Parks Canada Student Employment Information Session (virtual)
Parks Canada is seeking student applicants for Summer 2022! The UPEI Experiential Education office and representatives from Parks Canada are hosting an information session for UPEI students to learn more about these wonderful summer job opportunities.
Applications close on February 9. Don't miss the information session coming up on Wednesday, February 3,12:00 - 1:00 pm (AST). Feel free to drop in even if you can't attend the whole thing!
Learn more and register for this event on Eventbrite.
AVC Guest Presentation: "Why equity, diversity, and inclusion?"
The AVC is pleased to invite you to a guest presentation entitled “Why equity, diversity, and inclusion?” on Wednesday, January 26, at 12:30 p.m. AST, featuring Dr. Carlton Gyles, professor emeritus, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. Dr. Gyles will describe the importance of the terms equity, diversity, and inclusion, and will review efforts made by Canadian universities to develop and implement procedures to create a culture of equity on their campuses.
Lunch and Learn Session - Ungrading
Interested in ideas around ungrading? Wondering how it might work in one of your classes?
Preparing your teaching dossier for tenure/permanency and promotion
Faculty and librarians preparing a teaching dossier often have questions about the process or what reviewers look for in a dossier. Dr. Nola Etkin, Dean of Science, will address these key points and answer questions about teaching dossiers on Friday, January 28, at 1:00 pm Atlantic time. To register for the zoom link to attend this teaching dossier session focused on tenure [permanency for librarians] and promotion, click here.
Star goaltender Camille Scherger shares own struggles with mental health to help others
Originally published on
Fans of UPEI's women's hockey team and Camille Scherger in particular know her as the team's star goaltender, an academic all-Canadian, a second team all-Canadian, and the host of the popular web series Schugs' Corner—a comedic take on CBC's Coach's Corner. But what they might not know is that she also struggles with mental illness.
Two AVC faculty members appointed to inaugural Associate Editor Board
The Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) at the University of Prince Edward Island is pleased to congratulate Drs. Fred Kibenge and Jason Stull on being appointed to the inaugural Associate Editor Board for the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) and the American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR).
Meet Kate Scarth, Chair of Lucy Maud Montgomery Studies and Assistant Professor
What's your job title here at UPEI, and what is your typical workday like?
It’s a long one! I’m Chair of L.M. Montgomery Studies and Assistant Professor of Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture (ACLC).
Bell Let's Talk Day at UPEI
UPEI is joining in the 12th annual Bell Let’s Talk initiative by assembling resources and partnering on a number of activities taking place all week.
Bell Let’s Talk—Virtual Photo Booth
Bell Let’s Talk Day—Join the Conversation!
Bell Let’s Talk Day is Wednesday, January 26, 2022, and UPEI is joining in to help drive progress in mental health.
UPEI is excited to participate once again in the Bell Let's Talk campaign as part of our year-round efforts to build a culture of care that nurtures and celebrates the mental health and wellness of everyone in the University community.