Campus Notices

MMS Seminar Series
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
12:30 pm, KCI 104
Guest speaker: Mr. Matthew Dunlop, PhD student, Chemistry

Title: "Applications of Nanocrystalline Cellulose Isolated from Local Invasive Tunicates".
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, KCI 104, 12:30 pm
All are welcome to attend.

Come out and support local THIS Wednesday, October 17th at our outdoor Local Farmers’ Market starting at 11:30am to 1:30pm on the green between the Kelley Memorial Building and the W.A. Murphy Student Center. Enjoy some Island Beef stew, warm apple crisp, and hot apple cider while shopping for local produce from our suppliers and some packaged products made by local makers!


Contest time! Come up with your healthiest recipe and send it to Angela MacKenzie at for your chance to win free tickets for you and three friends and your healthy recipe will be featured as a menu item for the luncheon. There will be nutritional booths for you to enhance your learning on healthy eating options. The lunch will take place on Friday, October 26 from 11:30am - 1:30pm. Tickets are $6/person and you can purchase them at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall in advance.

Taking action on how we live, work, and play: Implications for chronic disease prevention and the promotion of healthy communities - A Public Lecture

Dr. David Mowat, 2018 PEI Health Promotion Conference public lecture.

Monday, Oct 22, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, 104 Health Sciences Building, UPEI

Dr. Mowat will look at some of the health challenges facing families and will argue that society needs to move “upstream” in preventing disease. Childhood and youth is a time for growth and development: it is also when the foundation is laid for health later in life. Only action on how we live, work and play has the potential to impact the prevalence of many diseases at the population level.

About Dr. Mowat:
Dr. David Mowat is a public health physician whose career has spanned positions at the local, provincial and national levels. He has a particular interest in the prevention of chronic disease through action at the population level, especially policy change and developing healthy environments, including the built environment. Dr. Mowat received his medical training at the University of Edinburgh, and holds a Master’s degree in public health from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a fellow in public health and preventive medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Dr. Mowat is now engaged part-time in consulting and teaching.

This event is co-sponsored by UPEI Faculty of Nursing and the PEI Department of Health and Wellness Chief Public Health Office. It is a free, public event. All are welcome. There is an opportunity to win a $50 grocery gift card as a door prize at the event.


The Robertson Library invites you to recognize and celebrate International Open Access Week during the week of October 22 - 28, 2018 on the UPEI campus.

--True Cost of Research Exhibit, October 22 - 26, Lobby of Robertson Library: The exhibit will illustrate the True Cost of Research by investigating the cost of the cited references (70) in a published article authored by a UPEI faculty member. Seventy articles will be posted, along with the cost for university access for all UPEI students, faculty, and staff. The total is over $100,000!

Screening of the movie Paywall: The Business of Scholarship, Friday, October 26th, noon - 1:30 pm, Robertson Library Rm 265 (LINC)
Bring your lunch and enjoy free dessert (cake)! Bottled water will also be provided. A discussion of the movie will follow as time allows. 

More information can be found at

It is currently survey season for us at Chartwells UPEI and we would love to know what you think about campus dining so far, such as the good,  the things we could improve on or change for the better, and/or what you would like to see more of at the dining hall or at our retail units. Throughout the years, we have been able to make so many changes at our dining locations thanks to our guests’ feedback such as bringing in a larger variety of dining choices at all of our locations. At the end of the survey, you can enter your information for a chance to WIN ONE OF TWO $50 FOOD DOLLAR PRIZES.

Fill out the Survey HERE.

All responses are 100% confidential.

Thank you for helping us serve you better!

With the legalization of cannabis taking effect on October 17, Robertson Library is sharing a few links to help the community learn more about this issue from all angles - medical, economic, political, and social. We have books, articles and videos available. See:
Ask a librarian for further assistance in conducting focused searches.

October 15-19th is Cervical Cancer Awareness Week. Call or email the UPEI Health & Wellness Centre to book your pap test today: 902-566-0616 or Having a regular Pap test is the best way you can protect yourself from cervical cancer. There are no symptoms to let you know a Pap test is needed. Book a pap test today.

Games are compelling for young and old alike. Adding game elements to your course is one way of enhancing your students' engagement. In this workshop you will learn about basic game elements and how they can be used both in online and face-to-face teaching environments. Be sure to bring a set of headphones or earbuds with you. This workshop, offered by the E-Learning Office, will take place on two separate dates: 10:30 to 11:30 am on Tuesday, October 23rd or Monday, November 19th in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. REGISTER

Please join us on Oct 17 at noon for the next meeting of the Environmental Studies Book Club in Robertson Library Reading Room, 2nd Floor (please follow the sign).

