"Speak with a UPEI Recruiter" Virtual Drop-ins (online event)

Drop in to our Google Meet session and speak with a UPEI first-year adviser and recruiter!

Every Tuesday and Thursday
January 25 to March 10, 2022
12:00–2:00 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

Discuss everything about UPEI and how it may be the perfect fit for your post-secondary education. No registration is required!

Join our Google Meet session between 12:00 and 2:00 pm

"Speak with a UPEI Recruiter" Virtual Drop-ins (online event)

Drop in to our Google Meet session and speak with a UPEI first-year adviser and recruiter!

Every Tuesday and Thursday
January 25 to March 10, 2022
12:00–2:00 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

Discuss everything about UPEI and how it may be the perfect fit for your post-secondary education. No registration is required!

Join our Google Meet session between 12:00 and 2:00 pm

"Speak with a UPEI Recruiter" Virtual Drop-ins (online event)

Drop in to our Google Meet session and speak with a UPEI first-year adviser and recruiter!

Every Tuesday and Thursday
January 25 to March 10, 2022
12:00–2:00 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

Discuss everything about UPEI and how it may be the perfect fit for your post-secondary education. No registration is required!

Join our Google Meet session between 12:00 and 2:00 pm

"Speak with a UPEI Recruiter" Virtual Drop-ins (online event)

Drop in to our Google Meet session and speak with a UPEI first-year adviser and recruiter!

Every Tuesday and Thursday
January 25 to March 10, 2022
12:00–2:00 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

Discuss everything about UPEI and how it may be the perfect fit for your post-secondary education. No registration is required!

Join our Google Meet session between 12:00 and 2:00 pm

"How to Apply" Q and A for Prospective Students (online event)

5:00–5:30 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST), online

Are you ready to apply to UPEI? Join us for a virtual Q and A session and we'll walk you through the application process.

The topics we'll cover include:

  • Creating a UPEI Application Account
  • Overview of the undergraduate application
  • Submitting the required documentation
  • Important deadlines and next steps

Register today!

"Living in Residence" Q and A for Prospective Students (online event)

5:00–5:30 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST), online

Interested in living on campus at UPEI? Living in residence gives you the freedom of living on your own while providing the support you need to transition successfully to university life.

Our "Living in Residence" online session is designed to get you the answers you're looking for. The topics we'll cover include: