Campus Notices

The holiday schedule for specific departments, and the pay dates/deadline changes for the month of December have been posted to myUPEI.

Click here to login and access a PDF with the detailed infromation.

The Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre and the AVC Animal Welfare Club are starting a journal club. The group will meet once a month starting January 19, 2018 to discuss articles in the areas of:

  • animal welfare science
  • animal ethics
  • animal behaviour
  • anesthesia and analgesia

Please email or to be on the e-mail list for future information.

Here is the plan:

  • Meet at lunch hour (12:30-1:20) the third Friday of the month, starting January 19(Room TBD).
  • Anyone can sign up for the e-mail list. You will then receive an e-mail notice of the upcoming article for discussion about a week before the journal club meets, in which we will tell you who will be presenting the article, the citation of the article, a link to download it, and the abstract (so people can decide if they would like to attend and/or download the full article via UPEI paid access). This is better than attaching the pdf to the e-mail, for copyright reasons.)
  • One article will be presented per session (rotating presenters). The person who has chosen the article will submit it to Alice Crook a week ahead of time so attendees will have the opportunity to read the article before the meeting, but presenters should be aware that not everyone will have had time to read it and should address this in their presentation of the article i.e. begin with a background to the study before the critique.
  • The first 20 minutes or so will be the person who has chosen it taking us through the background to it (and why they chose it – why they think we should know about it) and the study itself (with critique). The next 15/20 minutes will be a group discussion around the subject invoked by the article. e.g. what can we learn from it? What can we do better? Critical appraisal is encouraged.

All are welcome to sign up and join these interesting discussions!

The Robertson Library will offer training RefWorks and Google Scholar, click a session below for more information:

Faculty are encouraged to share this information with students who have research papers due soon.

Please join Dr. Shannon Murray, Department of English, as she leads a discussion entitled Why I Don't Do Learning Outcomes (but it's OK if you do).

"Many universities—and indeed whole provinces—have moved to requirements for Learning Outcomes, either for individual courses or for whole programs"...Learn more about this brown-bag lunch by clicking here.

Emergency and Standard First Aid Training is being offered on campus in the coming weeks. For more information, click on one ofthe options below:

Emergency First Aid and CPR
Standard First Aid and CPR

The training cost is covered by UPEI for all faculty and staff. Students who require the training for on-campus employment will also have the training cost covered.

There are still spaces available for three Health and Fitness Week activities on Friday, November 24.

Please pre-register as per details in each of the above event listings. 

The Faculty of Science wishes to announce Clayton Harding, Masters student, will be defending his thesis entitled,"HYBRID SOL-GEL POLY(N-ETHYLANILINE) COATINGS WITH INCREASED SELF-HEALING PROPERTIES". For more information click here.

All are welcome!

The Robertson Library will offer training RefWorks and Google Scholar, click a session below for more information:

Faculty are encouraged to share this information with students who have research papers due soon.

A special seminar will be given by Dr. John Sorensen, Biomedical Sciences, entitled “The Annotation and Heterologous Expression of Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters from the Lichen Cladonia uncialis”.

For more information, click here.

Everyone is welcome to attend the first in a series of Department of Philosophy talks on November 24. JoAnna Howlett's talk is entitled “The Erotic, Aesthetic, and the Ethical” and Dr. Daniel Harris' talk is entitled “Nietzsche, Atheism, and Desiring Life”.

For more information, click here

UPEI Synapse and Mitacs Training Team is offering a free Networking Skills Workshop on November 29.

For more information, click here.

UPEI is proud to be a "Barrier Buster" by having invested in infrastructure to create a more inclusive and accessible campus!

Today we celebrate the work that has been achieved  with support from the Rick Hansen Foundation and the Government of Canada.

Be a Barrier Buster Buddy and check out the booths on campus from 9:00-11:00 am, and the UPEI Barrier Buster Celebration at 3:00 pm.

Refreshments will be served! 

Today marks the first day of UPEI Health and Fitness Week! There is a lot going on, be sure to check out some of today's events:

Click here for the full schedule and more information!

From December 1 to 13, Chartwells UPEI is offering lunch at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall for only $6 plus taxes.

Also, on December 14, join us at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall for a special Christmas buffet luncheon featuring Chef Al's Turkey Dinner and Pastry Chef Kelsey's seasonal sweets! The luncheon will only be $10 plus taxes. For tickets, please email Marc Doiron at

Emergency and Standard First Aid Training is being offered on campus in the coming weeks. For more information, click on one ofthe options below:

Emergency First Aid and CPR
Standard First Aid and CPR

The training cost is covered by UPEI for faculty, staff and students who require the training for on-campus employment.

UPEI is offering Mental Health First Aid Training in December at no cost to University employees.

For more information, click here.

Although these events are going on during Health and Fitness Week (HFW) 2017, they also happen throughout the school year—check them out!

Click here for more information and a full schedule of events!

The School of Graduate Studies will facilitate a workshop on Intellectual Property. The workshop will be presented by Justin Moores, Chief Executive Officer of Synapse and will be held on Wednesday, November 22, from 1-2 pm in the Health Science Building, Room 106.

Please pre-register by contacting Angela Deighan at by November 20.

Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar will take place on November 22 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Leacture Theare A, AVC.

Logan Bigelow, Biomedical Sciences, will give a presentation entitled, "Assessment of Cognitive Function and Associated Bio-Markers in a Novel Progressive Model of Parkinson's Disease". 

Contact Suzette Acorn at or more information.

All are welcome!

As an instructor, you’ve set up a syllabus that clearly explains your expectations of where students will end up. Then you set them on the journey to that destination. However, some will get off track along the way. In this workshop, offered by the E-Learning Office...

For more information on this workshop, click here.