Campus Notices

Join us for the first PEI History of Medicine Society talk of 2018-19. Dr. Jock Murray will speak about his discoveries while writing his recently published book that charts the history of the Dalhousie Medical School. The stories of medical education at Dalhousie will cover the remarkable beginning of the medical school, the early acceptance of women, some outstanding doctors and some outrageous and criminal characters, the ill-fated separation from the university, the impact of a school teacher’s critical report, the role of medical students in the Halifax Explosion, and how medical education and medical admissions have changed over the years.

Fraduating soon and looking for a job? The Master in Global Affairs will be hosting a presentation on the Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP). The APAP is a federal recruitment program that offers recent graduates an unparalleled development opportunity in the federal public service. The APAP develops high potential individuals for policy roles in the Government of Canada by offering recent master's-level graduates the opportunity to establish a foundation of knowledge and experience in federal public administration.

We invite all interested students to attend a presentation on the program where APAP alumni will discuss their experiences and the program: Wednesday September 26, 4:00-5:00 pm Faculty Lounge; light refreshments will be served.

For more information please contact Dr. Doreley Carolina Coll, Master in Global Affairs Coordinator,, 566-0603

October is Mi’kmaq History Month

What’s with “Land Acknowledgment”? Living Treaties in Mi'kma’ki

Join us for a brown bag talk by Tammy MacDonald, Director of Research and Outreach; Consultation Negotiation Coordinator Mi’kmaq Confederacy OF PEI.

Never conquered, and the land never ceded; find out why this entire section of Canada is still Mi'kma’ki, and why that one tiny fact is so important.

Monday, October 1st
Robertson Library, Upper Level, Room 312
Noon – 1 pm

Check out our display of recently acquired titles for our indigenous book collection.

Everyone is welcome. Coffee will be served.

Are you planning a teleconference in the next few weeks?
Check out our guide to make sure it goes off without a hitch.
As always, ITSS is here to help Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (902) 566 0465.

Today’s events:
• Biosafety Café – 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., AVC McCain Foundation Learning Commons, 285N
• Snacks with Security - 11:00 – 11:30 a.m., Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering Main Entrance (by CUB and Bell Aliant Centre)
• Karma Yoga – 12:10-12:55 p.m., Chaplaincy Centre
• When Disaster Strikes, The Time to Prepare is Over: Are you Ready? – presented by Cindy MacDougall, Public Safety Officer, PEI Emergency Measures Organization; 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., HSB 105

Check out the full schedule of events here:

Don’t forget about the Safety Week Scavenger Hunt. Use #UPEISafetyWeek on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to submit your photos or follow the fun. A meal for 4 at The Fox & Crow Campus Pub is available to be won.

Environmental Studies Program and Robertson Library Talks invite the members of the UPEI community to participate in the Environmental Studies Book Club discussion series. The aim of the Environmental Studies Book Club series is to facilitate the campus-wide discussion about various environmental issues, and provide an informal learning opportunity to university students. 

This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict (2015). Farrell’s book is an illuminating and engaging account of environmental conflicts that have been raging in the iconic Yellowstone National Park for the past two centuries. “The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?” (

The discussion series will be of interest to anybody who would like to exchange opinions and learn more about the history and present day of nature conservation, conflict over natural resources, discourses and narratives about nature, and the role of spirituality and values in shaping human-environment interaction.

The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.

The discussions will take place in Robertson Library—Reading Room, 2nd Floor. 

September 26th, noon-1pm
Chapter 1: Believing in Yellowstone: The Moralization of Nature and the Creation of America’s Eden

October 17th, noon-1pm
Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd

November 7th, noon-1pm
Chapter 4: Between Good and Evil: The Science, Culture, and Polarization of Wolf Conflict

November 28th, noon-1pm
Chapter 5: Drilling Our Soul: Moral Boundary Work in an Unlikely Old-West Fight against Fracking

If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at

Calling all dog owners! Do you have a well-behaved, pure-bred or a recognized mixed breed (labradoodle- or cockapoo-type) dog? Consider entering your dog in the Parade of Dog Breeds at the 2018 AVC Open House on Saturday, September 29, from 10 am to 2 pm!

