Campus Notices

The UPEI Celebrating Student Achievement awards have been posted to accounts for the Fall 2017 semester; student can view their updated balance in myUPEI under Financial Aid. Please note awards over $1,000 in value are split equally over two semesters.

If there are any student questions, please feel free to contact Adrienne in Scholarships at 902-620-5187 or

The Office of the Registrar will be open on Saturday, September 2 -- Welcome Day -- from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.

Office staff will be on hand to assist students with registration, take tuition payments, and answer any admission questions.

We look forward to the start of a new academic year,

Donna Sutton

The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships program (QES) was created to improve global talent exchange between Canada and other nations. Canadian universities are invited to submit multi-year project proposals seeking funding of up to $300,000 CAD for projects of up to four years. Each Canadian university may submit one proposal to the 2017 competition.

Anyone interested in applying to the QES 2017 call for proposals must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Vice-President Academic and Research by September 13, 2017 via

The LOI should be a one-page document outlining:

  • Project objectives, activities, and expected results
  • Anticipated project partners
  • Anticipated number of outgoing Canadian interns and/or incoming international scholars
  • Anticipated budget including contributions from other sources

Applicants will be notified by September 25, 2017 of the result of the pre-selection process. The deadline for Canadian universities to submit their selected application is October 18, 2017. For more information, please click here.

Orange Shirt Day occurs annually at the end of each September, the time of year when Indigenous children were taken away from their homes and put into residential schools. This year on September 29, 2017, the Faculty of Education is encouraging all students, staff, and faculty to wear orange as an annual opportunity to discuss aspects of residential schools, and to continue discussions year-round.

Everyone has the opportunity to order a t-shirt and join this important movement. The cost of each t-shirt is $10.00 and can be ordered in sizes XXS to XXL. If you are interested in ordering a t-shirt, please let us know in order to coordinate your order. The deadline to order is September 6, 2017.

Please email Anja Salijevic at to place your order and state the quantity and t-shirt size(s) in your email.

Thank you for your support in bringing awareness to Orange Shirt Day we hope that many of you will participate in wearing orange!

The Office of the Registrar will be open on Saturday, September 2 -- Welcome Day -- from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.

Office staff will be on hand to assist students with registration, take tuition payments, and answer any admission questions.

We look forward to the start of a new academic year,

Donna Sutton

UPEI’s Department of Human Resources has moved most of its information and resources on to a site in the myUPEI portal. The portal site will create a more interactive and user-friendly environment for faculty and staff, with simplified content and easier access to the services offered by the HR department. Faculty and staff can login directly to myUPEI and the HR site through this link:

Highlights of the HR portal site include:

• a comprehensive FAQ section
• an expanded service section
• easier access to HR forms

Employment opportunities, retirees’ information, and general information will remain on

Join us today, August 30, from 10:00 am to noon in the Faculty Lounge of SDU Main Building for the launch of UPEI's Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture program.

The Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture program explicitly connects the communication skills and leadership training of a Liberal Arts education to successful post-graduation employment. This program is defined by its focus on the transferability of the written, oral and visual communication skills, the critical thinking, and the cultural awareness acquired during a Liberal Arts education to the world beyond academia. Technical skills, work-integrated learning (internships, cooperatives, workplace-generated projects), and career- related mentoring are key components of its design.

All are welcome!


The Faculty Development Office invites you to UPEI's annual Let’s Talk Teaching Day on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 in the Heath Sciences Building Rm. 104 at 11:30.

This year's topics examine the rapidly changing student body at UPEI, and how classrooms are more diverse than they were 10 years ago. Do we have a responsibility to know that — and address it: in short, to "size up our classrooms?" If so, how do we take those changes into consideration in our classes? In curriculum and content? In delivery and classroom practices? In assessment and evaluation exercises? In classroom discussions and expectations of student and faculty behaviours?

These topics will be discussed in large and small groups, with the goal of ending the day with a wider conception of what an “inclusive classroom” might look like and how we might work toward it. Please come at 11:30 for pizza; after lunch, we will get down to work and aim to finish somewhere around 4:00. We look forward to seeing you – all faculty and staff are welcome!

