Campus Notices
Come say goodbye to the campus's beloved pub, The Wave this Wednesday at 11:00 am. There will be drink specials and some throwback tunes, based out of 2002 - the year the Wave opened.
Professional Development is offering an 8 day certificate program called Collaborative Leadership and Facilitation. This program is designed to encourage participants to examine the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to create positive, vibrant and effective workplaces, which provide exemplary service to clients. Participants will reflect their professional and personal experience in the light of current understandings of collaborative leadership, facilitation, organizational culture, and social responsibility. To learn more, click here.
In recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication of our faculty and staff, a number of annual awards have been created to acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians and Clinical Veterinary Professionals and four Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2018. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 from 2:00-4:00 in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Susan Connolly, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients.
Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Wednesday, April 4, 2018.
For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:
There will be no Thursday weekday masses this week at the Chaplaincy Centre.
Thursday March 29 - Mass of the Lord's Supper at local parishes
Friday March 30 - Good Friday Service Chaplaincy Centre 3:00 pm
Sunday April 1 - Easter Sunday Mass Chaplaincy Centre 11:00 am
Weekday masses will after the Easter Weekend on Thursday April 5 Chaplaincy Centre 12:05
The AVC Wildlife Service and Wildlife Club are celebrating National Wildlife Week with a public lecture in Lecture Theatre A, Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI, on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, at 7 p.m.
National Wildlife Week, which takes place from April 8–14 this year, is a program of the Canadian Wildlife Federation that celebrates Canada’s natural heritage and the importance of its conservation.
Fiep de Bie, technician with the AVC Wildlife Service, will give a lecture called “Island wild birds: Monitoring their health and well-being.” She will reflect on the outbreak of trichomonosis in finches in the summer of 2017 and address the question of whether wild birds should be fed. Other issues related to wild birds on Prince Edward Island will also be discussed.
There will be a fundraiser for the AVC Wildlife Service, including a silent auction of art, a raffle, and the sale of cupcakes. Proceeds will go towards the care of wildlife submitted to the service.
Everyone is welcome. Admission is free.
An award valued at $1,400 will be granted to a UPEI researcher who has shown excellence in health research. Deadline for applications is April 30.
Two awards valued at $1,000 each will be granted to a UPEIFA member, staff member, or volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to the research enterprise at UPEI. Deadline for nominations is April 30.
Cheryl Gaudet will officially retire from UPEI on April 3 after 30 years of service to the University, most recently with the SSDE. The engineering faculty and staff would like to invite you to a retirement get-together for Cheryl on Wednesday, April 4, 3:30-4:30 pm in the SSDE building at the top of the Learning Stairs. Cake and light refreshments will be served.
We hope you can join us to wish our friend and colleague Cheryl all the best in her retirement!
MMS Seminar Series presentation - April 4th, 2018
Title: “Physical and physiological mechanisms of nanoparticle toxicity.”
by Dr. Tyson MacCormack, Mount Allison University, Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 12:30 pm in Duffy Research Centre, Room 212
Abstract: Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) straddle the boundary between the atomic and molecular scale and because of this, they exhibit unique physical, chemical, and electronic properties. Their extremely high surface area to volume ratio in combination with these unique properties, make ENMs desirable in a multitude of applications including environmental remediation, medical imaging, and personal care products. Unfortunately, these same characteristics also make it difficult to predict the toxicity of novel ENMs based on available information for conventional materials. ENMs are now found in thousands of consumer products and there is a growing need to characterize their potential risks to human and environmental health. We examine these questions at multiple scales ranging from purified proteins, to isolated cells, to in vivo studies on organ physiology and energetics. We exploit the tunable nature of ENMs to address how their physicochemical properties (e.g. size, shape, surface charge, chemical composition, etc.) influence their interactions with proteins, membranes, and metabolites in vitro. This data is then applied to higher level studies on the biological and ecological relevance of ‘nanotoxicity’ using fish as model systems. We specifically focus on the cardiorespiratory system, as the pathology of chronic metabolic and/or physiological stress is often manifested in the form of cardiovascular dysfunction. Identifying the properties which contribute to ENM bioactivity will allow industry to design safe nano-enabled products and provide regulators with the necessary data to make informed decisions on novel ENMs. The end goal of this research is to facilitate the responsible development of nanotechnology applications aimed at addressing critical issues in human and environmental health.
At the Chaplaincy Centre, thoughts are with the students during exam time, their success, and yes, of course, the chili dinner. On April 10 and 11, between 11:30 am –1:30 pm, a chili lunch is served at the Chaplaincy Centre, free for the students.
About 300 students show up each day with smiles and conversation on this busy week.
