Masters of Arts in Island Studies Thesis Defense

Ms. Sara K. Tennant's Master of Arts-Island Studies thesis defence will take place in the Atlantic Veterinary College, Room 287 North on Wednesday, November 6 from 8:30-10:30am. The title of the thesis is: " 'Almost Islands': A Research Synthesis of Aboriginal Communities in Canada as Metaphorical Islands." All are welcome. For further information please contact James Randall at 620-5013.

Public Presentation: Women in Science and Engineering

Dr. Tamara Franz-Odendaal, NSERC Chair for the Atlantic Region of Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) will host a public presentation on Monday, November 4 from 2:30-3:30pm in Main Building, room 320. Dr. Franz-Odendaal is a Developmental Biologist and Morphologist at Mount Saint Vincent University, who specializes in craniofacial development and anatomy in vertebrates. Her presentation will focus on how she can support women in Science and Engineering at UPEI and will include an overview of her position and experiences. This is an opportunity to explore the possibilities of Island-WISE. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be provided.

Respiratory Protection Training

Respiratory Protection Training will be offered by Larry Koughan of All-Tech Environmental Services on Wednesday, November 13 from 9:00-11:00 am, in AVC 280N. This session will provide information regarding the care, selection and use of respirators. Whether you currently have a respirator or if you think you may need one for certain work tasks, then you should attend this session (annually). This is also an important educational opportunity for those who supervise work involving individuals who may need respiratory protection. There is no cost to attend this training as it is covered by the Health and Safety budget. To register for the training session, please contact Lacey Myers at or 566-0605. To view the Respiratory Protection Program please see Section 4.9 in the UPEI Laboratory Safety Manual, *Prior to using a respirator, individuals are required to complete a UPEI Respirator User Screening Form and send it to HR. This form is located at the above link under "Appendices" (App.T, p.113-115).