Campus Notices
Please note that UPEIFA Professional Officer Heather Penny's email address will be decommissioned effective July 5th, 2019.
Heather's new email address is and she can be reached by this email address effective immediately.
Please ensure that you update your contact information for our UPEIFA
The National Injury Prevention Day was founded by Parachute Canada (a non-profit organization) on July 5, 2017. The resolve of this charity is for Canada to be free of serious injuries.
Did you know that injuries…
1. Are the leading cause of death for Canadians between the ages of 1 to 44;
2. Cost the Canadian economy $27 billion per year;
3. Result in 3.5 million emergency room visits per year; and
4. Every nine hours, on average a child dies. Preventable injury kills more Canadian children than any single disease, and more youth than all other causes combined.
Workplace injury statistics from 2016 include…1. 951 workplace deaths including 23 young workers from 15–24 years of age;
2. 241,508 Workers Compensation lost time claims were filed;
3. 54,589 lost time claims involved workers from 15-34 years of age;
4. 138,466 lost time claims involved workers from 35-59 years of age;
5. 55,036 lost time claims involved contact with objects and equipment;
6. 45,344 lost time claims involved falls; and
7. 94,892 lost time claims involved bodily reaction and exertion type injuries.
The most important questions workers must ask to prevent workplace injuries
• Do I have the necessary training to complete the job safely?
• Do I have the necessary tools, equipment, materials and resources to
complete the job safely?
• Do I have enough time to complete the job safely?
If the answer is no or I don’t know then, STOP and inform your employer/supervisor.
To prevent injuries we must change our attitudes and environments. The most effective place to start is through education, training and awareness.
Charlottetown will support the National Injury Prevention Day by lighting up the Charlottetown City Hall in ‘Parachute green’ on July 5, 2019.
Annual Fire Alarm Inspections
Troy Life & Fire Safety will be performing the annual fire alarm inspections throughout campus beginning Monday, July 8, 2019. As part of these inspections, there will be testing of alarms. There will be an audible notification stating this is a test at the beginning of testing and again when the testing is completed. The building occupants are not required to evacuate during the testing period. The ringing of alarms is required to test their function and to ensure the speakers work throughout the building. This will be a small portion (up to 2 hours) of the total time they are in the building.
Memorial Hall – July 8
Chaplaincy Centre – July 8
Duffy Science Centre – July 9
School of Sustainable Engineering Building –July 10
Don and Marion McDougall Hall – July 11 - 12
Alumni Canada Games Place – July 12
Health Sciences Building – July 15
K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre – July 15
Steel Building – July 16
Chi Wan Young Sports Centre – July 17
Daycare Building – July 17
Regis & Joan Duffy Research Centre – July 18
W.A. Murphy Student Centre –July 19
Cass Science Hall – July 22
SD Main Building – July 22
AVC Rodent Facility – July 22
Robertson Library – July 23 –24
Kelley Memorial Building – July 24
Central Utility Building – July 25 - 26
618 University Avenue – July 26
Atlantic Veterinary College – July 29 – August 2
Tunnel System – August 5
Bill & Denise Andrew Hall – August 19 -20
Bernardine Hall – August 21
Blanchard Hall – August 22
Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall – August 23
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jackie MacPhail at or 6034.
Human Resources developed a new online Employee and Spouse/Dependent Tuition Waiver fillable form. These forms can be found on the main page of MyUPEI under UPEI Forms as well as on the Human Resources portal under Professional Development. In order to have the tuition waiver reflect your account prior to the tuition deadline, please submit all Fall 2019 Tuition Waivers via the online form no later than August 26, 2019. Please be advised Human Resources will no longer accept printed waiver forms.
If you have any questions please contact Kellie Nicholson at: 902-566-0514 or
The SJDAWC has additional funding available for 2019 for a domestic masters student ($51,600 over 2 years). Applications from doctoral or international (masters or doctoral) students will be considered as well if stipend funding above this amount is available from other documented sources (ie. support from the proposed supervisor). (Please note that the University does not allow graduate students to begin their program unless all funding is secured.)
The Scholarship will support the training of researchers to pursue animal welfare research at the University of Prince Edward Island. Both applied or more fundamental approaches to research pertaining to animal welfare are
Application deadline: Wednesday, July 24, 2019, with decisions to be announced by mid-August. Students may take up their award at any time of the year but must do so within 12 months of the date of the letter of offer.
Application info:
Please note: All potential graduate students must identify a graduate faculty member willing to supervise the student should the application be successful.
This must be included with the application.
Starting Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019, the AVC Cafe will be closing at 2:30 pm, Monday - Friday instead of its regular closing time at 3:00 pm.
We thank you for cooperation!
The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, will announce funding to support a climate change adaptation initiative in Prince Edward Island, and that will be delivered in partnership with the UPEI Climate Lab. Minister MacAulay will be joined by Sean Casey, Member of Parliament for Charlottetown and the Honourable Bradley Trivers, Minister Minister of Environment, Water and Climate Change.
Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Time: 10 am
Where: Don and Marion McDougall Hall, Schurman Market Square, University of Prince Edward Island
To ensure that the most accurate and up to date information is submitted for online tuition waivers, Human Resources will be adhering to the following submission timeline for online Employee and Spouse/Dependent Tuition Waiver forms:
Fall semester – no earlier than August 1st
Winter semester – no earlier than December 1st
Summer semester – no earlier than April 1st
For any Forms submitted prior to these dates, the Staff/Faculty member will be notified and requested to resubmit their form following the above noted submission timeline.
The elevator in the SDU Main Building will be shutdown for approximately four (4) weeks beginning Monday, July 15th. This shutdown is necessary to complete a modernization of the elevator, including an updated control system as well as a new cab shell and flooring.
While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we proceed with this renovation project that will enhance the facility.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034,
Central Printing will be closed all day, Tuesday, July 2, 2019. Please contact Wendy Henderson at
Please note that UPEIFA Professional Officer Heather Penny's email address will be decommissioned effective July 5th, 2019.
Heather's new email address is and she can be reached by this email address effective immediately.
Please ensure that you update your contact information for our UPEIFA
Starting Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019, the AVC Cafe will be closing at 2:30 pm, Monday - Friday instead of its regular closing time at 3:00 pm.
We thank you for cooperation!
The Department of Physics invites the campus community and members of the public to view the Sun through a solar telescope. The telescope will be set up outside the FSDE Building main entrance. Drop by to see the features of the Sun safely and learn about our nearest star. Viewings will be held every second Wednesday, 12:30-1:30pm, with the next viewing being July 3 (weather dependent). For a full list of viewing dates and to find updates about the event status related to weather, visit our website at
Let the campus community know about your upcoming event! Submit it to the UPEI Events Calendar for all to see and to Campus Notices—our daily dispatch of the news you need at UPEI!
Submitting your event is easy. Just visit You will be asked to log in with your UPEI username and password (the same one you use for your email).
Questions? Contact Marketing and Communications at
All are welcome to attend this research presentation on this Friday, June 28 from 9:30 to 10:30 at McDougall Hall, Room 328
Abstract: In this talk we review mathematical models of cancer evolution. Mutation and selection events in an “undated” evolutionary process create a dynamics that leads to different stages of tumor progression. The models are examples of the quasi-species and replicator equation framed for cancer evolution in the presence of genetic and epigenetic heterogeneities. We address the problem of drug resistance in the context of cancer evolution at the end of the talk.
The Wanda Wyatt will be open for breakfast only (8am - 9am) on Friday, June 28th, 2019. We thank you for your cooperation!
Hope Nestor will present her thesis entitled: “The Successful Transitions Initiative: Youth Skills Development Programming and How At-risk High School Participants Report Impact to Academic Success and Dropout Outcomes”.
People who fail to attain a high school education face a multitude of risk factors associated with health, employment, crime, substance abuse, and their personal lives. The Successful Transitions Initiative on Prince Edward Island, a unique program targeting youth at-risk of dropping out of high school, teaches the youth basic skills in hopes of improving their academic outcomes. Skills development programs with similar mandates and curriculum are growing in popularity across Canada. It is important that the impact of these programs be understood to ensure they are affecting the participants positively and to improve program delivery. A case study was completed to understand the impact of the Successful Transitions Initiative. Pre and post-test survey data and post intervention focus group data were analysed to measure the 2017 Successful Transitions Initiative participant reported outcomes of the program. The participants reported improved communication skills, pride and a sense of accomplishment, higher levels of self-confidence, self-actualization, internal locus of control, increased school engagement, and newly formed positive relationships. The Successful Transitions Initiative case study also revealed trends that support a relationship between the magnitude and the longevity of the effect. Limitations of this study unearthed recommendations for future research.
This event is Monday, June 24 at noon in HSB 226.
Dr. Arnold Schumann, adjunct candidate, will present a special summer research seminar, titled “Machine Vision and Learning for Precision Agriculture”
The presentation will describe what machine vision using deep learning is, and how a new suite of camera-sensor applications based on this technology can improve crop production systems.
This session will be Monday, June 24 at 10:30 am, in room FSDE 205
All are welcome to attend.
June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day for all Canadians to recognize & celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, & outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit & Métis peoples in Canada.
Come visit our display in the lobby of the Robertson Library and check out our selected resources written by and about Canada's Indigenous peoples.
Another event in the 'indigenizing and decolonizing the university' discussion series! The Faculty Development Office and the Indigenous Education Advisory Circle faculty development group invite all who are interested to another discussion in our ongoing reading group on Tuesday, June 25, 12:00-1:00 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge. This time we have two short articles for everyone to read and discuss:
1) Pam Palmater, "Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Universities and Colleges" -
2) Sharon Stein, "So you want to decolonize higher education? Necessary conversations for non-Indigenous people"
Grab a colleague and come join the conversation!