Campus Notices

Procurement Services Office advises the campus community of an approved but not exclusive supplier, Stewart Travel Group, supplier #7239, operated by Paula & Travis Stewart; both of whom have served UPEI well while representing other supplier(s). They are knowledgeable in corporate, leisure or group travel, have proven experience in UPEI travel requirements and excellent customer service. Their contacts and complete company information is available at This does not exclude the University’s relationship with any existing suppliers for the same service.
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee is hosting a PhD Environmental Sciences Research Presentation on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 12:30 pm in the Duffy Science Centre, Room 204. Luke Poirier, BSc, MSC will present: "Identification, control and mitigation of marine invasions." This public presentation is part of Mr. Poirier’s PhD Comprehensive exam and will be followed by an oral examination.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write, UPEI's faculty writers retreat. When: Friday, May 15 to Tuesday, May 19 Where: Stanley Bridge Resort Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights accommodation, meals and snacks Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing. The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any Department/Faculty/School. To register, email Research Communications Officer Dave Atkinson,, with a brief summary of the project you plan to work and your writing goals for the retreat. There is room for six participants at Time to Write.
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee is hosting a PhD Environmental Sciences Research Presentation on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 12:30 pm in the Duffy Science Centre, Room 204. Luke Poirier, BSc, MSC will present: "Identification, control and mitigation of marine invasions." This public presentation is part of Mr. Poirier’s PhD Comprehensive exam and will be followed by an oral examination.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write, UPEI's faculty writers retreat. When: Friday, May 15 to Tuesday, May 19 Where: Stanley Bridge Resort Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights accommodation, meals and snacks Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing. The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any Department/Faculty/School. To register, email Research Communications Officer Dave Atkinson,, with a brief summary of the project you plan to work and your writing goals for the retreat. There is room for six participants at Time to Write.
Please note the following changes to hours of operation for the food services retail locations on campus: Monday, February 23 to Friday, February 27. *The Courtyard Café (W.A. Murphy Student Centre) will be closed for the week. It will resume regular hours of operation on Monday, March 2. *Samuels Café in the Robertson Library will operating on reduced hours. It will be closing at 4:00pm Monday to Thursday, and at 3:00pm on Friday. The Café will resume regular hours of operation beginning Monday, March 2. *The AVC Cafeteria will be operating on it's normal schedule. *The doors for meal service at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall will be open from 9:30am - 9:00pm Monday to Sunday. It will resume regular meal service hours of operation on Monday, March 2. *This does not impact the regular operating schedule for catering services. For more information for these temporary changes to retail hours of operation and meal service. Please visit
Procurement Services Office advises the campus community of an approved but not exclusive supplier, Stewart Travel Group, supplier #7239, operated by Paula & Travis Stewart; both of whom have served UPEI well while representing other supplier(s). They are knowledgeable in corporate, leisure or group travel, have proven experience in UPEI travel requirements and excellent customer service. Their contacts and complete company information is available at This does not exclude the University’s relationship with any existing suppliers for the same service.

The following graduate students will present on Tuesday, February 24 at 3:00 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre C. Michelle MacDonald, Department of Pathology and Microbiology will present a seminar called "Molecular and Histopathological Disruption of Wound Healing in an Ectoparasite Model" John Onukwufor, Department of Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "Mechanisms of hypoxia, temperature and cadmium imposed mitochondrial dysfunction in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss" Jocelyn Perez-Lazo, Department of Pathology and Microbiology will present a seminar called "Improved detection of a fish virus with a segmented genome by real-time RT-qPCR". Everyone is welcome
The UPEI Human Resources department is pleased to offer Pre-Retirement Planning Program (PRP) to active faculty and staff of the University of Prince Edward Island over 45 years of age. The program addresses the many areas one needs to consider for a successful and satisfying retirement, including the UPEI pension plan, Canada Pension Plan, tax implications, and making the personal transition to retirement. PRP is designed to assist you in becoming a better-informed retirement consumer and to increase your skills in utilizing available resources. Each session will incorporate an expert speaker, time for questions from participants, and other materials pertinent to that session's topic. CPP & Old Age Security Tuesday, February 24, 9:00 – 11:00 AM McDougall Hall, Rm 329 UPEI Pension, UPEI Post retirement benefits & retirement process Wednesday, February 25, 9:00 – 11:00 AM McDougall Hall, Rm 329 UPEI Retirees Association – Successful transition into retirement Financial Planning – Taxation, Retirement type investments, financial planning for retirement Thursday, February 26, 9:00 – 11:00 AM McDougall Hall, Rm 329 Due to the nature of these sessions, space is limited. Please register by emailing or contact Megan Gee at 566-0605. Release-time from your department is generally needed to participate.​
Respiratory Fit Testing is required annually for anyone who uses a respirator in order to ensure a proper fit. Respiratory fit testing will take place on Tuesday, March 3rd in Memorial Hall, Room 308 starting at 9:00 am. Please book a 15 minute time slot through Megan in HR. Individuals must take their respirator or purchase one for the fit testing. As per the CSA Standard, faces must be clean shaven in order to have a respiratory fit test. Note that fit testing and respiratory supplies are departmental costs. To register for a fit test time slot please contact ​Megan Gee at ​ or 566-0605. To view the Respiratory Protection Program please click on the first link on this webpage to see Section 4.9 in the UPEI Laboratory Safety Manual : * Prior to using a respirator, individuals are required to complete a UPEI Respirator User Screening Form and send it to Megan in HR. This form is located at the above link under "Appendices" (App.T, p.113-115). *Please note: If UPEI is closed on March 3rd due to inclement weather, fit testing will be rescheduled for the following day March 4th in Andrew Hall, Room 142.
Dr. Johanna Wolf, Associate Professor for the School of Environment and Sustainability at Royal Roads University, British Columbia, is a candidate for UPEI's new Canada Research Chair in Sustainability, Resilience, and Island Contexts. Dr. Wolf will make two presentations, both of which will be open to the campus and research communities. A general presentation, entitled “Better off or Worse for Wear: Sustainability and Resilience Through Climate Adaptation", will take place on March 9, 10:30 – 11:30 am in AVC Lecture Theatre A. A reception will follow in the McCain Foundation Learning Commons at AVC. A technical presentation, entitled “Connect, Collaborate, Co-produce: Shaping Climate Change Adaptation to Foster Island Resilience and Sustainability", will take place on March 10, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, in AVC Lecture Theatre A. A reception will follow outside the theatre. All are welcome to attend. Dr. Wolf’s CV is available at the reserve desk, Robertson Library. Comments on this candidate are welcome and can be forwarded to
Due to recent storm/weather closures, we are postponing the Academic Planning open public consultation sessions that were planned on Friday February 20 and Tuesday February 24 to a later date. The Committee will announce dates for new sessions soon.
The following graduate students will present on Tuesday, February 24 at 3:00 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre C. Michelle MacDonald, Department of Pathology and Microbiology will present a seminar called "Molecular and Histopathological Disruption of Wound Healing in an Ectoparasite Model" John Onukwufor, Department of Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "Mechanisms of hypoxia, temperature and cadmium imposed mitochondrial dysfunction in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss" Jocelyn Perez-Lazo, Department of Pathology and Microbiology will present a seminar called "Improved detection of a fish virus with a segmented genome by real-time RT-qPCR". Everyone is welcome
The UPEI Human Resources department is pleased to offer Pre-Retirement Planning Program (PRP) to active faculty and staff of the University of Prince Edward Island over 45 years of age. The program addresses the many areas one needs to consider for a successful and satisfying retirement, including the UPEI pension plan, Canada Pension Plan, tax implications, and making the personal transition to retirement. PRP is designed to assist you in becoming a better-informed retirement consumer and to increase your skills in utilizing available resources. Each session will incorporate an expert speaker, time for questions from participants, and other materials pertinent to that session's topic. CPP & Old Age Security Tuesday, February 24, 9:00 – 11:00 AM McDougall Hall, Rm 329 UPEI Pension, UPEI Post retirement benefits & retirement process Wednesday, February 25, 9:00 – 11:00 AM McDougall Hall, Rm 329 UPEI Retirees Association – Successful transition into retirement Financial Planning – Taxation, Retirement type investments, financial planning for retirement Thursday, February 26, 9:00 – 11:00 AM McDougall Hall, Rm 329 Due to the nature of these sessions, space is limited. Please register by emailing or contact Megan Gee at 566-0605. Release-time from your department is generally needed to participate.​
Respiratory Fit Testing is required annually for anyone who uses a respirator in order to ensure a proper fit. Respiratory fit testing will take place on Tuesday, March 3rd in Memorial Hall, Room 308 starting at 9:00 am. Please book a 15 minute time slot through Megan in HR. Individuals must take their respirator or purchase one for the fit testing. As per the CSA Standard, faces must be clean shaven in order to have a respiratory fit test. Note that fit testing and respiratory supplies are departmental costs. To register for a fit test time slot please contact ​Megan Gee at ​ or 566-0605. To view the Respiratory Protection Program please click on the first link on this webpage to see Section 4.9 in the UPEI Laboratory Safety Manual : * Prior to using a respirator, individuals are required to complete a UPEI Respirator User Screening Form and send it to Megan in HR. This form is located at the above link under "Appendices" (App.T, p.113-115). *Please note: If UPEI is closed on March 3rd due to inclement weather, fit testing will be rescheduled for the following day March 4th in Andrew Hall, Room 142.
