Campus Notices

There will be a UPEI biosafety refresher training session:
Thursday October 11, 2018 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
AVC, room 287N

This session is required for those who attended the Basic Biosafety course in 2015 or earlier. It is not a substitute for Basic Biosafety. Topics to be covered include a review of basic biosafety principles, a practical approach to spill cleanup, and an update on what’s new at UPEI in the field of biosafety.

To attend the Biosafety Refresher course, you must pre-register by contacting Kathryn Harrison, before October 8, 2018 by email ( or by phone (902-566-0901). 

Please include your name, department, supervisor’s name (if applicable), email address and phone number in your email or voice message. 

If you have any questions about this training session, please contact Kathryn.

There will be a UPEI blood borne pathogen training session: 
Wednesday October 17, 2018 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm

This session is for those people whose research involves human blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids. If you wish to attend, you must pre-register by contacting Kathryn Harrison before October 15th by email ( or by phone (902-566-0901). Please provide your name, department, email address and phone number in your email or voice message. 

Speaker:Dr. A. Johnston, Applied Human Sciences
Title: Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration.

This event is Tuesday, October 9 at 3:30 in AVC Lecture Theatre A. 

There will be two info sessions today, Thursday October 4th, for students applying to Medical School:

Dalhousie Medical School Info Session
Atlantic Veterinary College room 201N, Lecture Theatre A
Dalhousie Medicine will be hosting an information session to share details about the application and intake process.

Med School Interview Information Session
Thursday, October 4
Health Sciences Building room 103
Hosted by UPEI Career Services. Attend this session to learn more about the Medical school interview process.  

Robertson Library is hosting an evening of ghost stories, eerie tales, songs, and legends from UPEI, PEI, and beyond. 
Join us Tuesday, October 30th at 7 pm in the Library Foyer, Main Level. 
We’ll supply Hallowe’en treats. 

And, you’re welcome to tell your own family-friendly spooky tale!
Admission is free and everyone is welcome to this family-friendly event!
We'd love for you to join us!

UPEI is aligning functional areas that are related to student affairs and the recruitment/registration process into the recently renovated Dalton Hall—our new Student Experience Hub! And with renovations to the over 100-year-old Dalton Hall now complete, it means it’s moving time! The physical transition of office locations will take place in a staged process over two weeks so that there will be no disruption in services. Starting Monday, October 1 at 8:00 am (week 1) the following moves will take place:

1. Student Affairs (from W.A. Murphy Student Centre to Dalton Hall, 5th floor)
2. Accessibility Services (from W.A. Murphy Student Centre to Dalton Hall, 1st floor)
3. Mawi'omi Centre (from Kelley Memorial Building to Dalton Hall, 5th floor)
4. Recruitment and First-Year Advising Office and International Student Office (from Robertson Library to Dalton Hall, 4th floor)

Thank-you for your co-operation and understanding as we move from a variety of locations to the Student Experience Hub at Dalton Hall.

Health and Fitness Week will be held the week of October 22. Lots of activities including Kick off event with Olympian Heather Moyse, Plant Night, Health Fair, Dog Therapy, Walking Meditation, Build Your OWN Zen Zone contest, family swim, just to name a few. Check out all the activities at UPEI Health and Fitness Week supported by UPEI Healthy Campus Committee.

All are welcomed to attend this week's FSDE Graduate research seminar on Wednesday, October 3 at 12:00pm in FSDE 212.

This week's presenters are:

Jordan Torrealba – MSc Student with his title, "A Novel Battery Management System for Lithium-based battery Technologies."
Patrick Connolly – MSc Student with his title, "Simulation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Farms with Shared Moorings."

All are welcome!

The Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee and the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Department would like to thank everyone that participated in last week’s Safety Week activities. We would also like to announce prize winners for the Safety Scavenger Hunt and the Safety Fair draws. Prizes can be picked up from Kathryn Harrison or Kevin Robinson in Kelley Memorial Building room 309/310.

Safety Scavenger Hunt – 4 Meals at The Fox and Crow Campus Pub – Steff Taylor
Safety Fair Prizes:
HSE booth coffee mug prize pack – Amy Bylhouwer
HSE booth smoke detector – Holly MacDougall
Handwashing booth coffee mug prize package – Suzette Acorn
Fire Extinguisher Training – Fire Extinguisher – Xia Huang
PEI Emergency Measures Office – Emergency Kit – Kate May
WCB PEI – Road Safety Kit – Amanda Gallant

The Safety Week planning committee welcomes feedback on Safety Week from the campus community, please email feedback to

Interested in Indigenous Cultures? UPEI's Master in Global Affairs will be hosting a presentation by Wise Elder Doña Sonia Catepillán Guinao (Chile). We invite all interested students and the community to attend the Skype presentation during which Doña Sonia will share her experience growing up as an Indigenous Williche woman in southern Chile. All are invited. The presentation will take place Wednesday October 3rd from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in SDU Main Building, Room 211 (UPEI Campus). Light refreshments will be served. For more information please contact Dr. Doreley Carolina Coll, Coordinator of the Master in Global Affairs program,, 566-0603.

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is sponsoring a workshop on “Creating a Gender Inclusive Workplace”, in partnership with the PEI Interministrial Women’s Secretariat, Engineers PEI, and the WinSETT Centre on Thursday, October 4, from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. 

