Campus Notices
John Onukwufor, Department of Biomedical Sciences will present a seminar called "Mechanisms of hypoxia, temperature and cadmium imposed mitochondrial dysfunction in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss," on Tuesday, February 17 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre C. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Ethics protocols that involve ‘more than minimal risk’ must be reviewed by the full UPEI Research Ethics Board. The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Friday, March 6, 2015. They will be reviewed review at the March meeting. Protocols involving ‘more than minimal risk’ that are received after March 6 will be reviewed at the April meeting.
Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve ‘more than minimal risk’, renewals, and amendments may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received.
Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete forms.
Submit one hard copy of the signed, original protocol and associated documents to 200 Kelley Memorial Building and send one e-copy of all documents to
For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or
The next deadline for submitting Biosafety Protocols including new applications, renewals and/or amendments, is Friday, February 27, 2015. These protocols will be reviewed at the March meeting. Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete the forms.
Submit one hard copy of the original protocol with signatures, and associated documents to 200 Kelley Memorial Building and send one e-copy of all documents to
Please note that protocols received after this deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or
Emily Emberton will present a flute recital on Thursday, February 19 at 7:30 pm at the Kirk of St. James, 35 Fitzroy Street, Charlottetown. Emily is in her final year of the Music Education program in the Department of Music. She will be accompanied by Frances McBurnie and will be performing works by Sergei Prokofiev, Charles Griffes and Richard Gibson.
Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.
*Please do not move chairs or tables in classrooms that are assigned to students with mobility issues.
Accessibility Services at UPEI has over 300 students with disabilities who are registered for various types of accommodations, both physical and academic. These disabilities are often invisible, and can include mobility impairments such as back, knee or soft tissue injury, MS, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, lupus, and other disorders.
There is an increased need for chairs and tables in the classrooms to accommodate the needs of these students. Accessibility Services asks for your assistance in not moving or using the chairs/ tables that are designated for these students. The tables have a wheelchair symbol on them, and need to be kept on an accessible level, especially if the classroom is theatre style; the chairs will be marked with a Reserved sign. We thank you for your assistance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cathy Rose at or (902) 628-4364.
The next presentation in the Human Biology and Environmental Sciences research seminars will take place on Friday, February 13 at 12:30 pm in Duffy Science Centre, room 204. Graduate students Heidi O’Brien and Will Robbins will present the following talks:
“Retrospective analysis of long-term impacts of concussion on cognitive decline and mental health,” by Heidi O’Brien (HUB) – supervised by W. Montelpare.
“Worms! An intestinal survey of road-killed and trapped foxes on PEI,” by Will Robbins (ESC) – supervised by M. Silva-Opps.
All are welcome to attend!
Central Printing is operating on the hours of 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday-Friday until further notice. Please contact Wendy at 902-566-0558 or
Emily Emberton will present a flute recital on Thursday, February 19 at 7:30 pm at the Kirk of St. James, 35 Fitzroy Street, Charlottetown. Emily is in her final year of the Music Education program in the Department of Music. She will be accompanied by Frances McBurnie and will be performing works by Sergei Prokofiev, Charles Griffes and Richard Gibson.
Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.
*Please do not move chairs or tables in classrooms that are assigned to students with mobility issues.
Accessibility Services at UPEI has over 300 students with disabilities who are registered for various types of accommodations, both physical and academic. These disabilities are often invisible, and can include mobility impairments such as back, knee or soft tissue injury, MS, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, lupus, and other disorders.
There is an increased need for chairs and tables in the classrooms to accommodate the needs of these students. Accessibility Services asks for your assistance in not moving or using the chairs/ tables that are designated for these students. The tables have a wheelchair symbol on them, and need to be kept on an accessible level, especially if the classroom is theatre style; the chairs will be marked with a Reserved sign. We thank you for your assistance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cathy Rose at or (902) 628-4364.
The next presentation in the Human Biology and Environmental Sciences research seminars will take place on Friday, February 13 at 12:30 pm in Duffy Science Centre, room 204. Graduate students Heidi O’Brien and Will Robbins will present the following talks:
“Retrospective analysis of long-term impacts of concussion on cognitive decline and mental health,” by Heidi O’Brien (HUB) – supervised by W. Montelpare.
“Worms! An intestinal survey of road-killed and trapped foxes on PEI,” by Will Robbins (ESC) – supervised by M. Silva-Opps.
All are welcome to attend!
