Campus Notices
Time: 12 to 1 pm
Date: Oct 19, 2018
Location: Room 205 (Design Studio), Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering
If you are considered higher risk (family history of breast cancer, have had radiation to the chest prior to age 30 or have a gene mutation such as BRCA1 or BRCA2) talk to your primary care provider about what screening is right for you or contact the UPEI Health & Wellness Centre at 902-566-0616.
The Animal Welfare Journal Club meets approximately once a month to discuss scientific articles related to animal welfare; eg in animal welfare science, animal ethics, animal behaviour, anesthesia and analgesia; ethical veterinary practice. Everyone is welcome to attend and to propose articles for future discussion.
Next meeting: Friday, Nov. 2, 12:30-1:15, AVC 280N to discuss:
Grimm D. 2011. Are dolphins too smart for captivity? Science 332(6029):526-529. available at
FYI, this article references the work of Lori Marino, in particular the following article: Reiss D, Marino L. 2001. MIrror self-recognition in the bottlenose dolphin: A case of cognitive convergence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(10):5937-5942.
available at
The club is co hosted by AVC’s Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre and Animal Welfare Club. Email or to be on the e-mail list for future information.
Environmental Studies Program and Robertson Library Talks invite the members of the UPEI community to participate in the Environmental Studies Book Club discussion series. The aim of the Environmental Studies Book Club series is to facilitate the campus-wide discussion about various environmental issues, and provide an informal learning opportunity to university students.
This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict (2015). Farrell’s book is an illuminating and engaging account of environmental conflicts that have been raging in the iconic Yellowstone National Park for the past two centuries. “The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?” (
The discussion series will be of interest to anybody who would like to exchange opinions and learn more about the history and present day of nature conservation, conflict over natural resources, discourses and narratives about nature, and the role of spirituality and values in shaping human-environment interaction.
The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.
The discussions will take place in Robertson Library—2nd Floor.
The discussion for October 17th will be Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd
If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at
All are welcome!
Elevator Shut Down
Facilities Management will be having a card reader installed in the elevator of Memorial Hall. The card reader will allow the capability to restrict floor access as required for specific departmental needs.
In order to complete the necessary work the elevator in Memorial Hall will be shut down on Friday, October 19th beginning at 8:30am. It is expected to take approximately 8 hours to complete the work.
Facilities Management apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding as we proceed with this upgrade.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 902-566-6034 or
The next deadline for submitting Biosafety applications including new applications, renewals and/or amendments is Friday October 26 2018. These applications will be reviewed at the November 2018 meeting.
Please ensure that you use the new electronic forms available at
Submit the following:
• one hard copy of the application form with signatures and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
• one e-copy of all documents to
Please note that applications received after this deadline will be reviewed at the December 2018 meeting. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or
Ethics protocols that involve ‘more than minimal risk’ must be reviewed by the full UPEI Research Ethics Board (REB). The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Monday October 29 2018. They will be reviewed at the November meeting. Protocols involving ‘more than minimal risk’ that are received after October 29 will be reviewed at the December 2018 meeting.
Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve ‘more than minimal risk’, renewals, and amendments may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received.
Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete forms.
Submit the following:
• one hard copy of the signed application form and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
• one e-copy of all documents to
For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or
The Island Lecture Series kicks off another season on Tuesday, October 16, at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus, and will feature Ms. Janice Pettit speaking about her master’s research: “Is the ‘Island way of life’ lost when the ferry becomes a bridge?”
Janice Pettit graduated from the MAIS program in May 2018 and is a Senior Policy Advisor with the Government of Prince Edward Island.
Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
The next lecture is scheduled for November 20. Mark your calendars!
For more information, please contact Laurie at or (902) 894-2881.
The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre is offering two mass immunization clinics in partnership with Public Health Nursing at our clinic, second floor, Murphy Centre North (above the book store). The clinics will be held on October 22nd 11:00 am to 6:00 pm and repeated on November 1st from 12:00 - 5:00 pm and no need for an appointment - just drop in. Flu shots are free and available to all faculty, staff and students. Ask about other immunizations that you might need such as tetanus booster - we could make a follow-up appointment.
Telefilm Canada, UPEI Campus Life, and Robertson Library are presenting the award-winning movie Maudie, based on the life of Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis.
Special guest Wayne Carter, Executive Director, FIN: Atlantic International Film Festival will introduce the film and host a Q&A session after the movie.
