Campus Notices

The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to the following two seminars: 

Laura Young (MSc-Human Biology): Determining the role of cellular senescence in skeletal muscle regeneration. And

Rachel Kays (MSc-Human Biology): Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, and health measures in participants of the SHAPES-PEI study. 

Everyone is welcome. The event is today at 12:30 in Duffy Science Centre, room 204.

The 5th Annual Asian Studies Lunch and Program Info Session in Celebration of the 2019 Lunar (Chinese-Korean) New Year’s Day

Wednesday, Feb. 6, 12:00–1:30 pm
(storm-day backup: Thur., Jan. 7)
SDU Main Building 201 (Faculty Lounge)

You are invited to this special lunch event. Come and socialize with our Asian Studies students, instructors, staff and supporters. We also offer a brief information session on AST program, new Korean Studies courses, student scholarship and assistantship, workshop, and international opportunity. 

A healthy East Asian lunch is provided. Students who have taken an Asian Studies course last year, are enrolled this year, or will take one this summer or fall are most welcome to attend! 

Happy New Year (again) and best wishes for 2019!

Dr. Edward Chung, Asian Studies and Korean Studies Project Director.

Special acknowledgement: This event is supported by an international Seed Program for Korean Studies grant (AKS-2017-INC-2230001) through the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service (KSPS), the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS).


Speaker: Dr. Pierre-Yves Daoust, Pathology and Microbiology
Title: A study of ringed seal health in Pond Inlet, northeastern Nunavut

This event is Tuesday, February 5 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre B.

UPEI Mental Health Week 2019 is a five-day event jam-packed with a variety of events and sessions for all members of our UPEI community. Connect with friends and colleagues—relationships matter! Here’s a snapshot of the great activities taking place Thursday, January 31:

Info Booth & Build a Quilt, Monday–Friday: W. A. Murphy Student Centre (MSC) Concourse 10:00 am–3:00 pm

Info Booth & Counselling FAQs, Monday–Friday: 10:00 am–3:00pm, Robertson Library Breezeway, Dalton Hall Foyer and AVC Foyer

Zen Zone, Monday–Friday: 10:00 am–3:00 pm, W. A. Murphy Student Centre Day Lounge

Smudge Introduction and Ceremony, 11:00–11:45 am, Chaplaincy Centre

Mental Health 101 with, 12:00–1:00 pm, SDU Main Building 310 – Repeat Session
Faculty and Staff Session: Building Bridges: Talking to Students about Mental Health issues—a  conversation with Doctor of Psychology Faculty and Staff
1:00–2:00 pm, AVC 286C N

Art & Bullet Journalling, 3:00–4:00 pm, Robertson Library 312 – Repeat Session

Out of the Blue Gala, 6:30–8:00 pm, Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall – Doors open at 6:30 pm

View the full UPEI Mental Health Week 2019 schedule for detailed event descriptions.

The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to the following two seminars: 

Laura Young (MSc-Human Biology): Determining the role of cellular senescence in skeletal muscle regeneration. And

Rachel Kays (MSc-Human Biology): Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, and health measures in participants of the SHAPES-PEI study. 

Everyone is welcome.

This event is Friday t 12:30 pm in Duffy Science Centre 204. 

Recruiting Clinical Study Participants for the following study:

Investigation of the Effects of Sedentary Behaviour and Moderate Exercise on Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Sensitivity

Are you a healthy non-smoker between the ages of 18-50? Researchers at the UPEI Department of Applied Health Sciences are seeking participants for a clinical study to investigate the effects of sedentary behaviour and moderate exercise on glucose metabolism.
You may qualify if you are:
- healthy
- a non-smoker
- not diabetic
- not pregnant
- aged 18-50 years
This research project has received approval from the UPEI Research Ethics Boards. If you have any concerns about this study, please contact the University of PEI Research Ethics Board (902) 620-5104, or by e-mail at You can also contact the study Principal Investigators, Dr. Travis Saunders at 902-566-0641 or Dr. Adam Johnston at 902-620-5225

For full study details, or to sign-up for this study, please contact Marcellus Campbell:, or call (780) 340-5994. 