Sister Sue would like to extend her gratitude to the staff, faculty, and Student Union that stepped up to help ensure this tradition continues. This year's menu is healthier, generate less waste, and reflects the international diversity of the campus.
Staff and Faculty who would like to volunteer for a shift and help facilitate this annual event can sign-up here.
You're invited to join the Experiential Ed Office for Job Ready Bootcamp, April 19th & 20th, 2018!
Navigating an increasingly precarious work world can be difficult. Job Ready Bootcamp is a 2 day workshop focused on helping UPEI students prepare for today's labour market.
Primarily face-to-face, with supplementary online modules, Job Ready Bootcamp will help you focus your goals and competencies, polish your resume and networking skills, and practice your responses to difficult questions. This FREE mini-badge program will be part of a broader non-credit badging system coming to UPEI in 2018-19!
April's Bootcamp is a way to build competencies and confidence that you can carry into potential work situations, while earning a mini-badge you can display on Linked In & other social platforms. Registration is limited and will be first-come, first-served - sign up here.
The AVC Wildlife Service and Wildlife Club are celebrating National Wildlife Week with a public lecture in Lecture Theatre A, Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI, on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, at 7 p.m.
National Wildlife Week, which takes place from April 8–14 this year, is a program of the Canadian Wildlife Federation that celebrates Canada’s natural heritage and the importance of its conservation.
Fiep de Bie, technician with the AVC Wildlife Service, will give a lecture called “Island wild birds: Monitoring their health and well-being.” She will reflect on the outbreak of trichomonosis in finches in the summer of 2017 and address the question of whether wild birds should be fed. Other issues related to wild birds on Prince Edward Island will also be discussed.
There will be a fundraiser for the AVC Wildlife Service, including a silent auction of art, a raffle, and the sale of cupcakes. Proceeds will go towards the care of wildlife submitted to the service.
Everyone is welcome. Admission is free.
The Faculty of Business is pleased to present Dr. Parminder Singh Kang, Management Science Candidate, public presentation on Planning and Scheduling Optimization - Concept and Dimensions. All are welcomed to attend.
This event begins 9:30, Wednesday, March 28 in room 238 of Don and Marion McDougall Hall.
The Faculty of Nursing extends an invitation to the campus community to Stacey Burns MacKinnon's public presentation of her master's thesis entitled "A Description of Hepatitis C Infection on Prince Edward Island". Stacey's presentation will be held in HSB Rm 106 on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 9:30 am.
Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians and Clinical Veterinary Professionals and four Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2018. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 from 2:00-4:00 in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Susan Connolly, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients.
Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Wednesday, April 4, 2018.
For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:
There will be no Mon and Thur weekday masses this week at the Chaplaincy Centre this week.
Thursday March 29 - Mass of the Lord's Supper at local parishes
Friday March 30 - Good Friday Service Chaplaincy Centre 3:00 pm
Sunday April 1 - Easter Sunday Mass Chaplaincy Centre 11:00 am
Weekday masses will after the Easter Weekend on Thursday April 5 Chaplaincy Centre 12:05
Speaker: Nicole Kaiser, Pathology and Microbiology
Title: Prostaglandin receptor expression in feline oral squamous cell carcinoma
Speaker: Vernon Ptycia-Lamky, Biomedical Sciences
Title: Investigation of New Natural Products from 20 Marine-Derived Bacteria
This event begins at 3:00 pm April 3 in AVC Lecture Theatre A.
Professional Development is offering an 8 day certificate program called Collaborative Leadership and Facilitation. This program is designed to encourage participants to examine the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to create positive, vibrant and effective workplaces, which provide exemplary service to clients. Participants will reflect their professional and personal experience in the light of current understandings of collaborative leadership, facilitation, organizational culture, and social responsibility. To learn more go to:
2018 graduates mark your calendars! This is an event not to be missed! Celebrate the last day of classes, de-stress before exams, grab a bite, take a selfie with the 2018 sign, win some awesome door PRIZES, and just have some FUN with entertainment by Ryan Merry.
This event begins at 5:00 pm at the Delta Prince Edward ~ Tupper Harbourview Room.
One lucky student will WIN our GRAND PRIZE DRAW* for $1.000 CASH - sponsored by TD Insurance
*Only 2018 Grads eligible to win and must be present at time of draw
Hosted by your UPEI Alumni Association
Panthers for Life!
Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine will be on the UPEI campus to deliver information about the process of applying to medical school. Any student who has ever considered a career in medicine should attend and learn more about what is required in the application process. Students from all faculties and year levels are encouraged to attend.
This event begins today at noon in Kelley 234.