This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book "Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict" (2015). The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.

On Oct 17, we will be discussing "Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd".

If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at

One of Moodle’s great recent features is access to the open-source content collaboration framework called H5P. H5P allows a user to create vivid online learning experiences that may help enhance learner engagement and interest within the online learning environment. Previous H5P workshops offered by the E-Learning Office have looked at interactive video and drag and drop interactions. In this new workshop we will introduce and show you how to create a few more popular H5P interaction types using images as the medium. This workshop is offered on two separate dates: 10:30 am to 11:30 am Tuesday, October 30th or Monday, November 26th in Room 265, Robertson Library. REGISTER

October is Cyber Security month, and with that in mind: If you’re using a public computer here or in the library, remember to log out of each site you visit, otherwise the next person to use the computer could have access to your accounts.

UPEI Asian Studies-Korean Studies will host a Korean Movie Night* on October 29 (Monday), beginning at 6 pm in ICC 104. A fantastic Korean zombie movie Train to Busan (Directed by Dr. Yeon Sang-ho, 2016) will be shown in Korean with English subtitles. The film itself starts at 6 pm, and free light refreshments will be served from 5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. 

Location: Room 104, K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre
Date and Time: October 29 (Monday), 6:00 PM

If you have any questions. please feel free to contact Dr. Jeongeun Park at

* The Korean Movie Night event is supported by UPEI's international Seed Program for Korean Studies grant (AKS-2017-INC-2230001) through the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service, the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS).

MMS Seminar Series
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
12:30 pm, KCI 104
Guest speaker: Mr. Matthew Dunlop, PhD student, Chemistry

Title: "Applications of Nanocrystalline Cellulose Isolated from Local Invasive Tunicates".
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, KCI 104, 12:30 pm
All are welcome to attend.

Come out and support local THIS Wednesday, October 17th at our outdoor Local Farmers’ Market starting at 11:30am to 1:30pm on the green between the Kelley Memorial Building and the W.A. Murphy Student Center. Enjoy some Island Beef stew, warm apple crisp, and hot apple cider while shopping for local produce from our suppliers and some packaged products made by local makers!

The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendment) is Friday, November 2nd for the November meeting. 
Ensure you always…
· Download the current forms from
· Use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms and only current forms will be accepted.

Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.
· Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - North Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
· Submit an electronic copy to

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Administrative Assistant at 902-566-0973.

Contest time! Come up with your healthiest recipe and send it to Angela MacKenzie at for your chance to win free tickets for you and three friends and your healthy recipe will be featured as a menu item for the luncheon. There will be nutritional booths for you to enhance your learning on healthy eating options. The lunch will take place on Friday, October 26 from 11:30am - 1:30pm. Tickets are $6/person and you can purchase them at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall in advance.

Come join us to paint and create at teh East Coast Art Party location, 135 Great Goerge St. All you need to do is pre-register by October 18 with payment of $20 (taxes included) at the Panther Central desk, Chi Wan Young Sports Centre. Event is for UPEI students, staff and faculty only.


Environmental Studies Program and Robertson Library Talks invite the members of the UPEI community to participate in the Environmental Studies Book Club discussion series. The aim of the Environmental Studies Book Club series is to facilitate the campus-wide discussion about various environmental issues and provide an informal learning opportunity to university students.

This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict (2015). Farrell’s book is an illuminating and engaging account of environmental conflicts that have been raging in the iconic Yellowstone National Park for the past two centuries. “The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?” (

The discussion series will be of interest to anybody who would like to exchange opinions and learn more about the history and present day of nature conservation, conflict over natural resources, discourses and narratives about nature, and the role of spirituality and values in shaping human-environment interaction.

The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.

The discussions will take place in Robertson Library—Reading Room, 2nd Floor. 

October 17th, noon-1pm
Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd

November 7th, noon-1pm
Chapter 4: Between Good and Evil: The Science, Culture, and Polarization of Wolf Conflict

November 28th, noon-1pm
Chapter 5: Drilling Our Soul: Moral Boundary Work in an Unlikely Old-West Fight against Fracking

If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at

The Island Lecture Series kicks off another season on Tuesday, October 16, at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus, and will feature Ms. Janice Pettit speaking about her master’s research: “Is the ‘Island way of life’ lost when the ferry becomes a bridge?”

Janice Pettit graduated from the MAIS program in May 2018 and is a Senior Policy Advisor with the Government of Prince Edward Island.

Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend.

The next lecture is scheduled for November 20. Mark your calendars! 

For more information, please contact Laurie at or (902) 894-2881.