Free dinner – pizza, drinks, and cookies (while supplies last)! Free movie! And, a chance to win one of two $50 iTunes gift cards!
Monday, October 15th
Doors open at 4:30 pm
Duffy Amphitheatre 135
All are welcome!
Members of the UPEI community are welcome to attend the release of two juvenile eagles by the Atlantic Veterinary College’s Wildlife Service on Saturday, October 13, at 2:00 pm, at the Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project in Orwell, P.E.I. Prior to the release, there will be a Mi’kmaq smudging ceremony and drumming. Both eagles spent a month at AVC under the care of the College’s Wildlife Service before going to the Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Nova Scotia for rehabilitation. In releasing these two eagles, the AVC Wildlife Service is honouring the late Dr. Helene Van Doninck, AVC Class of 1991. During her veterinary career, she dedicated her life to caring for injured, sick, and orphaned wildlife.
Should the weather be inclement, the release will take place on Sunday, October 14, at the same time and place.
The Island Lecture Series kicks off another season on Tuesday, October 16, at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus, and will feature Ms. Janice Pettit speaking about her master’s research: “Is the ‘Island way of life’ lost when the ferry becomes a bridge?”
Janice Pettit graduated from the MAIS program in May 2018 and is a Senior Policy Advisor with the Government of Prince Edward Island.
Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
The next lecture is scheduled for November 20. Mark your calendars!
For more information, please contact Laurie at or (902) 894-2881.
Everyone is welcome.
Barry Bisson, CEO of Propel ICT, will give a talk on their new virtual accelerator, "Incite". Incite is an intensive 12-month program designed to accelerate early stage technology companies. Incite includes opportunities for participants to connect in person with other founders, mentors, investors and potential clients – along with a virtual meetups, program tools, and curated content that can be accessed at any time from anywhere. With completely virtual program delivery, Propel is working with early-stage tech startups across Atlantic Canada, including in PEI. This information session is open to students, staff and faculty from all faculties on campus.
Time: 12 to 1 pm
Date: Oct 19, 2018
Location: Room 205 (Design Studio), Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering
Environmental Studies Program and Robertson Library Talks invite the members of the UPEI community to participate in the Environmental Studies Book Club discussion series. The aim of the Environmental Studies Book Club series is to facilitate the campus-wide discussion about various environmental issues, and provide an informal learning opportunity to university students.
This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict (2015). Farrell’s book is an illuminating and engaging account of environmental conflicts that have been raging in the iconic Yellowstone National Park for the past two centuries. “The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?” (
The discussion series will be of interest to anybody who would like to exchange opinions and learn more about the history and present day of nature conservation, conflict over natural resources, discourses and narratives about nature, and the role of spirituality and values in shaping human-environment interaction.
The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.
The discussions will take place in Robertson Library—2nd Floor.
The discussion for October 17 will be Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd
If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at
All are welcome!
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to Jesse Hitchcock's MSc defense entitled "Eelgrass (Zostera marina) responses to natural and anthropogenic gradients in estuaries of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)"
Everyone is welcome. The event is today at 2:00 pm in Duffy Science Centre 204.
Environmental Studies Program and Robertson Library Talks invite the members of the UPEI community to participate in the Environmental Studies Book Club discussion series. The aim of the Environmental Studies Book Club series is to facilitate the campus-wide discussion about various environmental issues, and provide an informal learning opportunity to university students.
This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict (2015). Farrell’s book is an illuminating and engaging account of environmental conflicts that have been raging in the iconic Yellowstone National Park for the past two centuries. “The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?” (
The discussion series will be of interest to anybody who would like to exchange opinions and learn more about the history and present day of nature conservation, conflict over natural resources, discourses and narratives about nature, and the role of spirituality and values in shaping human-environment interaction.
The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.
The discussions will take place in Robertson Library—2nd Floor.
The discussion for October 17th will be Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd
If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at
All are welcome!
The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering at UPEI invites all Grade 7-10 girls and one parent/guardian to attend Go ENG Girl Day on Saturday, October 27. Go ENG Girl Day is a fun opportunity to spend an afternoon learning about the wonderful world of engineering, meeting women currently studying engineering, learning about some of the amazing things women engineers are doing, and participating in cool hands-on activities. We are excited to be one of 20+ other Engineering programs at Canadian universities all holding this event together on the same day! Registration is FREE but space is limited and closes on Tuesday, October 23 at 12 noon: