Campus Notices
After a break for reading week, the Arts Equity and Inclusion group has another new article up for your discussion! Entitled "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of Settler Privilege," it provides a provocative compilation of examples that while not specific to teaching, highlight everyday things many people do, in and out of the classroom, that bear rethinking. Go to and click on the 'join the discussions' button there. Share your thoughts with your colleagues! And remember that all previous articles are always still available under 'discussions' too--and you can comment on them at any time.
Think BIG! Exploring Issues and Opportunities to Promote Family Well-being on Prince Edward Island
As the province’s only university, the University of Prince Edward Island is committed to advancing family well-being, and is proud to be partnering with the Vanier Institute of the Family for the Families in Canada Conference 2019. Through dynamic local programming and the national livestream from Ottawa, this satellite conference event will explore issues and opportunities facing PEI families today. Local panelists will share their experiences representing different perspectives as individuals with lived experience, policy-makers, practitioners and researchers. For more information about the UPEI satellite conference March 27-28, 2019 or to register go to
Dr. John Donohue, Scientific Outreach Manager at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo will present "The Second Quantum Revolution" on March 1 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering building in FSDE 202. Dr. Donahue will overview the field of quantum information science, from its background and history to current experimental progress and early industrial adoption. He will explain how the fundamental unit of quantum information, the qubit, can be experimentally realized using structured superconducting circuits; discuss how one of the fundamental tenets of quantum mechanics, the measurement-disturbance relationship, can be used as a tool to guarantee secure communications; and introduce how an information-theoretic approach to quantum measurement can provide new tools with real-world applications.
The 2019CAP National Lecture Series is brought to you by the Canadian Association of Physicists ( and is hosted by the UPEI Department of Physics.
The next event in the series being presented by the Faculty Development Office and the Indigenous Education Advisory Circle’s faculty development committee will occur on Tuesday, February 26, from 2:30-3:30 in SDMB 201 (Faculty Lounge). Gerald Wandio will facilitate a discussion of the article "Mandatory Indigenous Studies courses aren't Reconciliation, they're an easy way out" by Rauna Kuokkanen. 2016. Please read the article and come discuss it!
Please join us for an Open House at the new English Language Centre on Wednesday, February 27 from 1:30-4:30 pm, located on the first floor of Kelley Memorial Building, room 105 (where the Registrar's Office was previously located).
Learn about the EAP and Homestay programs, and other services offered at the Centre. All students, staff, and faculty are welcome to attend. Snacks available.
The Faculty of Science graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to Pradeepa Gunasena's MSc thesis defence on Wednesday, February 27 at 9 am in the Health Sciences Building, room 323. Her presentation is entitled "Establishing the test retest reliability of contralateral auditory suppression of transient evoked oto-acoustic emissions in a cohort of normal healthy individuals."
The Faculty of Education would like to invite you to a public presentation by Dr. Andre P. Grace, "The Comprehensive Sexual Health of Canadian Youth: Employing the Comprehensive Health Education Workers Project to Emphasize Education and Intervention." This event is Tuesday, February 26 from 12 noon-1:00 pm in Memorial Hall 417. (Please note that in a previous Campus Notice, the day was incorrectly listed as Monday and time at 1:00 pm.)
Please note that UPEI's Summer Catalogue is now available for viewing in the MyUpei portal. The Catalogue can also be found here: Registration for students opened on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
After a break for reading week, the Arts Equity and Inclusion group has another new article up for your discussion! Entitled "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of Settler Privilege," it provides a provocative compilation of examples that while not specific to teaching, highlight everyday things many people do, in and out of the classroom, that bear rethinking. Go to and click on the 'join the discussions' button there. Share your thoughts with your colleagues! And remember that all previous articles are always still available under 'discussions' too--and you can comment on them at any time.
As part of 'Pharmacy Awareness Week', the PEI Pharmacist Association is hosting a 1-hour information session on Wednesday, March 6 starting at 11:30 in the Health Sciences Building, room 105.