Dr. Johanna Wolf, Associate Professor for the School of Environment and Sustainability at Royal Roads University, British Columbia, is a candidate for UPEI's new Canada Research Chair in Sustainability, Resilience, and Island Contexts. Dr. Wolf will make two presentations, both of which will be open to the campus and research communities. A general presentation, entitled “Better off or Worse for Wear: Sustainability and Resilience Through Climate Adaptation", will take place on March 9, 10:30 – 11:30 am in AVC Lecture Theatre A. A reception will follow in the McCain Foundation Learning Commons at AVC. A technical presentation, entitled “Connect, Collaborate, Co-produce: Shaping Climate Change Adaptation to Foster Island Resilience and Sustainability", will take place on March 10, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, in AVC Lecture Theatre A. A reception will follow outside the theatre. All are welcome to attend. Dr. Wolf’s CV is available at the reserve desk, Robertson Library. Comments on this candidate are welcome and can be forwarded to
Due to recent storm/weather closures, we are postponing the Academic Planning open public consultation sessions that were planned on Friday February 20 and Tuesday February 24 to a later date. The Committee will announce dates for new sessions soon.

The Academic Planning Group will be conducting two open public consultation sessions in preparation for producing a draft of the academic plan. These consultations are aimed at elaborating on the core values laid out in our institution’s strategic plan and applying them to the academic plan. The Academic Planning Group has developed eight questions drawn from the feedback received during our survey in December 2014. We encourage every member of the UPEI community to participate in the process. Please sign up to attend a session in the Health Sciences Building, Rm 104 on February 20th (2:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.) or February 24th (10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon) using the link below. If you are unable to attend either date, the questions will be posted after the sessions for a limited time to allow for further feedback.… The academic plan is where our academic values get transformed into plans that can guide our future as a university. It will be the document of record for the things we believe in and the point of reference for the deployment of our efforts to support the pillars of the plan. It ‘reports’ on things academic to the strategic plan, and, in its own right, will inform an enrolment management plan to be developed at a later date. The academic plan is being created by the senate appointed ‘Academic Planning Group’ which is made up of people from across the campus community. Our projected deadline for completing the academic plan is the end of March. We are currently in the final phase of our data gathering and initiating the writing of the plan. We have two data gathering methods remaining: (1) the Program Survey Instrument which asks questions of our degree granting programs on campus, and (2) the public consultations, which will use eight questions to try and gather value positions from our campus community.
The final RLA Information Session will take place today at 4:30pm in 142 Andrew Hall. All guests are asked to bring along a hard copy of their cover letter and resume. The session will cover resume and cover letter writing, a breakdown of the role, and a Q&A with current RLAs. Please note that attending an RLA Information Session is a mandatory part of the application. If you are unable to attend, please contact Haley Doherty, Residence Life Coordinator at 902 628 4368 or
Join us Friday, February 20 at 2 pm in the 2nd floor lounge of the Kelley Building for the Katherine Schultz Research Recognition Awards. Jan Coffin, Strategic Research Initiatives Manager, and Dr. William Whelan, professor of physics, will be honoured in thanks for their work to help promote the community of research and discovery at UPEI. The Katherine Schultz Research Recognition Awards were created out of a gift received from Dr. Katherine Schultz, UPEI’s first Vice-President Research. Under her tenure from 2001 to 2012, UPEI enjoyed a seven-fold increase in research funding and intensity. A small reception will follow.