Stock the Shelves Food Drive
The UPEI Faculty Association is holding a food drive on November 30 in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
We hope you'll join and help us stock the shelves of UPEI's food bank. Non-perishable items only, please, or gift cards to grocery stores or cash.
Stock the Shelves Food Drive: Nov. 30, 2022
The UPEI Faculty Association is holding a food drive on November 30 in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
We hope you'll join and help us stock the shelves of UPEI's food bank. Non-perishable items only, please, or gift cards to grocery stores or cash.
UPEI Jazz Ensemble Concert
The UPEI Department of Music will present a recital by the UPEI Jazz Ensemble on Thursday, November 24, at 7:30 pm, Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI. Directed by David Shephard, the program will feature jazz standards and modern compositions alike, with works by jazz greats Pat Metheny, Wayne Shorter, Benny Goodman, and Quincy Jones.
Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for students, payable by cash at the door of the event.
A Virtual Institute for Alternative Assessment in Higher Education
Athabasca University is hosting this virtual institute on Wednesday, November 23, from 1:45 pm to 8:00 pm Atlantic.
UPEI Panther Subway Athletes of the Week (November 14-20)
Every week, UPEI Athletics and Recreation recognizes two student-athletes for their achievements and contributions to their respective sports. The UPEI Panther Subway Athletes of the Week for November 14–20 are Lauren Rainford (women’s basketball) and Lucas Fitzpatrick (men’s hockey).
An arts student from Toronto, Ontario, Rainford had a dominant second half (16 points) in a Saturday night win against UNB. The third-year guard finished with 20 points, three rebounds, and two assists.
UPEI Panthers this week (Nov. 21–27)
The UPEI Panthers play hockey and basketball at home and away during the week of November 21–27.
Wednesday, November 23:
7:00 pm: The UPEI Women’s Hockey Panthers (7-6-1) are away in Fredericton, New Brunswick, to play against the University of New Brunswick Reds (13-0-1). The Panthers lost their first game against UNB 3-0.
Friday, November 25:
Dealing with pet emergencies during the holiday season
As we approach the holiday season, there are several common causes for end-of-year pet emergencies. As a pet owner, it can be very scary when your animal is sick or appears to be in crisis. This fear can be compounded if you’re away from home and your regular veterinarian, or if you’re hosting visitors and experiencing common holiday stressors.
UPEI faculty member co-authors new book
Dr. Stacey MacKinnon, associate professor of psychology at UPEI, and co-author Dr. Beth Archer-Kuhn, associate professor of social work, University of Calgary, have published a new book, Reigniting Curiosity and Inquiry in Higher Education: A Realist’s Guide to Getting Started.
AVC professor serves as chair for international conference
In August, Halifax, Nova Scotia welcomed over 700 delegates from 54 countries to the International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE). Chaired by Dr. Javier Sanchez, professor, the Department of Health Management, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC), the conference’s theme was, “Connecting animals, people, and their shared environments.”