This session will provide information about pharmacy programs, in an effort to not only guide those contemplating pharmacy as a career, but to further inform students about what 'goes in to' becoming a pharmacist so that the expanded role of pharmacists is better understood.
There will also be a hands-on Naloxone-administration demo, which will be of interest to students in leadership/supervisory roles.
Year Four. Event Five.
Come and get it. Lentil and Black Bean Soup. Potato and Roasted Red Soup. Prepared and served by UPEI Recruitment and Advisement Office. They got you here, let them feed you here! Today at 11:30 am in the Chaplaincy Centre.
explore ways in which colonization impacts our well-being determine ways in which to challenge colonial understandings of being to create safe spaces for ourselves build solidarity among BIPOC communities on campus
When: March 4th, 1 - 3pm
Where: Andrew Hall, Room 142
For: Faculty, staff, and students
It is a free workshop and refreshments will be provided.
Please feel free to email Sobia ( or Dawne ( if you have any questions.
As part of the Molecular and Macromolecular Sciences Seminar Series, two topics will be presented:
Riley Jackson: "Building a Novel Transition State Search Algorithm using Machine Learning"
Will McCombs: "Characterization of Phosphorus Speciation and Mineralization in PEI Soil."
This event is today at 12:30 pm in KC Irving Centre, room 104.
All are welcome to attend.
Nazanin Behzadan is visiting the Economics Department, Thursday, February 28th. and will be giving a presentation in Main 211 at 4:00 pm. The topic presenting is "The Paradox of Transfers: Distribution and the Dutch Disease".
“Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms” -- that includes having access to all reading materials!
We encourage you to come to the Robertson Library foyer to check out books that have been challenged or banned in our Freedom to Read Week display. We also have a selection of books “under wraps”, which were banned/challenged in Canada, with an excerpt of why they were challenged. Test your knowledge to see if you can guess their titles!
Fill out a Freedom to Read puzzle or word search to win a $15 gift card to Indigo. And, don’t forget to share your favourite banned or challenged book on social media! Check out the Freedom to Read Week website at
Books in the display may be borrowed from the Library.
The Academic Integrity Working Group launched the Academic Integrity Portal on the Robertson Library website Fall semester 2018. Our goal is that students and faculty may understand the importance of academic integrity, and be able to confidently apply this understanding to all aspects of their academic lives. The portal includes a variety of resources for both learning and teaching about academic integrity.
A feature which may be of particular interest is our Academic Integrity Tutorial, which is an interactive video hosted on Moodle, teaching students the basics of plagiarism, citing, and paraphrasing. Completing the tutorial with correct answers will award students with the Academic Integrity Badge. By following the instructions on our Course Design page, faculty may set up their Moodle course so that assignment submissions are not allowed until the student earns the badge. The portal can be accessed at the following url:
Year Four. Event Five.
Come and get it on Wednesday, February 27 at 11:30 am in the Chaplaincy Centre. Lentil and Black Bean Soup. Potato and Roasted Red Soup.
Prepared and served by UPEI Recruitment and Advisement Office. They got you here, let them feed you here!
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), on behalf of the granting agencies and in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-President Academic and Research, is hosting a workshop at UPEI on the implementation of the “made-in-Canada” Athena SWAN program on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 from 9 am to 12 noon.
We hope you can attend this workshop and share your insights on how we can best implement this initiative in Canada and provide comments on the proposed draft Charter. The workshop is a half-day event. Refreshments and treats will be provided. For more information on the made-in-Canada Athena SWAN initiative and to register for the workshop, please visit NSERC’s website.
In recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication of our faculty and staff, a number of annual awards have been created to acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians, Clinical Veterinary Professionals and Clinical Nursing Instructors and four categories of Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2019. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 10:30am-12:00pm in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Susan Connolly, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients.
Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Friday, March 29, 2019.
For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:
The Faculty of Science graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to Pradeepa Gunasena's MSc Thesis defense. Her presentation is entitled "Establishing the test retest reliability of contralateral auditory suppression of transient evoked oto-acoustic emissions in a cohort of normal healthy individuals"
Everyone is welcome. This event is today t 9:00 am in HSB 323.