Central Printing is operating on the hours of 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday-Friday until further notice. Please contact Wendy at 902-566-0558 or
Join Dr. Wendy Shilton for a talk titled: "Could 'Infusing' University Writing with Narrative Medicine Practices Promote Public Health?" on Tuesday, February 11 at 7:00 pm the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building.
This talk explores the burgeoning multi-disciplinary field of Narrative Medicine (NM) and asks whether it could be effectively applied in university writing courses to strengthen public health benefits. Among the topics examined are the origins of NM within the medical humanities; what is meant by “narrative” in NM; how NM connects the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences; and, ultimately, what NM has to do with undergraduate critical literacy practices that potentially could be integrated across the curriculum to promote greater quality and equality in health and healthcare for all.
Heckbert Studio will be back on campus February 17, 18, and 19 - with some spots still left. FINAL SESSIONS of 2015 will take place from March 30 through April 2. This will be the last availability to get photographed for your yearbook, class wall composite or print orders on campus. Please encourage your students to book their spot today.
* Appointments available, book online now at or via facebook: or call 566-5500 to book.
* Gowns and degrees are provided.
* 50% off session fee on campus, Only $20.00 ($23) with tax.
* Full retouching / airbrushing included on every order.
* Yearbook and composite image provided and submitted with every order placed.
* Instant same day digital on-line proofing. Password protected. Feel free to share your proofs on-line with friends & family.
* On-line ordering available (Paypal), or simply call us your order or visit our studio.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write, UPEI's faculty writers retreat.
When: Friday, May 15 to Tuesday, May 19
Where: Stanley Bridge Resort
Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights accommodation, meals and snacks
Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing.
The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any Department/Faculty/School.
To register, emailDave Atkinson,, with a brief summary of the project you plan to work and your writing goals for the retreat. There is room for six participants at Time to Write.
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact Dave Atkinson, Research Communications, 620-5117.
The UPEI Human Performance lab seeks volunteers for a study on the protective effects of Curcumin (an ingredient in some curry spices) against muscle fatigue. Volunteers must be healthy, relatively fit, and between the ages of 18 and 45. The team is examining the effect of Curcumin and inflammation-inducing exercise on recovery after repeated bouts of downhill running. Participants must be able to commit to nine visits to the Human Performance Lab at UPEI over the course of the study.
For more information, or to learn about how to participate, contact Matthew Boulter at or (902) 393-2845.
Have you ever wonder how much sun damage you have? Visit the Skin Scope Sun Booth that detects sun damage to the face. The booth will be at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre on Wednesday, February 11 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm.
Heckbert Studio will be back on campus February 17, 18, and 19 - with some spots still left. FINAL SESSIONS of 2015 will take place from March 30 through April 2. This will be the last availability to get photographed for your yearbook, class wall composite or print orders on campus. Please encourage your students to book their spot today.
* Appointments available, book online now at or via facebook: or call 566-5500 to book.
* Gowns and degrees are provided.
* 50% off session fee on campus, Only $20.00 ($23) with tax.
* Full retouching / airbrushing included on every order.
* Yearbook and composite image provided and submitted with every order placed.
* Instant same day digital on-line proofing. Password protected. Feel free to share your proofs on-line with friends & family.
* On-line ordering available (Paypal), or simply call us your order or visit our studio.
If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write, UPEI's faculty writers retreat.
When: Friday, May 15 to Tuesday, May 19
Where: Stanley Bridge Resort
Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights accommodation, meals and snacks
Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to the full program: a total of 3½ days focused on writing.
The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream University of Prince Edward Island faculty in any Department/Faculty/School.
To register, emailDave Atkinson,, with a brief summary of the project you plan to work and your writing goals for the retreat. There is room for six participants at Time to Write.
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact Dave Atkinson, Research Communications, 620-5117.
The UPEI Human Performance lab seeks volunteers for a study on the protective effects of Curcumin (an ingredient in some curry spices) against muscle fatigue. Volunteers must be healthy, relatively fit, and between the ages of 18 and 45. The team is examining the effect of Curcumin and inflammation-inducing exercise on recovery after repeated bouts of downhill running. Participants must be able to commit to nine visits to the Human Performance Lab at UPEI over the course of the study.
For more information, or to learn about how to participate, contact Matthew Boulter at or (902) 393-2845.
Have you ever wonder how much sun damage you have? Visit the Skin Scope Sun Booth that detects sun damage to the face. The booth will be at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre on Wednesday, February 11 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm.