Campus Notices
All are welcome to join Senator Peter Harder on Wednesday, March 27 at 2:00 pm in the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building for a public lecture on the importance of Canada's Chamber of "second sober thought" especially to smaller provinces. He will elaborate on how the new independent system actually enhances the voices of the smaller provinces as well as those of minority groups and Indigenous Canadians. He will also discuss the need for a Senate committee to keep a close eye on Senate expenses in the wake of the spending difficulties of the last Parliament.
Senator Harder entered the Upper Chamber in April 2016, as the first Independent Senator appointed under a new non-partisan selection process that invites all eligible Canadians to submit applications. He arrived in the Senate with nearly 30 years of experience in the federal public service, and a decade serving as a volunteer in various organizations and as a member of several boards of directors.
In the Senate, Senator Harder is tasked with both shepherding government legislation through the Upper Chamber and leading efforts on reform towards a more independent, accountable and transparent institution.
The Senator’s visit to Charlottetown is day two of a two-day trip in Atlantic Canada. Earlier on Wednesday, he will visit a local school where students will sing O Canada in Mi’kmaq. Senator Harder meets later in the day with the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI.
In ever increasing numbers, grandparents are taking on the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. Grandparents who are the primary care providers to their grandchildren are faced with multiple complexities. Currently, there is a lack of awareness and understanding about the complexities of this family form. As a way to more fully understand the issues and opportunities facing grandparents raising grandchildren, a post-conference symposium will be held at UPEI in MacMillian Hall on March 29, 2019. In partnership with the Central Eastern Grandparents Initiative (CEGI), UPEI and the Vanier institute of the Family this symposium builds upon the two day Families in Canada conference being hosted at UPEI on March 27-28, 2019.
This post-conference symposium will examine issues facing grandparents raising grandchildren. During the day, delegates from the private, public and social sectors will come together to focus on the concept of “the child in the center” and to create new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and communication among those study, serve and grandparents raising children locally, provincially and nationally.
Click here for more information about the families in Canada post-conference symposium.
Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians, Clinical Veterinary Professionals and Clinical Nursing Instructors and four categories of Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2019. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 10:30am-12:00pm in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Susan Connolly, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients.
Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Friday, March 29, 2019.
For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:
As part of the interview process, Dr. Cuq has been asked to present two brief seminars; one suitable for 3rd year DVM students and the other a presentation of his research interests.
MONDAY, March 25th, 2019
12:30pm, AVC Lecture Theatre 'C'
Treatment & Management of Hypoadrenocorticism
Interleukin-17 in Canine Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia
Any interested faculty / staff are invited to attend. A copy of his CV and letter of application will be available from Laurel Fisher (
Title: Investigations into two separate approaches for microbial natural product discovery: in situ bacterial isolation and fungal co-culture
These three days are a celebration of the accomplishments of our graduate students and their research efforts. Over the course of the three days, graduate students from multiple faculties will present their research orally.
Call for Abstracts - Deadline Extended to April 5, 2019!
The faculty of Graduate Studies invites all graduate students to submit an abstract for a presentation to the second UPEI Graduate Studies and Research Conference. For details on submissions, please refer to the Call for Abstracts:
On Tuesday, March 26th from 10:30 to 11:30 anyone involved in instruction is invited to come hear about research on the design of learning targets, what works and what doesn't and how targets created for learners need to be different than those created for instructors. The workshop takes place in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. REGISTER
Colorectal cancer does not always display obvious symptoms, especially in early stages, but free testing is available to help identify when the illness may be developing.
Screening using the FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test) Kit is recommended every two years for those of average risk who are 50 to 74 years of age. Average risk means no family history of colorectal cancer (parent or sibling) or no symptoms such as a change in bowel movements, visible blood in the stool, or excessive vomiting. The test screens stool for signs of blood which can indicate the presence of polyps or cancer cells.
Testing is simple, can be done in the comfort of your home and takes only a few minutes. Anyone can do this test to detect warning signs of cancer and take action while you are still feeling healthy. It’s convenient, free and improves your chances of survival. Pick up a FIT kit at the UPEI Health & Wellness Centre, 2nd Floor North, Murphy Building.
Up to 10 Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Faculty, Librarians, Clinical Veterinary Professionals and Clinical Nursing Instructors and four categories of Presidential Awards of Merit for UPEI Staff will be awarded in 2019. These awards will be presented during a Celebration of Colleagues to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 10:30am-12:00pm in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Susan Connolly, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources & Legal, will lead the process and chair the committee to select award recipients.