The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation invites you to participate in Together Towards Equality on Wednesday, 6 February 2019(9:00 am – 4:00 pm). As part of International Development Week, the ACIC celebrates achievements of Canadians in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals, both locally and globally.

Highlights include Prayer by Elder Dr. Judy Clark, Welcome address by Jennifer Sloot, Executive  Director, ACIC-CACI, and opening remarks by Her Honour Antoinette Perry, LG of PEI.    

Speakers are Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Dr. Ali Ahmadi, Dr. Josh MacFadyen,Ted Grant, Jane Ledwell, Jillian Kilfoil, Ouma Cuniah, Erin Mahar, Dr. Olive Bryanton, and Cassidy McKellop. They will talk about complex issues that require holistic approaches informed by diverse voices working together across sectors, disciplines, and borders.

Where: Atlantic Veterinary College Atrium (AVC 285N), UPEI

Who: Everyone is welcome. RSVP by Friday, 1 February

Free event! Lunch and snacks will be served.

The ACLC Workshop: The Insight Approach to Communication and Conflict, will take place Friday 1st February from 6-9pm and Saturday 2nd February from 9am - 5pm, in Andrew Hall 142, and will be led by Dr. Cheryl Picard. There is no charge for this workshop and Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Dr. Picard comes to us from Carleton University where she is Professor Emeritus and where she founded the Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution, the Centre for Conflict Education and Research, and the Mediation Centre.

Dr. Picard is a leading scholar and practitioner in the skills of mediation and conflict resolution, and she is the founder of the insight approach, a learning-centered method of mediation which will be the subject of the workshop. 

In this workshop, students will learn: 1) new ways of thinking about difficult and conflictual interpersonal and group relations 2) how to deepen the learning conversation by listening to understand and asking about interpretation, meaning- making, feelings and values, 3) how to link, delink and verify insights, and 4) to advance their existing communication and leadership skills and develop new ones.

This is a great opportunity for students to learn from someone with training in criminology and social work, and to get better connected to some of the people in these fields.

To register for this event please contact Phoebe Murphy -

February is Black History Month. During Black History Month, Canadians celebrate and honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present.

In recognition of Black History Month, Robertson Library and the UPEI Student Diversity Office (SDO) are presenting I Am Not Your Negro, an Oscar-nominated documentary narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. This documentary “…explores the continued peril America faces from institutionalized racism.”

Wednesday, February 6
Room 312, Upper Level
Robertson Library
5:00 pm

Everyone is welcome! Free admission!

Want to ward off those “winter blas” and to have a blast while doing so? Why not try Aqua Zumba? Aqua Zumba (aka “Pool Party”) brings new meaning to the idea of an invigorating workout. Aqua Zumba is a type of aqua exercise (in the shallow pool), incorporating Latin rhythm and dance steps. Not only is this upbeat, fun class a wonderful stress reliever, it’s a great way to burn calories—a 45-minute class burns from 300 to 500+ calories. Moreover, it’s FREE for all fulltime UPEI students (September to April)! For February, there are 5 classes a week: Monday @ 5:45 pm; Tuesday @ 8:00 pm; Thursday @ 8:00 pm, Friday @ 5:45 pm; and Sunday @ 9:30 pm. Classes are offered at the Bell Aliant Center, Charlottetown. For more information contact: or (902) 569-4584 ext 0.

Please join us on Thursday, February 7th, from 2:30-3:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge of SDU Main Building, when Dr. John Doran will facilitate a discussion of the film Trick or Treaty, dir. Alanis Obomsawin: National Film Board of Canada, 2014. The film is available through UPEI library website; please search for the title in the catalogue and watch it before the session!

The UPEIFA’s Merit Award for Outstanding Service Subcommittee is currently calling for nominations for this award. 

For information about the Award and Eligibility, please visit the UPEI Faculty Association Website at

The deadline for nominations is noon on Friday, February 15, 2019.

Nominations should be sent ELECTRONICALLY to the Faculty Association Office

The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation invites you to participate in Together Towards Equality on Wednesday, 6 February 2019(9:00 am – 4:00 pm). As part of International Development Week, the ACIC celebrates achievements of Canadians in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals, both locally and globally.

