Campus Notices

Please join us for an open house at the new English Language Centre, located on the first floor of Kelley Memorial Building room 105 (where the Registrar's Office was previously located). Learn about the EAP and Homestay programs, and other services offered at the Centre. 

The open house will be held on Wednesday, February 27th from 1:30-4:30 pm. All students, staff and faculty are welcome to attend. Snacks available.


Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and anyone who cares for children are invited to "Raising Confident, Competent Children", the second in three free Triple P Positive Parenting Seminars, presented by Dr. Philip Smith, Psychology. It's not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this one. For more information, and to sign up for free child care, visit The event is today at 7:00 pm at Murphy's Community Centre, 200 Richmond Street, Charlottetown.

All faculty members planning to attend Convocation 2019 ceremonies will need to order their regalia before March 1, 2019 to ensure their hood from a Canadian university will be available. Please note that GradCo will take orders after this date, but cannot guarantee delivery of the proper hood.

GradCo Gown Service is UPEI's official provider for all hoods and gowns. Orders can be placed online:

The Faculty of Science graduate Studies Committee invites the campus community to Pradeepa Gunasena's MSc Thesis defence on Wednesday, February 27 at 9 am in the Health Sciences Building, room 323. Her presentation is entitled "Establishing the test retest reliability of contralateral auditory suppression of transient evoked oto-acoustic emissions in a cohort of normal healthy individuals."

Are you interested in submitting a story for Grain Magazine's Indigenous Writers and Storytellers Issue ( but are having issues making your story sound just right? Well, the Mawi'omi Centre will be hosting a writing workshop in the Robertson Library on February 26 from 12 noon to 2 pm to help you send in the best story you can!

Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and anyone who cares for children are invited to "Raising Confident, Competent Children", the second in three free Triple P Positive Parenting Seminars, presented by Dr. Philip Smith, Psychology on Wednesday, February 27 from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Murphy's Community Centre at 200 Richmond Street, Charlottetown. It's not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this one. For more information, and to sign up for free child care, visit

After a break for reading week, the Arts Equity and Inclusion group has another new article up for your discussion! Entitled "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of Settler Privilege," it provides a provocative compilation of examples that while not specific to teaching, highlight everyday things many people do, in and out of the classroom, that bear rethinking. Go to and click on the 'join the discussions' button there. Share your thoughts with your colleagues! And remember that all previous articles are always still available under 'discussions' too--and you can comment on them at any time.

The Faculty of Education would like to invite you to a public presentation by Dr. Andre P. Grace, The Comprehensive Sexual Health of Canadian Youth: Employing the Comprehensive Health Education Workers Project to Emphasize Education and Intervention. This event is Tuesday, February 26 from 12 noon-1:00 pm in Memorial Hall 417. (In an earlier Campus Notice, the day was incorrectly listed as Monday and time at 1:00 pm.)

The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre reminds members of the campus community that February is Heart Month.  Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and family history of early cardiovascular disease. Other important risk factors include obesity and lack of physical activity. Here are the facts:

  • 1/5 Islanders over the age of 18 have hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • 1/12 slanders aged 20+ are living with heart disease
  • 1,200 Islanders will experience an acute cardiac event each year
  • Heart attacks happen more frequently in men; however, other cardiovascular events happen more commonly in women.

Contact the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre for more information or to book an appointment: or 902-566-0616

Are you interested in submitting a story for Grain Magazine's Indigenous Writers and Storytellers Issue ( but are having issues making your story sound just right? Well, the Mawi'omi Centre will be hosting a writing workshop on February 26 to help you send in the best story you can!

Join us Monday, February 26 from noon to 2:00 pm in room 312 of the Robertson Library. 

The Faculty of Education would like to invite you to a public presentation by Dr. Andre P. Grace, The Comprehensive Sexual Health of Canadian Youth: Employing the Comprehensive Health Education Workers Project to Emphasize Education and Intervention.
This event is Monday, February 26 at 1:00 pm in Memorial Hall 417.

Expert and novice instructors alike find it challenging to write effective statements for assessment of learning. This workshop will provide you with some evidence for what is relevant and effective. It will provide you with a systematic approach for writing statements. And it will provide you with an alternative method to the standard learning outcome or objective. The workshop takes place on Monday, February 25th from 10:30 am to 11:30 am in Room 265 of the Robertson Library. REGISTER

The next event in the series being presented by the Faculty Development Office and the Indigenous Education Advisory Circle’s faculty development committee will occur on Tuesday, February 26, from 2:30-3:30 in SDMB 201 (Faculty Lounge). Gerald Wandio will facilitate a discussion of the article "Mandatory Indigenous Studies courses aren't Reconciliation, they're an easy way out" by Rauna Kuokkanen. 2016. Please read the article and come discuss it! It's available at

Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and anyone who cares for children are invited to "Raising Confident, Competent Children", the second in three free Triple P Positive Parenting Seminars, presented by Dr. Philip Smith, Psychology. It's not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this one. For more information, and to sign up for free child care, visit

This events is Wednesday, February 27 at 7:00 pm in room 207 of the Murphy's Community Centre, 200 Richmond Street, Charlottetown.

The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the campus
community to a presentation by Sarah Hewko (Applied Human Sciences) entitled: "The early retiree divests the workplace: Quantitative analysis of retirement decision-making among health professionals". 

Everyone is welcome. This event is today at 12:30 pm in room 204 of Duffy Science Centre. 

All are invited to attend a special Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering Graduate Research Seminar, on Friday, February 22, at 12 noon, in SDE 202. Dr. Atul Pathak from Biovectra will be speaking on "An Emerging Paradigm in the Global Pharmaceutical Industry".

Speaker: Dr. Joel Ross, Faculty of Science
Title: Synaptic dysfunction in human neurons with autism-associated genetic variants
This event is Monday, February 26 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre B. 

Mental Health Primer for UPEI staff and faculty. Learn some basics around recognizing general mental health issues as well as tools for how to help and respond to someone in need. Please note that this course does not replace the Mental Health First Aid Training currently provided on campus. Les Wagner, Regional Director, Prince County Canadian Mental Health Association, PEI Division will be leading the Mental Health Primer Course. The 2 hour course is being held on Tuesday, February 26 from 9:30 am - 11:30 am and Thursday, February 28 from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. 
To register for one of these dates, please contact Angela Marchbank, Fitness & Wellness Coordinator at or 566-0606. Course is free for UPEI Faculty and Staff. Provided by the Healthy Campus Committee as part of the Employee Wellness Strategy.

The Faculty of Education would like to invite you to a public  presentation by Dr. Andre P. Grace, The Comprehensive Sexual Health of Canadian Youth: Employing the Comprehensive Health Education Workers Project to Emphasize Education and Intervention. The event is Tuesday, February 26 at noon in room 417 of Memorial Hall. All are welcome. 

The monthly meeting of the UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held Friday, February 22nd from 3-4 pm in the "Fishbowl" of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). This will be a "meet and greet" discussion with our special invited speaker, Dr. Jay Penney from MIT, who will present a seminar in AVC Lecture B at 2 pm that day. All faculty, staff and students with an interest in neuroscience research are welcome.