UPEI Panthers this Week (October 17–23)

The week of October 17–23 is another full one for the UPEI Panthers as they take on opponents at home and away.

Thursday, October 20

2:00 pm: The UPEI Women’s Rugby Panthers (4-2) will play in the AUS semi-final game against the St. Francis Xavier X-Women (3-3) with home-field advantage. This is the first time the Panthers are hosting a playoff game in over a decade. The two teams split the season series 1-1. The last time the Panthers and X-Women played at MacAdam Field, UPEI won 32-5.


Lunch and Learn - Especially for Graduate Students and Postdocs

The Graduate Students Association and the Teaching and Learning Centre invite all postdocs and graduate students to attend "The role of paraphrasing in academic integrity," presented by Jarmo Puiras, UPEI Writing Centre Coordinator, on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 12:00 pm in the Teaching and Learning Centre, Robertson Library Annex, Room 230 or via Zoom https://upei.zoom.us/j/69619982835?pwd=WkxPQWkrSEI0cEtGbTBVMi8zZkRyQT09.  Please RSVP to GSA Pr

Frances MacWilliam and TJ Shea named UPEI Panther Subway Athletes of the Week

Every week, UPEI Athletics and Recreation recognizes two student-athletes for their achievements and contributions to their respective sports. The UPEI Panther Subway Athletes of the Week for October 10–16 are Frances MacWilliam (women’s rugby) and TJ Shea (men’s hockey).

MacWilliam, a fifth-year prop and business student from Mill River, PEI, recorded a game high of 19 points on a try and seven conversions in a dominant 86-0 win over the Saint Mary's Huskies on Saturday.

Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation to host open house

UPEI’s Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation in St. Peter’s Bay will host a public Open House on Friday, October 21, 2022, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Members of the public are invited to tour the 45,000-square-foot facility, which houses the UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation, the UPEI Climate Lab, and state-of-the-art research centres of excellence, including the Centre of Excellence in Food Security and Sustainability.

Fall Open House 2022

Meet the UPEI Recruitment and First Year Advisement team at Fall Open House 2022!

8:30 am–12:00 pm

We will be hosting a number of different events, including:

  • Faculty information sessions
  • Programs and services information sessions
  • Campus and residence tours

All registered attendees will have the $50 UPEI application fee waived for this day only.

Register for the event today!

UPEI Labour Relations Update—University and Faculty Association meet with Conciliation Officer

The bargaining committees for both the University and the UPEI Faculty Association (UPEI FA) met separately and jointly several times with the government-appointed conciliation officer over the past month. Conciliation is a normal part of the bargaining process, aimed at helping the parties achieve a negotiated collective agreement.