Highlights include Prayer by Elder Dr. Judy Clark, Welcome address by Jennifer Sloot, Executive  Director, ACIC-CACI, and opening remarks by The Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of PEI.    

Speakers are Dr. Jennifer Taylor, Dr. Ali Ahmadi, Dr. Josh MacFadyen,Ted Grant, Jane Ledwell, Jillian Kilfoil, Ouma Cuniah, Erin Mahar, Dr. Olive Bryanton, and Cassidy McKellop. They will talk about complex issues that require holistic approaches informed by diverse voices working together across sectors, disciplines, and borders.

Where: Atlantic Veterinary College Atrium (AVC 285N), UPEI

Who: Everyone is welcome. RSVP by Friday, 1 February

Free event! Lunch and snacks will be served.

The School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences welcomes the campus community to a public research presentation by Darryl Hill, candidate for tenure track position in Computer Science, on Wednesday, January 30th at 3:00 pm in Health Science Building, Room 106

Presentation Title: Improved Spanning and Routing Ratios of Geometric Graphs

Abstract: Geometric graphs are commonly used representations of real world networks such as roads, terrains, or cell towers. Thus path planning and autonomous navigation of these graphs are crucial problems in computer science. Spanning and routing ratios provide us two key measures of a graph's suitability for navigation. We examine some popular geometric graphs and provide improved analysis of their spanning and routing ratios, as well as efficient algorithms for navigating them. In addition we detail our ongoing and future research in this field.

All are welcome to attend.

The 5th Annual Asian Studies Lunch and Program Info Session in Celebration of the 2019 Lunar (Chinese-Korean) New Year’s Day

Wednesday, Feb. 6, 12:00–1:30 pm
(storm-day backup: Thur., Jan. 7)
SDU Main Building 201 (Faculty Lounge)

You are invited to this special lunch event. Come and socialize with our Asian Studies students, instructors, staff and supporters. We also offer a brief information session on AST program, new Korean Studies courses, student scholarship and assistantship, workshop, and international opportunity. 

A healthy East Asian lunch is provided. Students who have taken an Asian Studies course last year, are enrolled this year, or will take one this summer or fall are most welcome to attend! 

Happy New Year (again) and best wishes for 2019!

Dr. Edward Chung, Asian Studies and Korean Studies Project Director

Special acknowledgement: This event is supported by an international Seed Program for Korean Studies grant (AKS-2017-INC-2230001) through the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service (KSPS), the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS).

With the increase in quality and quantity of cognitive sciences research over the last few years, what of it can be usefully applied to teaching? This workshop aims to summarize that research on learning and memory and provide instructors with tips for integration into their teaching. Offered by the E-Learning Office, this workshop will be offered on two different dates: February 11th or March 19th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. REGISTER

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering invites the campus community to this week's Graduate research seminar by Dr. Anna Demeo, entitled "Rethinking the Electricity Grid"

Everyone is welcome. This event is today at noon in FSDE room 212. 

In recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication of our faculty and staff, a number of annual awards have been created to acknowledge their efforts and achievements. 

Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians, Clinical Veterinary Professionals and Clinical Nursing Instructors and four categories of Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2019. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 10:30am-12:00pm in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre. 

Susan Connolly, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients. 

Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Friday, March 29, 2019. 

For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit: 

On Wednesday, January 30 in the LINC classroom, room 265 in the Robertson Library from 12:30 - 1:30 (Storm date of February 1, 2019, 11:30-12:30 pm) there will be an information session given by the Federal Public Service Commission, HR advisor, Rena Gagnon. 

This presentation will be approximately 30-45 minutes, ending with questions. She will guide the application process for the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) including how to create an account, apply and resume content/format. 

For further information, contact Kylah Hennessey at or 902-620-5088.

Dr. Xavier Ottenwaelder from Concordia University will be giving an information session on Concordia University's Graduate School. This will be followed by a pizza lunch in the Chemistry Student Lounge. All are welcome to attend. This event is today at 12:30 pm in room 104 of the KC Irving Chemistry Centre.