Campus Notices

As an instructor, you’ve set up a syllabus that clearly explains your expectations of where students will end up. Then you set them on the journey to that destination. However, some will get off track along the way. In this workshop, offered by the E-Learning Office...

For more information on this workshop, click here.

The Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre and the AVC Animal Welfare Club are starting a journal club. The group will meet once a month starting January 19, 2018 to discuss articles in the areas of:

  • animal welfare science
  • animal ethics
  • animal behaviour
  • anesthesia and analgesia

Please email or to be on the e-mail list for future information.

Here is the plan:

  • Meet at lunch hour (12:30- 1:20) the third Friday of the month, starting January 19(Room TBD).
  • Anyone can sign up for the e-mail list. You will then receive an e-mail notice of the upcoming article for discussion about a week before the journal club meets, in which we will tell you who will be presenting the article, the citation of the article, a link to download it, and the abstract (so people can decide if they would like to attend and/or download the full article via UPEI paid access). This is better than attaching the pdf to the e-mail, for copyright reasons.)
  • One article will be presented per session (rotating presenters). The person who has chosen the article will submit it to Alice Crook a week ahead of time so attendees will have the opportunity to read the article before the meeting, but presenters should be aware that not everyone will have had time to read it and should address this in their presentation of the article i.e. begin with a background to the study before the critique.
  • The first 20 minutes or so will be the person who has chosen it taking us through the background to it (and why they chose it – why they think we should know about it) and the study itself (with critique). The next 15/20 minutes will be a group discussion around the subject invoked by the article. e.g. what can we learn from it? What can we do better? Critical appraisal is encouraged.

All are welcome to sign up and join these interesting discussions!

Since 1888, the Estate of Owen Connolly has funded approximately $3 million to help thousands of Prince Edward island students of Irish Catholic heritage gain a higher education, many of them at SDU or UPEI.

Leonard Cusack (SDU ’69) has written the rags-to-riches story of the remarkable man behind the money, Owen Connolly, and we invite you to celebrate this new book at a book launch.

What: Owen Connolly Book Launch

When: Saturday, November 18, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

Where: UPEI Development and Alumni offices, 618 University Avenue, Charlottetown

Soft cover and souvenir copies will be available for sale and signing. Owen Connolly: The Making of a Legacy is published by Island Studies Press and the Estate of Owen Connolly.

UPEI Health and Fitness Week is next week, here are some exciting events to take in:

Click here for more information and the full schedule of events!

All faculty, staff, and graduate students are welcome to attend the Journal Club, hosted by Dr. Bonnie Stewart. The article to be discussed at the upcoming meeting is Dr. Stewart's "Collapsed publics: Orality, literacy, and vulnerability in academic Twitter".

For more information, click here.

Mark your calendar! Graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend the upcoming GSA Wine and Cheese Social. Join us for refreshments, a silent auction and presentation of faculty and staff awards.

For more information on this annual event, click here.

UPEI continues to offer a variety of printing services on a user-pay basis. When UPEI migrated its networks from Novell to Microsoft Active Directory this past spring, there was an issue with the PaperCut system that collects payments from the printers. In order to maintain printing capabilities and avoid any service disruption, UPEI waived printing fees on a temporary basis.

The issue with PaperCut has now been resolved and UPEI will resume collecting fees on Monday, November 20, 2017.

Students requiring printing services at the UPEI may click here for more information, to ensure they have funds available, or to add money to their PaperCut account.

A representative from the Embassy of France will be on campus to present information about opportunities to work and study in France.

Refreshments will be served! For more information click here.

Want to help shape the future of the UPEI Campus?

The University has retained the services of Brook McIlroy Inc. to update the UPEI Campus Master Plan. A consultant team will be on campus to conduct consultations with a wide-range of UPEI stakeholders,

Feedback is important and two Open Campus Sessions have been arranged to allow members of the University community an opportunity to provide input. Structured conversations will take place around specific question, for more information click here.

Attend an Open Campus Session this afternoon, Tuesday, November 14, from 1:30-2:15 pm in Room 113, SDU Main Buidling.

All are welcome!


Some exciting events happening at UPEI for Health and Fitness Week 2017 include:

Space is limited and pre-registration is required! Email with your UPEI ID number to register.

Click here for the full schedule of events and for more information!

With more than 10% of students at UPEI registering with Accessibility Services, as well as UPEI's duty to accommodate these students, Accessibility Services is inviting you to participate in a session on creating academic accommodations or thinking about how to redesign course materials to remove accessibility barriers. This session will also include the use of design personas to think about how students may experience your course.

