Professional Development. In order to have the tuition waiver reflect your account prior to the tuition deadline, please submit all Fall 2019 Tuition Waivers via the online form no later than August 26, 2019. Please be advised Human Resources will no longer accept printed waiver forms.
If you have any questions please contact Kellie Nicholson at: 902-566-0514 or
Nimbus Publishing’s new edition of Imagining Anne: The Island Scrapbooks of L.M. Montgomery will be launched on July 25, from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm in the Robertson Library at the University of Prince Edward Island. The book is compiled and edited by Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Epperly, past-president of UPEI and founder of the L.M. Montgomery Institute (LMMI), who will speak about the book and sign copies. Montgomery treasures, from the LMMI and Robertson Library, will be on display. All are welcome.
At noon on August 2, Dr Jean Philippe Chaput of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and University of Ottawa will be presenting on the importance of of a "whole day" approach to health promotion. Dr Chaput will explore the role of sleep, screen time, physical activity and diet in promoting health and wellness. The presentation will take place from noon-1pm on August 2 in Health Science Building 105. To attend, please RSVP before July 19 by clicking here.
The upcoming Mental Health First Aid training with James Reddin has a few spots still available.
The dates are July 18 and 23, 2019. Participants must attend both days of the training. The sessions are all day. The location and hours will be released prior to the training.
If you wish to participate email Molly S. at as soon as possible to register.
Join us for another reading and discussion session on indigenizing and decolonizing the university, organized by the FDO and the IEAC faculty development group! This time we'll be reading an article by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, entitled "Decolonization is not a Metaphor" — found online at: Since it's a fairly long piece, we're suggesting reading up to page 28 — but of course, feel free to read the whole thing! We'll meet on Thursday, July 18, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge. This has been a really great series so far; grab a colleague and come join the always dynamic conversation!
The University is midway through a year-long celebration to recognize its fiftieth anniversary. As we reflect on UPEI's past and significant contributions over the past 50 years, we also want to take the opportunity to engage with the community and look to the exciting possibilities ahead.
The 50th Anniversary Working Group thought one fun way to do this, as well as highlight our special year, was to have a 50th anniversary float constructed and enter several summertime parades across the province. UPEI will be in Summerside (Lobster Carnival) on July 13, Georgetown on July 20, Tyne Valley (Oyster Festival) on August 3, and in Charlottetown (Gold Cup) on August 16. UPEI will also participate in the PEI Pride parade.
UPEI’s float focuses on our iconic quadrangle and SDU Main Building, the oldest building on campus. But in addition to having this great design, we need your help! We would like to invite all members of the UPEI community, from young to old, and, in particular, past, present, and future students to participate by riding on the float (we expect to be able to accommodate 10-12 people per parade). If you, your family, colleagues, alumni and friends would like to volunteer or to learn more, please email
If you can't participate, keep an eye out for and cheer on UPEI's parade float this summer, and visit for more information on upcoming events.
The elevator in the SDU Main Building will be shutdown for approximately four (4) weeks beginning Monday, July 15th. This shutdown is necessary to complete a modernization of the elevator, including an updated control system as well as a new cab shell and flooring.
While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we proceed with this renovation project that will enhance the facility.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034,
The SJDAWC has additional funding available for 2019 for a domestic masters student ($51,600 over 2 years). Applications from doctoral or international (masters or doctoral) students will be considered as well if stipend funding above this amount is available from other documented sources (ie. support from the proposed supervisor). (Please note that the University does not allow graduate students to begin their program unless all funding is secured.)
The Scholarship will support the training of researchers to pursue animal welfare research at the University of Prince Edward Island. Both applied or more fundamental approaches to research pertaining to animal welfare are
Application deadline: Wednesday, July 24, 2019, with decisions to be announced by mid-August. Students may take up their award at any time of the year but must do so within 12 months of the date of the letter of offer.
Application info:
Please note: All potential graduate students must identify a graduate faculty member willing to supervise the student should the application be successful.
This must be included with the application.
ITSS will be performing maintenance on the UPEI Firewall on July 13, which will result in some intermittent internet service entering/leaving the UPEI network during the hours of 10 am to 12 noon on July 13, 2019.
If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact ITSS at or 902-566-0465.
Annual Fire Alarm Inspections
Troy Life & Fire Safety will be performing the annual fire alarm inspections throughout campus beginning Monday, July 8, 2019. As part of these inspections, there will be testing of alarms. There will be an audible notification stating this is a test at the beginning of testing and again when the testing is completed. The building occupants are not required to evacuate during the testing period. The ringing of alarms is required to test their function and to ensure the speakers work throughout the building. This will be a small portion (up to 2 hours) of the total time they are in the building.
Memorial Hall – July 8
Chaplaincy Centre – July 8
Duffy Science Centre – July 9
School of Sustainable Engineering Building –July 10
Don and Marion McDougall Hall – July 11 - 12
Alumni Canada Games Place – July 12
Health Sciences Building – July 15
K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre – July 15
Steel Building – July 16
Chi Wan Young Sports Centre – July 17
Daycare Building – July 17
Regis & Joan Duffy Research Centre – July 18
W.A. Murphy Student Centre –July 19
Cass Science Hall – July 22
SD Main Building – July 22
AVC Rodent Facility – July 22
Robertson Library – July 23 –24
Kelley Memorial Building – July 24
Central Utility Building – July 25 - 26
618 University Avenue – July 26
Atlantic Veterinary College – July 29 – August 2
Tunnel System – August 5
Bill & Denise Andrew Hall – August 19 -20
Bernardine Hall – August 21
Blanchard Hall – August 22
Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall – August 23
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jackie MacPhail at or 6034.
The University is midway through a year-long celebration to recognize its fiftieth anniversary. As we reflect on UPEI's past and significant contributions over the past 50 years, we also want to take the opportunity to engage with the community and look to the exciting possibilities ahead.
The 50th Anniversary Working Group thought one fun way to do this, as well as highlight our special year, was to have a 50th anniversary float constructed and enter several summertime parades across the province. UPEI will be in Summerside (Lobster Carnival) on July 13, Georgetown on July 20, Tyne Valley (Oyster Festival) on August 3, and in Charlottetown (Gold Cup) on August 16. UPEI will also participate in the PEI Pride parade.
UPEI’s float focuses on our iconic quadrangle and SDU Main Building, the oldest building on campus. But in addition to having this great design, we need your help! We would like to invite all members of the UPEI community, from young to old, and, in particular, past, present, and future students to participate by riding on the float (we expect to be able to accommodate 10-12 people per parade). If you, your family, colleagues, alumni and friends would like to volunteer or to learn more, please email
If you can't participate, keep an eye out for and cheer on UPEI's parade float this summer, and visit for more information on upcoming events.