Nominations for both faculty and staff awards close on Friday, March 29, 2019.
For further details on the awards and the nomination process, please visit:
I am working as a group member conducting research into the mussel industry for a third-year business course (BUS 3910). My group has created a short, anonymous survey asking about various knowledge and attitudes of mussels. Please fill take 2 minutes to complete this form and help us out. Thanks! -Keegan Dyment
A hackathon takes a creative and collaborative problem solving approach to addressing a real issue. In May-June, 2019, the Province of Prince Edward Island will be hosting the second annual public service hackathon, a 6-week case competition designed as a professional development opportunity that brings together multi-disciplinary teams of federal, provincial, municipal and private sector professionals working in PEI. In recognition of the value of experiential learning, the planning committee is offering one space on each of the ten teams to a UPEI student as an unpaid internship opportunity. The hackathon/internship carries 3-semester credit hours. Students must apply by March 31, 2019 by registering in ARTS 1050-1. For more information email
On March 25th & 26th, 2019, Dr. Benoît Cuq will be interviewing for the open, tenure-track faculty position in small animal internal medicine in the Department of Companion Animals at the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC). Dr. Cuq received his DVM from the École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France (2011); completed several specialty internships (France, St. Hyacinthe & OVC); completed his DVSc at OVC in 2017 and is board-certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Dr. Cuq is currently finishing a PhD program at OVC.
As part of the interview process, Dr. Cuq has been asked to present two brief seminars; one suitable for 3rd year DVM students and the other a presentation of his research interests.
MONDAY, March 25th, 2019
12:30pm, AVC Lecture Theatre 'C'
Treatment & Management of Hypoadrenocorticism
Interleukin-17 in Canine Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia
Any interested faculty / staff are invited to attend. A copy of his CV and letter of application will be available from Laurel Fisher (
Speaker: Logan MacIntyre, Biomedical Sciences
Title: Investigations into two separate approaches for microbial natural product discovery: in situ bacterial isolation and fungal co-culture
This event is Tuesday, March 26 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre B.
This award was created in honour of Dr. J. Regis Duffy, and is awarded annually to a graduating UPEI student who has demonstrated to an outstanding degree the qualities of scholarship and leadership within the University community, and who is not receiving a Governor General's Medal. A cash prize of $1,000 and medallion will be granted to the successful student recipient.
Further information on student nominations can be found here ( and can be made by any member of the university community. Recommendations can be forwarded to the Scholarships and Awards Office in Dalton Hall in person, by mail or email at The deadline to nominate students will be Monday, April 1. If there are any questions, please contact our office at (902) 620-5187.
Girls in grades 7 to 9 are invited to a science and engineering retreat on Friday, May 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This 5th Girls Get WISE Science and Engineering Retreat will give girls a hands-on experience in chemistry, physics, biology, computer science, and engineering through fun workshops. Girls will also meet female role models who are working or studying in the science, engineering, and technology fields. These experiences will help girls make informed decisions about subject choices in their later school years.
Register at by Friday, April 26. Space is limited. Cost is $10 which includes lunch. Subsidies may be available upon request.
This event is hosted by UPEI with assistance from WISE (Women In Science and Engineering) Atlantic and Engineers PEI.
Two (2) awards will be granted annually to a UPEIFA member, staff member, and/or a volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to the research enterprise at UPEI.
From Dr. Schultz’s letter that established the fund:
The research success of an institution rests fundamentally on the excellence, dedication and insights of its researchers and their teams of collaborators, trainees, students, and technicians. However, their success also rests on the work of those who might be labeled the “unsung heroes” of the research enterprise – that is, those whose work behind the scenes and serve to make it all possible – faculty, staff, and volunteers who focus their service on the committees that enable research to proceed; ethics, policy development, and internal grants. For example: those who bring their expertise to ensuring legislative, regulatory and best practice compliance; and those who keep the accounts, fine tune the proposals, develop contracts, and steer strategic initiatives that enable research success. These contributions could include the design or development of a new research policy or procedures, chairing, or being a member of, a compliance committee during a particularly demanding time, providing key support to the development of institutional proposals for significant research funding, and/or continuously going above and beyond to enhance the research experience at the university.
Nomination forms can be found here:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jan Coffin at Nomination material can be submitted via email to, or dropped off in hard copy at Scholarships and Awards in Student Accounts in 2nd Floor of Dalton Hall.