Questions may be directed to Gerald Wandio at or (902) 620-5217.

From September 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018 the UPEI Sports Centre will operate:

  • Monday to Thursday: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm
  • Friday: 6:00 am - 8:00 pm
  • Saturday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
  • Sunday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Would you like to create a more interactive PowerPoint lecture for your students? Something your students could view outside of class so that your in class time could be spent promoting deeper exploration of content? The E-Learning Office is here to help. Give us your standard PowerPoint lectures and we can turn them into interactive learning pieces that will make reviewing them outside of class time an engaging experience for your students.

Book an appointment to see if this opportunity is right for you:—space is limited so please book early!

Central Printing will be closed Friday, September 1. If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Henderson at 902-566-0558 or

The Office of the Registrar will be open on Saturday, September 2 -- Welcome Day -- from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.

Office staff will be on hand to assist students with registration, take tuition payments, and answer any admission questions.

We look forward to the start of a new academic year,

Donna Sutton

The UPEI Student Union will be closed on Thursday, August 31 for Staff Orientation and will re-open Friday, September 1 at 9:00 am. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Small group training offers personalized sessions with a focus on individual progression and skill development. Sessions are held two times per week for six weeks (12 sessions). You can join a group or create your own! For more information, click here.

We still have over twenty-five UPEI employee fitness training grants left for small group training or specialty fitness programs. Grants are available for current UPEI staff or faculty. One grant per Academic Year/person (September 2017 - April 2018). Applicants on a first come, first serve basis.

Complete a Personal Training Subsidy Application and send it via email to Angela Marchbank, Fitness & Wellness Coordinator at

UPEI employees and retirees can purchase a "Sports Centre/Fitness Centre" 1-year memberships  for $300 + hst. Price works out to $6.63 per week, 0.95 cents per day. Membership includes: access to fitness centre, indoor/outdoor track, gymnasium, squash courts, membership fitness classes and access to fit zone room.

To register, please visit Panther Central in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre—payroll deduction available!

IT Systems and Services (ITSS) has completed the migration of the file systems and printers from Novell to Microsoft. Below is a summary of some of the items that may apply to faculty and staff:

File systems (a.k.a. H, P, Q etc. drives): Most drive letters will remain unchanged. Drives P, G, H, J and K will not change. However, Q drives will change to L. If  any issues arise with these drives please contact ITSS for assistance. Please reboot your computer before calling ITSS, as this remedies most issues.

Net Storage (a.k.a. web-based access to H and other drives): At this time there is no direct replacement for Net Storage. There are a number of other options to access your files including VPN (for access off campus), regular mapping of drives , Google Docs, and MyUPEI. Please contact ITSS and we will help you to choose the best option that suits your needs.

Printing: The printing migration will be relatively seamless; departmental printers will continue to function normally. More details will be provided as we migrate each department.

The Central Printing office will be closed Friday, September 1. Any questions may be directed to Wendy Henderson at

Orange Shirt Day occurs annually at the end of each September, the time of year when Indigenous children were taken away from their homes and put into residential schools. This year on September 29, 2017, the Faculty of Education is encouraging all students, staff, and faculty to wear orange as an annual opportunity to discuss aspects of residential schools, and to continue discussions year-round.

Everyone has the opportunity to order a t-shirt and join this important movement. The cost of each t-shirt is $10.00 and can be ordered in sizes XXS to XXL. If you are interested in ordering a t-shirt, please let us know in order to coordinate your order. The deadline to order is September 6, 2017.

Please email Anja Salijevic at to place your order and state the quantity and t-shirt size(s) in your email.

Thank you for your support in bringing awareness to Orange Shirt Day we hope that many of you will participate in wearing orange!

The UPEI Student Union will be closed on Thursday, August 31 for Staff Orientation and will re-open Friday, September 1 at 9:00 am. Sorry for any inconvenience!