Campus Notices

Calling all dog owners! Do you have a well-behaved, pure-bred or a recognized mixed breed (labradoodle- or cockapoo-type) dog? Consider entering your dog in the Parade of Dog Breeds at the 2018 AVC Open House on Saturday, September 29, from 10 am to 2 pm!

AVC Open House is a fun event for people of all ages—a chance for us to showcase our College to the public! And the Parade of Dog Breeds at 12 noon is a great way for people to learn about different breeds.
If you are interested or if you know someone who is, please email AVC student Kelly Yoo at for details.

Students in Kinesiology 3430 are looking for participants to perform a 4-week personalized exercise training program. No previous training experience is required. The program will take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the Kinesiology Teaching Lab (Steel 128). For information, please contact Travis Saunders (

The Faculty Development Office at UPEI invites new and experienced faculty members to participate in the annual Teaching Mentorship Program. In this program, each interested new faculty member is matched with an experienced member of the UPEI faculty. This informal mentorship program offers a rewarding experience with very little commitment of time.

New faculty members can benefit tremendously from casual interaction with seasoned teachers and researchers, who in turn will also enjoy and profit from the experience. Whether you are a new faculty member who would like more information or an experienced faculty member who would like to volunteer to be a mentor, please write to Gerald at the Faculty Development Office:

Celebrate University of Prince Edward Island

Homecoming 2018

Thursday, September 27th – Sunday, September 30th

Calling all alumni, students, staff, faculty, and panther fans to campus!

Join us in one or more of the many events and  celebrate UPEI's proud past and and bright future.

For the full schedule of events visit

Dr. Gene Huber, University of Calgary will be giving a seminar on Wednesday, Sept. 19/18 at 12:30 pm in DRC212. The topic of his talk is "Anatomy of an Enzyme: How lacZ B-Galactosidase Works".
All are welcome.

Environmental Studies Program and Robertson Library Talks invite the members of the UPEI community to participate in the Environmental Studies Book Club discussion series. The aim of the Environmental Studies Book Club series is to facilitate the campus-wide discussion about various environmental issues, and provide an informal learning opportunity to university students. 

This fall we will be reading Justin Farrell’s book Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict (2015). Farrell’s book is an illuminating and engaging account of environmental conflicts that have been raging in the iconic Yellowstone National Park for the past two centuries. “The Battle for Yellowstone asks why it is that, with the flood of expert scientific, economic, and legal efforts to resolve disagreements over Yellowstone, there is no improvement? Why do even seemingly minor issues erupt into impassioned disputes? What can Yellowstone teach us about the worsening environmental conflicts worldwide?” (

The discussion series will be of interest to anybody who would like to exchange opinions and learn more about the history and present day of nature conservation, conflict over natural resources, discourses and narratives about nature, and the role of spirituality and values in shaping human-environment interaction.

The e-book is available through the UPEI library. Just go to and search in the catalogue for Battle for Yellowstone. Click on the link and begin reading! Contact a librarian if you have questions.

The discussions will take place in Robertson Library—Reading Room, 2nd Floor. 

September 26th, noon-1pm
Chapter 1: Believing in Yellowstone: The Moralization of Nature and the Creation of America’s Eden

October 17th, noon-1pm
Chapter 3: Buffalo Crusaders: The Sacred Struggle for America’s Last Wild and Pure Herd

November 7th, noon-1pm
Chapter 4: Between Good and Evil: The Science, Culture, and Polarization of Wolf Conflict

November 28th, noon-1pm
Chapter 5: Drilling Our Soul: Moral Boundary Work in an Unlikely Old-West Fight against Fracking

If you are interested in joining/leading the discussions or have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nino Antadze at

New and returning students, come and take a tour of your Library! 
Learn how to use the library website, how to contact your subject librarian for research help, and where to go for writing and IT help.
Discover the best places to study in the Library, learn how to book group study rooms, find out about library computers, printers, laptops, 3D printing, Wi-Fi, and much more!
Not only will you learn about your Library's services and resources by attending a Library Orientation Tour, your name will be entered in a draw to win a $100 or a $50 gift card to the UPEI Bookstore!
Tours start on Wednesday, September 5 and are available throughout the month. 
Tours leave from the Service Desk, last 30-40 minutes, and are limited to 6 people per tour so be sure to book early!
Let us help you with your academic journey! We have resources and information for all students! And, we'd love to show you around!
Book your tour at

Please join us on Thursday, 20 September at 7:00 pm as the Saint Dunstan's University Institute of Christianity and Cultures kicks-off its 2018-19 Theology on Tap Programme. Dr. Patrick McBrine, Bishop's University, will be the featured speaker. Dr. McBrine, author of Biblical Epics in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England, will speak on "'Nearer to God:' Imagining Satan and Eve in the Biblical Epic." Dr. McBrine is a dynamic speaker, and this event is not to be missed! The event will be held in the Pourhouse of the Old Triangle.


Staff and Faculty are invited to the 28th annual 
Distinguished and Inspiring Young Alumni Awards!

We are excited to announce this year’s award recipients

Distinguished Alumni Awards
Jo-Anne Doyle Knysh BBA ‘80
Thilak Tennekone Med ‘06
Inspiring Young Alumni Awards
Laura Archer BScN ‘01
Peter Hooley BSc ‘00
September 27, 2018, 6:30 pm
Department of Development and Alumni Engagement
618 University Avenue, UPEI
RSVP to 
Kathy Weatherbie, Alumni Engagement
(902)-566-0687 or

Drop in Art - bring your own supplies and take some time to create. The event is Wednesday, September 19 from noon until 2:30 pm in the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre.

No prior experience necessary.

Any medium welcome- Crayons, colouring books, knitting needles, acrylics, pencils.. you bring it, you create it! 

This is an open event, bring your own art supplies and take a few minutes for yourself. Come and go as you please. You do not need to be creative to participate, just have an interest in expressing yourself! 

This is the first event - bring your ideas and suggestions for future Art for the Soul meetings. Open to Staff, Students, Faculty.


Check out the Stars! A stargazing event outside the Robertson Library!

Robertson Library and the UPEI Department of Physics are celebrating Science Literacy Week, September 17 to 23, by co-sponsoring a stargazing event on Sunday, September 23 at 8:30 pm.

Megan Glover, UPEI Department of Physics, will give a presentation on navigating the night sky and how to set up and use the Library’s Dobsonian telescope. You will discover how to find objects in the sky using star maps and learn stargazing tips! In the case of a rainy or cloudy evening, the presentation will be held inside Robertson Library.

Check out the stars @ home! You can borrow the telescope from the Service Desk in the Robertson Library with your UPEI Campus Card. The telescope can be borrowed on a 7 day loan.

Part of Science Literacy Week - follow #scilit on twitter!

Dr. I. Dowbiggin, Department of History will present a seminar titled "Towards the Therapeutic State: Or, How Trump Anxiety Disorder Became a Reality".

This event is Tuesday, September 18 at 3:30 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre B. All are welcome.


The next deadline for submitting Biosafety applications including new applications, renewals and/or amendments is Friday September 28 2018. These applications will be reviewed at the October 2018 meeting.

Please ensure that you use the new electronic forms available at

Submit the following:
• one hard copy of the application form with signatures and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
• one e-copy of all documents to

Please note that applications received after this deadline will be reviewed at the November 2018 meeting. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or

Ethics protocols that involve ‘more than minimal risk’ must be reviewed by the full UPEI Research Ethics Board (REB). The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Friday September 28 2018. They will be reviewed at the October meeting. Protocols involving ‘more than minimal risk’ that are received after September 28 will be reviewed at the November 2018 meeting.

Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve ‘more than minimal risk’, renewals, and amendments may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received.

Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from Use Adobe Reader to complete forms.

Submit the following:
• one hard copy of the signed application form and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
• one e-copy of all documents to

For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or

The Department of Psychology welcomes faculty, students, and the campus community to join us at our next Fiona Papps Colloquium Series event entitled "Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Psychology: A Psychology Department Roundtable Discussion". The discussion takes place on Friday, September 28th at 1:30pm in MCDH 243. Hope to see you there.

Through a partnership between UPEI and Synapse, a number of registrations are available, at no cost, for faculty and students to attend Invest Atlantic 2018, an entrepreneurial educational and networking event that is being held at various locations in downtown Charlottetown on Wednesday, September 19 and Thursday, September 20. Representatives from more than 200 start-ups, entrepreneurs, investors and post-secondary institutions in the region will be attending this event that includes keynote speakers, public "pitch sessions" by selected start-ups to potential investors, and plenty of opportunities to network in a social setting. Please share this opportunity with students and colleagues who wish to learn more about the growing entrepreneurial community in the Atlantic Region.

Names and email addresses of those who are interested in attending should be submitted directly to Kelly Mullaly, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Synapse at by no later than 12:00 midnight on Friday, September 14. Confirmation of those selected to attend will be sent out on Monday, September 17. For more information about this opportunity, contact either Kelly Mullaly or Justin Moores.

Dr. Stevan Springer, assistant professor in the UPEI Department of Biology will present the next talk in the ESC-HUB Seminar Series. The title of his talk is "Molecular tests of adaptation: Darwin in full genetic resolution. It will take place on Friday, September 14 at 12:30 pm in Duffy Science, Room 204.

The monthly meeting of the UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held on Friday September 14, 2018 from 3-4 pm in the lecture theatre (note the change of location) of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). All neuroscience research students as well as faculty, scientists and staff with an interest in neuroscience topics are welcome to attend. For a copy of the paper to be discussed please contact Joel Ross ( or Andy Tasker (

Drop in Art - bring your own supplies and take some time to create. The event is Wednesday, September 19 from noon until 2:30 pm in the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre.

No prior experience necessary.

Any medium welcome- Crayons, colouring books, knitting needles, acrylics, pencils.. you bring it, you create it! 

This is an open event, bring your own art supplies and take a few minutes for yourself. Come and go as you please. You do not need to be creative to participate, just have an interest in expressing yourself! 

This is the first event - bring your ideas and suggestions for future Art for the Soul meetings. Open to Staff, Students, Faculty.

Drop in Art - bring your own supplies and take some time to create. The event is Wednesday, September 19 from noon until 2:30 pm in the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre.

No prior experience necessary.

Any medium welcome- Crayons, colouring books, knitting needles, acrylics, pencils.. you bring it, you create it! 

This is an open event, bring your own art supplies and take a few minutes for yourself. Come and go as you please. You do not need to be creative to participate, just have an interest in expressing yourself! 

This is the first event - bring your ideas and suggestions for future Art for the Soul meetings. Open to Staff, Students, Faculty.