Campus Notices
Mark your calendars! Next Thursday, March 9 from 2:30-3:30 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge, the 2016 Janet Pottie Murray Award for Educational Leadership will be presented to Dr. Andrew Carrothers, Faculty of Business. Speeches will be few, collegiality will be high, refreshments will be tasty, and all are welcome, so please join us!
Dr. Peter Foley, Assistant Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine, Atlantic Veterinary College, will give a public workshop on Thursday, March 9, at 7:00 pm, about end-of-life issues with companion animals. The workshop will take place at AVC in Lecture Theatre A.
Dr. Foley will offer information to help people act on behalf of their beloved pets as the end of life draws near. He will discuss palliative care options, assessing quality of life, deciding when euthanasia is right, the euthanasia procedure itself, and coping strategies for dealing with the loss of a pet.
Everyone is welcome! Admission is free, and refreshments will be served.
For more information, contact (902) 566-0589.
The Campus Life program is hosting this event for people with children. Let's Talk Science will be here to do fun experiments and projects with the kids, and we'll be showing the movie Meet The Robinsons.
Snacks will be provided, and there will be coffee and tea for parents. Current students, recently graduated students, staff, and faculty, are all invited to bring their kids/grandkids/children in their care.
Join us Saturday March 4, 2017, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm in Student Affairs, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
If you have any questions please contact Elyse Cottrell at
Attention: 2016 T4/T4As are now available electronically through the UPEI Campus Login. For those who did not select the electronic option, your T4/T4A will be mailed to your home address.
Relationships matter, and one of the most important relationships you will encounter in your lifetime is the one you have with yourself! The W.A. Murphy Student Centre Day Lounge has been designated as the Zen Zone for UPEI Mental Health Week 2017. This space will serve as an area for relaxation, reflection, and mindfulness. Open Wednesday to Friday (March 1-3) from 10 am–3 pm, members of the campus community are invited to participate in quiet activities such as colouring, journaling, reading, and reflective thought or take part in our "Write" Way to Calm events.
Here's a snapshot of all the great activities that are taking place today, Wednesday, March 1, as part of UPEI Mental Health Week 2017. We hope you enjoy the events we have organized this year and that you use every opportunity to come and celebrate together - relationships matter!
10:00 - 11:00 am: ZenZone Grand Opening, W.A. Murphy Student Centre Day Lounge
11:30 am - 12:30 pm: MHW 2017 Kick-Off with Anastasia Smallwood, McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre
1:30 - 2:30 pm: Dr. Heather Keizer, Dealing with Difficult People, Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall
2:00 - 3:00 pm: The 'Write' Way To Calm, ZenZone, W.A. Murphy Student Centre Day Lounge
7:30 - 8:30 pm: Dexter Nyuumibe, The Art of Loving Yourself, McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre
9:00 - 10:30 pm: Mental Health Trivia Night, The Wave, W.A. Murphy Student Centre
The UPEI community is invited to come celebrate with us as we kick off UPEI Mental Health Week 2017 at 11:30 am in McMillan Hall with featured guest speaker, former UPEI Student Union President, Anastasia Smallwood. “Growing up I didn't talk about mental health-- it wasn't at home or in school, but mental illness was still there. As any relationship does, it has taken time to come to terms with my mental illness,Trichotillomania: accepting the good, the ugly, and myself through self acceptance and relying on others.”
Come be a part of our celebrations, support one another and be reminded of the relationships that matter to you. Snacks and refreshments will be served.
The 2016 T4/T4As are now available electronically through the UPEI Campus Login.
For those who did not select the electronic option your T4/T4A will be mailed to your home address.
The UPEI Incident Reporting Form has been updated. Please visit the UPEI Health & Safety Office page to familiarize yourself with the new form, related forms and the process for both reporting and investigating incidents. It is important that all incidents be reported using the form. Anyone with questions should contact Kevin Robinson (902-566-0516, or Kathryn Harrison (902-566-0901,
The Environmental Sciences and Human Biology seminar series continues on Friday, March 3, 2017 at 12:30 pm in the Duffy Science Centre, Rm. 204. Graduate students Andy MacDonald and Bennett Crane will present the following talks:
Andy MacDonald (MSc-c): “Comparing the effectiveness of armouring techniques in protecting the eroding coastlines of Augustine Cove, Prince Edward Island”
Bennett Crane (MSc-c): “A survey of metalaxyl-m resistant Phytophthora erythroseptica populations in Canadian potato growing regions and the development of alternative management strategies in field and storage settings.
All are welcome!
Come and learn about UPEI's new Actuarial Program and careers for Actuaries.
Mr. Louis Doiron is a Professor and Director of Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics in the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences. He will be giving a talk entitled "Being an Actuary" on March 1, 2017 at 3:00 pm in Health Science Building, Room 104.
All are welcome to attend!
The E-Learning Office has moved to Robertson Library 302/303. Faculty and staff are invited to come visit our new location on Thursday, March 2nd from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Come enjoy some refreshments, meet our staff, and find out how we can help support you!
Career Services will be hosting the UPEI Career and Summer Job Fair on March 8, 2017 in Schurman Market Square, McDougall Hall from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend and develop networks with on-island and off-Island companies, organizations, and businesses. Our hope is that these networks will inspire our students and provide career opportunities in the future.
Come and learn about UPEI's new Actuarial Program and careers for Actuaries.
Mr. Louis Doiron is a Professor and Director of Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics in the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences. He will be giving a talk entitled "Being an Actuary" on March 1, 2017 at 3:00 pm in Health Science Building, Room 104.
All are welcome to attend!
Attention: 2016 T4/T4As are now available electronically through your Campus Login. For those who did not select the electronic option, your T4/T4A will be mailed to your home address.
Please be advised that Konica Minolta photocopiers have now been set to order toner automatically directly from Konica. The machine monitors the levels, and a notification is electronically sent to Konica when a photocopier has 20% life left in a toner cartridge. The toner will arrive in shipping and receiving within 3-5 business days and it will be delivered to your office at no charge.
If you happen to run out before your toner arrives there are extra toners available in Procurement and Payment Services. If your office has a high usage of toner you might like to have an extra cartridge available for immediate use. For more information please email
In an effort to reduce the Eco footprint at UPEI we ask that you send any empty toner cartridges, imaging units, fusers, developer units and drums from any manufacturer to Shipping and Receiving in a box labeled Recycle. We will ship these items back to Konica for recycling!
If there is a change in location required for a unit please contact Carolyn Garro,, to have the machine moved.
The UPEI community is invited to celebrate on Wednesday, March 1 at 11:30 am, in McMillan Hall, as we kick off this year's Mental Health Week 2017 with guest speaker, former UPEI Student Union President, Anastasia Smallwood, who will share her story about coming to terms with her mental illness, Trichotillomania.
Come to great activities all week, check out the Info Booth and Zen Zone, support one another, and be reminded of the relationships that matter to you. For day-by-day activities and partner events, click here for the full MHW 2017 schedule.
The UPEI Mawi'omi Student Centre invites members of the University and Island community to the annual Connecting Aboriginal Cultures event taking place today, Tuesday, February 28, 2017 in McMillan Hall at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. The Grand Entry will begin at 10:00 am followed by a mini Pow Wow, with drumming, dancing, cultural presentations. All are welcome!
Thank-you to partners: Aboriginal Women's Association of PEI, Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI, Native Council of PEI, UPEI Aboriginal Students Association, and the Department of Canadian Heritage
Tuesday Noon Yoga, which usually takes place at the Chaplaincy Centre, will be held in Fitness Studio #2 at the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre on Tuesday, February 28.