UPEI Panthers Men’s Hockey holiday gift packs available

UPEI Panthers Men’s Hockey holiday gift packs are now available for purchase at the Eastlink Centre Box Office. The gift pack offers a great deal to watch one of the country's best hockey teams compete for an AUS title and a national championship.

Packages are $70 plus HST and include five individual tickets for the remaining 2022–23 regular season home games; $25 savings on a 2023 Cavendish Farms University Cup tournament pass; open ticket redemption; and the ability to hold a seat for the playoffs.

UPEI’s Teaching and Learning Centre holds successful Faculty Academy Day

UPEI’s Teaching and Learning Centre held its first Faculty Academy Day on September 1, 2022 with 27 instructional staff attending sessions in their Robertson Library Annex learning space. The successful event is a new initiative from the Teaching and Learning Centre, offering collegial professional development primarily for sessional and early career instructors.

Dr. Charlene VanLeeuwen, session facilitator and coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Centre, described the many objectives of the Academy.

UPEI Labour Relations Update: Conciliation continues with UPEI FA; conciliation requested by IBEW

The following update was also sent by email to faculty and staff on December 6, 2022.

The University of Prince Edward Island is committed to negotiating collective agreements that serve the broad interests of students and the University community for the long term.

UPEI Faculty Association

TJ Shea named UPEI Panther Subway Athlete of the Week

Every week, UPEI Athletics and Recreation recognizes two student-athletes for their achievements and contributions to their respective sports. With no women’s games on the schedule this past week, one UPEI Panther Subway Athlete of the Week, men’s hockey forward TJ Shea, was named for November 28–December 4.

Shea, from Tignish, PEI, continues to enjoy a breakout season. Last week, the third-year business student scored the game-winner against the Université de Moncton Aigles Bleus and assisted on another. He also recorded an assist in a hard-fought game against the UNB Reds.

Lung Association of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island helps clear the air around youth vaping

The Lung Association of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island visited 19 intermediate schools across PEI this fall to deliver their “Youth Vaping Awareness Days” events. The events reached over 1,250 grade 7 students from both French and English schools. These events were delivered in partnership with the UPEI Faculty of Nursing and included presentations, discussions, and games, all of which were intended to increase knowledge and awareness of the health harms of vaping.

Scholarships Virtual Information Session

The UPEI Scholarships, Awards, and Financial Aid Office, in partnership with the UPEI Recruitment team, will be hosting a virtual information session for prospective Fall 2023 students. 

This session will include details regarding UPEI Entrance Awards, scholarship eligibility, the George Coles Bursary, and other financial assistance opportunities. 

The session will take place at 5:00 pm AST on Thursday, December 15

Students must register in advance for the virtual session.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, which takes place every year on December 6, marks the anniversary of the murders of 14 young women at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal in 1989. 

UPEI will observe the day by lowering the flags in front of Kelley Memorial Building to half-mast. Everyone is encouraged to wear purple ribbons to raise awareness about violence against women and children here on PEI, across Canada, and around the world while imagining what true safety for all people, of all genders, can look like.