Campus Notices
The UPEI Multicultural Choir and Song Circle meets every week from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge. Join students, staff, and faculty from all over the world, share songs of many cultures, relax, have fun.
Please note: this week's rhearsal will take place on Thursday, November 30 and it will be the final gathering of the year. Stay tuned for details regarding rehearsals in the new year.
Refreshments will be served following the rehearsal. All are welcome!
Mark your calendar! Graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend the upcoming GSA Wine and Cheese Social. Join us for refreshments, a silent auction and presentation of faculty and staff awards.
For more information on this annual event, click here.
The holiday schedule for specific departments, and the pay dates/deadline changes for the month of December have been posted to myUPEI.
Click here to login and access a PDF with the detailed infromation.
As an instructor, you’ve set up a syllabus that clearly explains your expectations of where students will end up. Then you set them on the journey to that destination. However, some will get off track along the way. In this workshop, offered by the E-Learning Office...
For more information on this workshop, click here.
Please join Dr. Shannon Murray, Department of English, as she leads a discussion entitled Why I Don't Do Learning Outcomes (but it's OK if you do).
"Many universities—and indeed whole provinces—have moved to requirements for Learning Outcomes, either for individual courses or for whole programs"...Learn more about this brown-bag lunch by clicking here.
On November 28 UPEI will hold a reception to dedicate a plaque in Rocky Paquet's honour and potentially launch a new student award in his memory.
This is the first year UPEI is embracing #GivingTuesday and its motto of rallying for favourite causes and thinking of others. Join UPEI in honouring Rocky's legacy of dedication and heart by contributing to the potential creation of an award in his memory.
Click here to view full event listing.
The Karma Yoga Class is cancelled on Tuesday, November 28 at the Chaplaincy Centre. The class will start up again on December 5 and go until December 19. There will be no class on Boxing Day, November 26. The class will resume on Tuesday, January 2.
Contact Angela Marchbacnk for more informtion,
This is a reminder that the UPEI Biosafety Policy requires that all Principal Investigators confirm the security and complete inventory of all biohazardous materials being used or stored, due in November of each year. This is accomplished by updating your entries, then confirming this action, as follows:
1. Access your inventory by clicking here.
2. Ensure your inventory is up to date, and then confirm this by following the steps as listed below.
3. Select User Menu (Top right of screen) then My account from the left side of the drop down screen.
4. Click Edit (just below the user name)
5. Click on Information, on the top right section of the screen.
6. Scroll down this page. Below the box with the phone number, you will notice a box next to I accept. If you have not already done so, please read this section and, if you agree, please check this box.
7. To report your inventory is up to date, please enter the date that you confirm this in the 2017 box.
8. Hit Save! Task completed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you are not yet a user of this site, but store or use biohazardous materials, please contact me to arrange access.
If you have any questions, please contact Rhoda Speare, UPEI Biosafety Officer, at 902-620-5071 or
On November 28 UPEI will hold a reception to dedicate a plaque in Rocky Paquet's honour and potentially launch a new student award in his memory.
This is the first year UPEI is embracing #GivingTuesday and its motto of rallying for favourite causes and thinking of others. Join UPEI in honouring Rocky's legacy of dedication and heart by contributing to the creation of an award in his memory.
Click here to view full event listing.
Learning is an action that only the student can own and control. As an instructor, what can be done to help a student maximize his/her learning capabilities? In this workshop, instructors will learn about three key skills that contribute to more efficient and effective learning. Those skills are how to take notes, how to read for learning, and how to study effectively.
Offered by the E-Learning Office, this workshop is available on Tuesday, November 28, 1:00-2:00 pm in Rm 265, Robertson Library. Register.
Time to get creative and expressive things that you've been aching to #voice! This slam poetry night will be full great performances, a writing workshop, eating tasty snacks and having a chance to share your own poetry with others.
In partnership with the Our Turn UPEI Chapter, the Student Diversity Office invites you to a safe space to hear and share creative writing on issues that are important to you.
Click here to view full event listing.
Please note the following changes to hours of operation for the food services retail locations on campus:
- Friday, December 1: the Micro-Market (School of Sustainable Design Engineering) closes for the holidays
- Friday, December 8: Samuel's Cafe (Robertson Library) closes at 3:00 pm until after the holidays
- Friday, December 22: the AVC Cafeteria closes at 3:00 pm until after the holidays.
- Sunday, December 17: Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall, with the exception of special functions and catering services, closes for the holidays at 12:00 pm.
Beginning Monday, December 11, The Courtyard Cafe (W.A. Murphy Student Centre) hours of operation will be:
- 7:30 am to 7:00 pm, Monday - Thursday
- 7:30 am to 3:00 pm, Fridays
- Friday, December 15: this location will close at 3:00 pm for the holiday break
Please note that Tim Horton's and On-the-Go products will be available at the Courtyard Cafe. However, the Grill will be closed until after the holidays
Tuesday, January 2:
- The Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall will resume regular hours of operation beginning at 4:00 pm
- AVC Cafeteria will resume regular hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
- The Courtyard Cafe will be open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Wednesday, January 3:
- The Courtyard Cafe will resume regular operations with new daily hours (Monday to Thursday 7:30 am - 8:00 pm and Friday 7:30 am - 3:00 pm)
- Samuel's will resume regular hours of operation (Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Monday, January 8:
- Micro-Market will resume regular hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
The staff of Ancillary Services and Chartwells would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
The UPEI Wind Symphony, under the direction of Dr. Karem J. Simon, will be performing a full recital of contemporary wind band music on Friday, November 24 at Park Royal United Church in Charlottetown.
With performances in recent years at local Churches–St. Dunstan’s Basilica and Zion Presbyterian–the Wind Symphony is continuing a tradition of performing beyond campus.
Click here to view full event listing.
UPEI is offering Mental Health First Aid Training in December at no cost to University employees.
For more information, click here.
Everyone is welcome to attend the first in a series of Department of Philosophy talks on November 24. JoAnna Howlett's talk is entitled “The Erotic, Aesthetic, and the Ethical” and Dr. Daniel Harris' talk is entitled “Nietzsche, Atheism, and Desiring Life”.
For more information, click here.
UPEI will offer a professional development course offering on the Essentials of Workplace Writing, December 12, 2017.
Click here for more information.
The Environmental Sciences and Human Biology (ESC-HB) seminar series will wrap up for the fall semester on November 24 with a presentation by Dr. Ali Ahmadi, School of Sustainable Design Engineering. Dr. Ahmadi’s presentation is entitled “Biofabrication: bridging the life sciences and engineering”.
Click here to view full event listing.
On November 28 UPEI will hold a reception to dedicate a plaque in Rocky Paquet's honour and launch a new student award in his memory.
This is the first year UPEI is embracing #GivingTuesday and its motto of rallying for favourite causes and thinking of others. Join UPEI in honouring Rocky's legacy of dedication and heart by contributing to the creation of an award in his memory.
Click here to view full event listing.
The Office of the President cordially invites you to attend the MacLauchlan Prizes for Effective Writing Celebration. Please join members of the MacLauchlan family, guest speaker Dr. Edward MacDonald, and the UPEI community on Friday, November 24, 2017 at 1:30 pm in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall to celebrate the writing achievements of UPEI students and faculty and staff.
Learning is an action that only the student can own and control. As an instructor, what can be done to help a student maximize his/her learning capabilities? In this workshop, instructors will learn about three key skills that contribute to more efficient and effective learning. Those skills are how to take notes, how to read for learning, and how to study effectively.
Offered by the E-Learning Office, this workshop is available on Tuesday, November 28, 1:00-2:00 pm in Rm 265, Robertson Library. Register.