Registration is OPEN now at Registration fee is $25, and anyone in Engineering, Science, Technology, or Trades are invited to attend.

All proceeds will go towards the Engineers PEI Scholarships Fund and the Women in Engineering 30 By 30 Initiative. Sign up today! 

Telefilm Canada, UPEI Campus Life, and Robertson Library are presenting the award-winning movie Maudie, based on the life of Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis. 

Special guest Wayne Carter, Executive Director, FIN: Atlantic International Film Festival will introduce the film and host a Q&A session after the movie.

Free dinner – pizza, drinks, and cookies (while supplies last)! Free movie! And, a chance to win one of two $50 iTunes gift cards!

Monday, October 15th 
Doors open at 4:30 pm
Duffy Amphitheatre 135

All are welcome!

The Procurement Office is selling some equipment and vehicles which are deemed surplus. Anyone interested in purchasing one of these items is invited to fill out a Request for Bids form which can be found at the following link:
Here is a list of items that are available for bidding:
• Textron EZ Go
• 2001 Dodge Ram 1 ton
• 2004 GMC Sierra
• John Deere Lawnmower
• Yardman Mower
• Yardman 21” Push Mower
• Walk behind Snow Blower
If you have any questions please contact procurement@upeica 

Next Level Cookie is a specialty catering company and Pop-up Shop located in Charlottetown, PEI that specialize in cookie sandwiches made with their awesome cookies, Italian meringue buttercream, and rolled in a variety of crumbles. Delivery days are Monday and Wednesday so be sure to get them before they run out! 

Out of Africa is a catering company located in Charlottetown, PEI serving up authentic African dishes! You may have seen their booth at the Charlottetown Farmer's Market. Supplied by Joshua Tarichia, who's currently taking his masters in Global Affairs at UPEI and whose mother Makena owns and operates Out of Africa, we are bringing in their ever-popular beef and vegan Samosas to Samuel's Cafe on Wednesdays!

Join us for the first PEI History of Medicine Society talk of 2018-19. Dr. Jock Murray will speak about his discoveries while writing his recently published book that charts the history of the Dalhousie Medical School. The stories of medical education at Dalhousie will cover the remarkable beginning of the medical school, the early acceptance of women, some outstanding doctors and some outrageous and criminal characters, the ill-fated separation from the university, the impact of a school teacher’s critical report, the role of medical students in the Halifax Explosion, and how medical education and medical admissions have changed over the years.

The event is October 10 at 7 pm in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI's SDU Main Building. 

MMS Seminar Series
Wednesday, October 3/18
12:30 pm, KCI 104
Guest speaker: Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre, University of Toronto
Topic: Orchestrating oscillatory dynamics in the healthy and diseased brain with non-invasive stimulation: mathematical and computational insights”.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

There will be a UPEI biosafety refresher training session:
Thursday October 11, 2018 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
AVC, room 287N

This session is required for those who attended the Basic Biosafety course in 2015 or earlier. It is not a substitute for Basic Biosafety. Topics to be covered include a review of basic biosafety principles, a practical approach to spill cleanup, and an update on what’s new at UPEI in the field of biosafety.

To attend the Biosafety Refresher course, you must pre-register by contacting Kathryn Harrison, before October 8, 2018 by email ( or by phone (902-566-0901). 

Please include your name, department, supervisor’s name (if applicable), email address and phone number in your email or voice message. 

If you have any questions about this training session, please contact Kathryn.

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is sponsoring a workshop on “Creating a Gender Inclusive Workplace”, in partnership with the PEI Interministrial Women’s Secretariat, Engineers PEI, and the WinSETT Centre on Thursday, October 4, from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. 

Registration is OPEN now at Registration fee is $25, and anyone in Engineering, Science, Technology, or Trades are invited to attend.

All proceeds will go towards the Engineers PEI Scholarships Fund and the Women in Engineering 30 By 30 Initiative. Sign up today! 

Interested in Indigenous cultures? UPEI's Master in Global Affairs will be hosting a presentation by Wise Elder Doña Sonia Catepillán Guinao (Chile). We invite all interested students and the community to attend the Skype presentation during which Doña Sonia will share her experience growing up as an Indigenous Williche woman in southern Chile. All are invited. The presentation will take place Wednesday October 3 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in SDU Main Building, Room 211 (UPEI Campus). Light refreshments will be served. For more information please contact Dr. Doreley Carolina Coll, Coordinator of the Master in Global Affairs program,, 902-566-0603.

We would like to inform the campus community about some great cost-saving initiatives. Below is a list of contracts we currently have available for University business purchases. Please contact Procurement Services at for further details and pricing for these contracts.

  • Commodity 
  • Lab Supplies/Equipment
  • Bus Transportation 
  • Gas Cylinders
  • Customs Broker 
  • Office Supplies
  • Hotels 
  • Office Furniture
  • IT Hardware 
  • Printer Cartridges
  • Computer Software
  • Courier Services
  • Shredding
  • Car Rental

The University is a member of Interuniversity Services Inc. (ISI) buying group. This group establishes contracts on behalf of the Maritime Universities; this gives us more buying power. The Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) also provides contracts that benefit all Canadian Universities. We will continue to post new contract updates in Campus Notices.