Campus Notices
On Wednesday, January 30 in the LINC classroom, room 265 in the Robertson Library from 12:30 - 1:30 (Storm date of February 1, 2019, 11:30-12:30 pm) there will be an information session given by the Federal Public Service Commission, HR advisor, Rena Gagnon.
This presentation will be approximately 30-45 minutes, ending with questions. She will guide the application process for the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) including how to create an account, apply and resume content/format.
For further information, contact Kylah Hennessey at or 902-620-5088.
Dr. Xavier Ottenwaelder from Concordia University will be giving an information session on Concordia University's Graduate School. This will be followed by a pizza lunch in the Chemistry Student Lounge. All are welcome to attend. This event is today at 12:30 pm in room 104 of the KC Irving Chemistry Centre.
The ACLC Workshop: The Insight Approach to Communication and Conflict, will take place Friday 1st February from 6-9pm and Saturday 2nd February from 9am - 5pm, in Andrew Hall 142, and will be led by Dr. Cheryl Picard. There is no charge for this workshop and Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Dr. Picard comes to us from Carleton University where she is Professor Emeritus and where she founded the Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution, the Centre for Conflict Education and Research, and the Mediation Centre.
Dr. Picard is a leading scholar and practitioner in the skills of mediation and conflict resolution, and she is the founder of the insight approach, a learning-centered method of mediation which will be the subject of the workshop.
In this workshop, students will learn: 1) new ways of thinking about difficult and conflictual interpersonal and group relations 2) how to deepen the learning conversation by listening to understand and asking about interpretation, meaning- making, feelings and values, 3) how to link, delink and verify insights, and 4) to advance their existing communication and leadership skills and develop new ones.
This is a great opportunity for students to learn from someone with training in criminology and social work, and to get better connected to some of the people in these fields.
To register for this event please contact Phoebe Murphy -
The UPEIFA’s Hessian Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching Committee is currently calling for nominations for this award.
For information on Guidelines and to obtain the Nomination Forms, please visit the UPEI Faculty Association Website at
Nominations must be made collaboratively by three or more sponsors & should be sent ELECTRONICALLY by noon Friday, February 15th, 2019 to the Faculty Association Office
Safe Surfing
If you're shopping online, paying a bill, or about to enter any sensitive or personal information, please make sure you can see a little padlock symbol in your browser bar. This symbol indicates the website you're using is safe and information you enter will be treated in a secure way. If you click on the padlock symbol it'll give you the certificate information for the website. Remember, the padlock should be in the browser bar, not on the website itself.
The UPEI Multicultural Choir meets Wednesdays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI's SDU Main Building. All are welcome - students, staff, and faculty. No past experience is required. Share your voices and culture, meet new friends, relax, have fun, and sing. Contact Justin Amador ( or Joy Nnadi ( for more information.
Do you want to discuss what equity and inclusion can mean in our everyday behaviours and interactions? Want to think with others about meanings and applications of these huge concepts? Join the Faculty of Arts Equity and Inclusion group online discussion series! Every Monday morning, starting January 28 until the end of the semester, a new short article will be posted on the website at Read, comment, reply, start the conversation with others thinking about these topics! And stay tuned for in-person discussions coming later this semester too! For more information, contact Ann Braithwaite at
Everyone is welcome. This event is Wednesday, January 30 at noon in room 212 of the Faculty of Sustainble Design Engineering building.
On Wednesday, January 30 in the LINC classroom, room 265 in the Robertson Library from 12:30 - 1:30 pm (Storm date of February 1, 2019, 11:30-12:30 pm) there will be an information session given by the Federal Public Service Commission, HR advisor, Rena Gagnon.
This presentation will be approximately 30-45 minutes, ending with questions. She will guide the application process for the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) including how to create an account, apply and resume content/format.
For further information, contact Kylah Hennessey at or 902-620-5088.
UPEI Mental Health Week 2019 is a five-day event jam-packed with a variety of events and sessions for all members of our UPEI community. Connect with friends and colleagues—relationships matter! Here’s a snapshot of the great activities taking place Tuesday, January 29:
- Info Booth & Build a Quilt, Monday–Friday: W. A. Murphy Student Centre (MSC) Concourse, 10:00 am–3:00 pm
- Info Booth & Counselling FAQs, Monday–Friday: 10:00 am–3:00pm, Robertson Library Breezeway, Dalton Hall Foyer and AVC Foyer
- Zen Zone, Monday–Friday: 10:00 am–3:00 pm, W. A. Murphy Student Centre Day Lounge
- Happiness - A Journey or A Destination? Presented by Morneau Shepell, 12:00–1:00 pm, Robertson Library 208
- Karma Yoga, 12:10–12:55 pm, Chaplaincy Centre
- Social Media’s Influence on Our Mental Health—Presented by CMHA-PEI, 2:30–3:30 pm, Fox & Crow
View the full UPEI Mental Health Week 2019 schedule for detailed event descriptions.
2019 Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Graduate Scholarship
Deadline: noon, Friday, Feb. 22, 2019
The SJDAWC is calling for applications from potential graduate students for the 2019 Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Graduate Scholarship. The Scholarship will support the training of researchers at the masters or doctoral level to pursue animal welfare research at the University of Prince Edward Island. Both applied or more fundamental approaches to research pertaining to animal welfare are welcome. Applications for 2019 will be accepted until 12pm (noon) (AST) Friday February 22, 2019, with decisions to be announced in April. Students may take up their award at any time of the year but must do so within 12 months of the date of the letter of offer.
Application info:
Please note: All potential graduate students must identify a graduate faculty member willing to supervise the student should the application be successful. This must be included with the application.
UPEI students, staff, and faculty are you up for a challenge? Test your mental abilities alongside your fellow UPEI colleagues in a problem-solving fun experience – and, you won't be marked on it!
Robertson Library is presenting an escape room in the Library’s LINC, Room 265, this semester – Museum Marauders.
You and your fellow UPEI colleagues are locked in a room! Find clues, solve puzzles, find keys, and open locks to save the missing manuscript. You have 30 minutes. Can you find the manuscript in time?
The Escape Room is limited to UPEI students, staff, and faculty and up to six participants per time. Free admission!
Come and see if you have what it takes to escape! Don’t miss out!
Wednesday, January 30 @ 5 pm & 6:30 pm
Monday, February 11 @ 5 pm & 6:30 pm
Wednesday, March 13 @ 5 pm & 6:30 pm
Sign up at
Colleen MacQuarrie and Sobia Ali-Faisal from the Department of Psychology will be facilitating a workshop on white privilege in the academy. They will be applying liberation psychological theory to:
- examine white privilege and white supremacy in the academy
- provide space for attendees to explore and navigate their emotions and thoughts around their own privilege, and
- provide time to practice strategies to challenge their white privilege.
We are holding this workshop to support UPEI's efforts at honouring the TRC recommendations and creating a safe environment for everyone. (Side note: We will also be holding a workshop for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) communities on campus on March 4th. Please keep an eye out for a notice regarding that very soon.)
When: February 4th, 1 - 3pm
Where: Andrew Hall, Room 142
For: Faculty, staff, and students
It is a free workshop and refreshments will be provided.
Please feel free to email Sobia ( or Colleen ( if you have any questions.
We would like to thank the Department of Psychology, Office of the Dean of Arts, and Office of Vice-President Academic and Research for their support of the workshop.
BlackBoard Collaborate is web conferencing software that allows instructors to do many things to engage with their students. Use BlackBoard Collaborate to record your teaching for days when your face-to-face class has been cancelled. Share your PowerPoint or use the interactive whiteboard, BlackBoard Collaborate allows you to set up a complete virtual classroom. It’s simple, easy and reliable. Offered by the E-Learning Office, you can take this workshop on one of two different dates. February 4th or March 12th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in Room 265, Robertson Library. REGISTER
Scholarships and bursaries are available. To learn more about these innovative degrees, join us on Tuesday, January 29th, from 3:00 to 4:00pm or from 6:00 to 7:00pm, in Rm. 237 of the Don and Marion McDougall Hall. For more information, contact Jim Randall, the Program Coordinator, at or 902-620-5013.
Bring your lunch and join us for "Happiness - A Journey or A Destination", Presented by Shepell Total Health Solutions
Description: An employee that is engaged and flourishing in the workplace is one that is engaged and flourishing in their personal life. Using reflections and observations on behaviour, this seminar will present ten tips for building the foundation for happiness. Participants will gain an understanding of the concept of happiness and discover attitudes that are more favourable to promoting a sense of happiness. They will also explore how negative aspects in life can contribute to their happiness. Light refreshments provided by UPEI's Department of Human Resources.
This event is today at noon in room 208 of the Robertson Library.
The Faculty Development Office is offering two afternoon workshops and consultations for anyone interested in creating or updating a teaching dossier for promotion, tenure, or teaching awards. You may attend either or both, but please register with Gerald at by January 31st at the latest. The workshops will be facilitated by Dr. Shannon Murray, and participants will have the opportunity for individual consultations in the weeks after the workshops. The two sessions are
Introducing the Teaching Dossier (1:30-3:00, Feb. 8 – MCDH 328)
After a brief introduction to the history and purpose of a teaching dossier, a panel of colleagues experienced in working with teaching dossiers will share their advice about what to do and what to avoid. The rest of the session will look at the requirements and the options for documenting your teaching practice.
Starting a Statement of Teaching Philosophy (1:30-3:00, Feb. 22 – RL 235)
A statement of teaching philosophy is an essential opening for most teaching dossiers, and it signals the central beliefs and practices that the rest of the dossier will demonstrate. This workshop will take participants through a variety of strategies for crafting an effective statement, looking at examples from across disciplines. Participants will leave with a sound basic structure for their STPs.
If your department hires students, register for the 2019 UPEI Career & Summer Job Fair! The fair invites both on and off-campus employers to set up booths at the fair to advertise current and upcoming employment positions for students and recent graduates.
The fair will take place on Wednesday, March 13th from 10:00am - 3:00pm in the W. A. Murphy Student Centre.
Registration will be open from January 28th 9:00am until February 27th 4:00pm. UPEI departments can register online here:
Any questions please email
The School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences welcomes the campus community to a public research presentation by Darryl Hill, candidate for tenure track position in Computer Science, on Wednesday, January 30th at 3:00 pm in Health Science Building, Room 106
Presentation Title: Improved Spanning and Routing Ratios of Geometric Graphs
Abstract: Geometric graphs are commonly used representations of real world networks such as roads, terrains, or cell towers. Thus path planning and autonomous navigation of these graphs are crucial problems in computer science. Spanning and routing ratios provide us two key measures of a graph's suitability for navigation. We examine some popular geometric graphs and provide improved analysis of their spanning and routing ratios, as well as efficient algorithms for navigating them. In addition we detail our ongoing and future research in this field.
All are welcome to attend.