AVC Open House is a fun event for people of all ages—a chance for us to showcase our College to the public! And the Parade of Dog Breeds at 12 noon is a great way for people to learn about different breeds.
If you are interested or if you know someone who is, please email AVC student Kelly Yoo at for details.

The Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC) invites you to a presentation and conversation with Catherine Holtman (Director), Rina Arsenault (Associate Director), and Philip Smith (Board member): Stories of Change: Celebrating 25 Years at the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research.  The event runs 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday, September 24 in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI's SDU Main Building.

Call for Submissions: MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing
In July 2011, the family of Harry and Marjorie MacLauchlan of Stanhope, PEI made a further leadership gift to UPEI to create a substantial awards program to honour H. Wade MacLauchlan’s twelve years of service as UPEI president and vice-chancellor, and to recognize the importance of effective writing as a foundational skill for academic success and lifelong learning. The MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing are valued at $500 each, with up to 57 prizes available annually for returning undergraduate students who produced outstanding written work in the previous academic year (September 1 – August 31), and up to 3 prizes available for faculty or staff members, who have shown exceptional leadership in the development of writing among students at UPEI.

Please share this program with students or recommend a colleague via the following links. Deadline for submissions is October 6:

MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing (Coursework) – up to 35 prizes 
MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing (Community) – up to 11 prizes 
MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing (Webster Centre) – up to 11 prizes 
MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing (Staff/Faculty) – up to 3 prizes 

For more information, contact Adrienne in Scholarships and Awards at

On Wednesday, September 26th from 8 p.m. until 12:00 am (4 hours), ITSS will be performing maintenance on UPEI’s myUPEI portal and Colleague systems.

During this time, faculty, staff and students may be unable to access the myUPEI portal at

If you receive an error message while logging in to a service, please wait at least 15 minutes and try again until you are successful.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at 566-0465

Graduating soon and looking for a job? The Master in Global Affairs will be hosting a presentation on the Advanced Policy Analyst Program (APAP). The APAP is a federal recruitment program that offers recent graduates an unparalleled development opportunity in the federal public service. The APAP develops high potential individuals for policy roles in the Government of Canada by offering recent master's-level graduates the opportunity to establish a foundation of knowledge and experience in federal public administration.

We invite all interested students to attend a presentation on the program where APAP alumni will discuss their experiences and the program: Wednesday September 26, 4:00-5:00 pm Faculty Lounge; light refreshments will be served.

For more information please contact Dr. Doreley Carolina Coll, Master in Global Affairs Coordinator,, 566-0603

Today’s events:
• UPEI’s New Building Emergency Plan – presented by Mark Pharand, Manger Security Services; Monday September 24, 9:00 – 10:00 am, MCDH 329
• New Employee Coffee Break with Health, Safety & Environment (employees hired within the last 12 months are invited to attend) – 10:30 – 11:00 am AH 142
• Employee Health & Safety Education Session – presented by Kevin Robinson, Manager of Health & Safety; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, AH 142
• Tai Chi – 12:15 – 12:45 pm, Quadrangle (rain location: TBA)
• Snacks with Security – 12:15 – 12:45 pm, AVC Main Lobby/Entrance

Looking ahead to Tuesday’s events:
• Biosafety Café: 10:00 – 11:00 am, AVC McCain Foundation learning Commons, AVC 285N
• Snacks with Security: 11:00 – 11:30 am, FSDE Main Entrance
• Karma Yoga: 12:10 – 12:55 pm, Chaplaincy Centre
• When Disaster Strikes the Time to Prepare is Over: Are you ready? – presented by Cindy MacDougall, Public Safety Officer, PEI Emergency Measures Organization; 2:00 – 3:00 pm, HSB 105

Check out the full schedule of events here:

And don’t forget about the Safety Week Scavenger Hunt that begins this morning at 9 a.m. Use #UPEISafetyWeek on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to submit your photos or follow the fun. A meal for 4 at The Fox & Crow Campus Pub is available to be won.

Dr. Tony Couture will give a free talk entitled, "An Anarchist Theory of Humour," on Friday, September 28 from 3-4:30 in SDMB 211. 

The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee and the Health, Safety and Environment Department are pleased to present the second annual UPEI Safety Week, September 24-27. The week-long schedule of educational and fun activities is designed to create awareness and encourage all faculty, staff, and students to develop and maintain a safe study and work environment year-round. 

Here is the line-up for day one:
• UPEI’s New Building Emergency Plan – presented by Mark Pharand, Manger Security Services; Monday September 24, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m, MCDH 329
• New Employee Coffee Break with Health, Safety & Environment (employees hired within the last 12 months are invited to attend) – 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. AH 142
• Employee Health & Safety Education Session – presented by Kevin Robinson, Manager of Health & Safety; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., AH 142
• Tai Chi – 12:15 – 12:45 p.m., Quadrangle (rain location: TBA)
• Snacks with Security – 12:15 – 12:45 p.m., AVC Main Lobby/Entrance

We encourage you to participate in the “Safety Hunt – Photo Edition” where one lucky person will win a meal for 4 at The Fox & Crow Campus Pub. 

For more details, view the full UPEI Safety Week 2018 Calendar of Events. There is something for everyone and lots of chances to win great prizes.

Dr. G. Johnson, Professor Emeritus, Pathology and Microbiology will present a seminar titled "Pathology of Atlantic halibut: Really big fish to really tiny feed in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems".

The event runs 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Tuesday, September 25 in AVC Lecture Theatre B. 

On Wednesday, September 26 from 8:00 pm until 12:00 am (4 hours minutes), ITSS will be performing maintenance on UPEI’s myUPEI portal and Colleague systems.

During this time, faculty, staff and students may be unable to access the myUPEI portal at

If you receive an error message while logging in to a service, please wait at least 15 minutes and try again until you are successful.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at 566-0465

Check out the Stars! A stargazing event outside the Robertson Library!

Robertson Library and the UPEI Department of Physics are celebrating Science Literacy Week, September 17th-23rd, by co-sponsoring a stargazing event on Sunday, September 23rd at 8:30 pm.

Megan Glover, UPEI Department of Physics, will give a presentation on navigating the night sky and how to set up and use the Library’s Dobsonian telescope. You will discover how to find objects in the sky using star maps and learn stargazing tips! In the case of a rainy or cloudy evening, the presentation will be held inside Robertson Library.

Check out the stars @ home! You can borrow the telescope from the Service Desk in the Robertson Library with your UPEI Campus Card. The telescope can be borrowed on a 7 day loan.

Part of Science Literacy Week - follow #scilit on twitter!

Keep your eyes peeled--the UPEI Co-operative Education program will be selling potatoes across campus the week of September 17-21 for UPEI’s first ever Potato Roll.

What is a potato roll?
Just what it sounds like—the potato that rolls the farthest distance down the hill wins half of the money from the potato sales for its owner. The other half of the money raised will be donated to the UPEI Campus Food Bank.

How to be a “partici-tater”?
Potatoes can be purchased for $2 each from Co-op students. On Friday, October 5th at noon the potatoes will roll! You’re welcome to be a spec-tater at the roll, but it is optional. Winners who are not present will be contacted via the contact information they wrote on their potato at the time of purchase.

For more information or to request students stop by your office, please contact

Note—sales are being tracked by Faculty, with a prize being awarded to the Faculty with the highest potato sales.

The UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability invites submissions for its upcoming conference, co-hosted with the University of Aruba: Island States/Island Territories: Sharing Stories of Island Life, Governance and Global Engagement, to be held in Oranjestad, Aruba, March 26-29, 2019. Deadline for abstracts: October 31. More info at:

The Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC) invites you to a presentation and conversation with Catherine Holtman (Director), Rina Arsenault (Associate Director), and Philip Smith (Board member): Stories of Change: Celebrating 25 Years at the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research. The event runs 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday, September 24 in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI's SDU Main Building.