This event will take place in the Faculty Lounge (Rm 201) of SDU Main Building on November 15, 2017 at 12:00 pm. For more information, contact Gerald Wandio at or 902-620-5217.

The holiday schedule for specific departments, and the pay dates/deadline changes for the month of December have been posted to myUPEI. Click here to login and access a PDF with the detailed infromation.

With the increase in quality and quantity of brain sciences research over the last few years, what of it can be usefully applied to teaching? This workshop, provided by the E-Learning Office, aims to summarize that research on learning and memory and provide instructors with tips for integration into their teaching. The workshop takes place on Monday, November 6 from 10:00 to 11:00 am or on Tuesday, November 21 10:00 to 11:00 am. Location is Robertson Library, Room 265. Click here to register. 

A favourite event among Island writers and literature lovers, the annual public reading by UPEI’s Creative Writing Master Class, will take place on Monday, November 20 at 7:00 pm in the Faculty Lounge of SDU Main Building.

The reading will showcase emerging and seasoned writers: Colleen MacQuarrie, Louise Burley, Kandace Hagen, Lorraine Clements, Michelle Barton, Hailey Hennessey, Allysha Leuschen, Rose Henbest, Morgan Sewell, Lorraine Rumson, Elaine Graham, and Victoria Jewells.

The reading is sponsored by the UPEI English Department and admission is free.

All are welcome!

On Friday, November 17 a reception will be held to celebrate eight new books from writers and editors in Faculty of Arts at UPEI. The event will run from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge of SDU Main Building.

For the full list of titles, click here.

All are welcome!

A representative from the Embassy of France will be on campus to present information about opportunities to work and study in France, for more information click here.

The information session will take place Thursday, November 16 at 1:00 pm in Rm 104 of the Irving Chemistry Centre. Contact Scott Lee,, for further details.

Refreshments will be served!

The Animal Care Committee does not meet in December. The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendment)  is Friday, January 5, 2018 for the January meeting.

Ensure you:
· Download the current forms found here 
· Use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms (current forms only)

Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date. 
· Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC, Biomedical Sciences Dept. Rm 2302 N
· Submit an electronic copy to

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Administrative Assistant at 902-566-0973.

Friday, November 10

(W) Basketball 61 vs UNB 77
Panther High Scorers:  Reese Baxendale 16, Kiera Rigby 14
Recap/Box Score:
(W) Hockey 1 @ Dalhousie 2 (OT)
Panther Goal Scored by Jenna Pellerin
Recap/Box Score:
(M) Hockey 5 vs Dalhousie 4
Panther Goals Scored by:  Kameron Kielly 2, Darcy Ashley, RT Rice, Ryan MacKinnon
Recap/Box Score:
(M) Basketball 55 vs UNB 99
Panther High Scorers:  Milorad Sedlarevic 22, Amin Suleman 9
Recap/Box Score:
Saturday, November 11
(M) Rugby 17 vs StFX 10 (Maritime University Championship)
Panther Scoring:  Brandon Adams (1Try) Alex Rose (1 Try), Morgan Campbell (1 Try), Mark Lloyd (1 Conversion)
(W) Hockey 1 vs UdeM 2 (OT)
Panther Goal Scored by Jenna Pellerin
Recap/Box Score:
(W) Basketball 73 vs UNB 57
Panther High Scorers:  Kiera Rigby 20, Reese Baxendale 16, Jenna Mae Ellsworth 16
Recap/Box Score:
(M) Hockey 2 vs StFX 4
Panther Goals Scored by:  Beau McCue, Darcy Ashley
Recap/Box Score:
(M) Basketball 80 vs UNB  88
Panther High Scorers:  Milorad Sedlarevic 20, Samy Mohamed 17
Recap/Box Score:
Sunday, November 12
(M) U Sports Cross Country Championship @ Victoria, BC 
UPEI Student-Athlete Lee Wesselius the 10 Km Race in 36th Place out of 109 Competitors with a time of 32 min 18 sec

Make sure you’re registered for this exciting event, taking place during Midnight Madness!

Click here to learn more about Yoga and Sound: Elements. Registration deadline: Monday, November 20, 2017.

For the full schedule of events and for more information click here.

UPEI Health and Fitness Week 2017 begins on Monday, November 20 and runs through to Saturday, November 25! There is a huge line-up of events with something to suit everyone! From fitness classes, to nutrition presentations, to dog therapy; use this week to improve your health!

Click here to view full schedule of events and for more information!