Brown Bag Lunch

Widening Horizons: Integrating International Perspectives Ms. McBride has extensive experience promoting internationalization – experience gained by leading policy development and advocacy efforts at the federal level, research initiatives on the strengths and challenges of internationalization in the Canadian university context, as well as numerous workshops at the national and institutional levels on strategies to improve internationalization efforts. Join her for a discussion on how to bring an international perspective to your classroom or your curriculum. Facilitated by: Karen McBride, President of the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE)

Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar

SPEAKER: Heather Fenton, Department of Pathology and Microbiology TITLE: Not on porpoise: Estimating bycatch as a result of entanglement in fishing equipment as a cause of mortality of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phoceona) in Canada SPEAKER: Jessica Willis, Department of Biomedical Sciences TITLE: Foul oysters: Cryptosporidium sp. and Giardia duodenalis contamination and detection studies in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica

2011 UPEI Career Fair

This year's career fair has a new look! We are welcoming both Bachelor of Education school board recruiters and employer recruiters to one on campus fair. There is a great range and variety of employers attending this year. It is a free on campus event! Come by and put your networking skills to work!

Book Launch -- Faculty of Arts

The University of Prince Edward Island builds on its strong record of publication with the launch of eight new books from the Faculty of Arts. The launch is Friday, January 28 from 4-6 pm in the Faculty Lounge of UPEI’s Main Building. The titles launched at this event include books, journals, and CDs with Arts Faculty members as authors , performers, or primary editors. They are: "Island Enclaves” (McGQUP, 2010) by Godfrey Baldacchino. “Homecare: One woman’s Journey” (VDM Verlag, 2009) by Lorraine Begley. Volume 20 of the Journal “Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain” (2010), edited by Annabel Cohen. The volume is a special double issue entitled “A history of music psychology in autobiography.” It includes a DVD (with the technical assistance of Robert Drew of the Psychology Department). “Soundscapes of Spain” (CD, 2010) by Frances Gray. “Burning House” (Wolsak and Wynn Publishers, 2010) by Richard Lemm. “The Landscapes of Confederation, Charlottetown 1864” (P.E.I.Heritage Foundation, 2010) by Ed MacDonald (with Catherine Hennessey and David Keenlyside). “The Atheist’s Primer” (Broadview, 2010) by Malcolm Murray. “Dreams of Nationhood: American Jewish Communists and the Soviet Birobidzhan Project, 1924-1951” (Academic Studies Press, 2010) by Henry Srebrnik. Each title will be available to purchase at the launch. Refreshments and a reception will follow. For more information, contact Lisa Chilton at, or 566-0692.

Brown Bag Lunch

Title: All Your Moodle Questions Answered Do you have Moodle questions you would like answered? Drop by brown-bag lunch with Kent our E-Learning Coordinator and Moodle Guy for an informal Moodle Q & A session.

Student Engagement Speaker Series - Dr. Shannon Murray

First Student Engagement Speakers' Series Presentation: Dr. Shannon Murray Faculty, staff and students are invited to the first in a series of talks on student engagement. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice-President Academic, this series of presentations is intended to raise the profile at UPEI on issues related to student engagement. In this first talk, Dr. Shannon Murray of the English Department will speak on, "The End of University: Engaging Our Graduating Students". The presentation will take place at 3:00 PM on Wed. Feb. 2nd in Lecture Theatre A of the AVC

3rd Annual MBA Local Marketing Challenge

You are invited to engage with the students from the UPEI Executive-style Master of Business Administration Program as they present their marketing plans for a local business opportunity in the "3rd Annual Local Marketing Challenge". In past years, the challenge has focused exclusively on local food, but this year the topic range has been broadened to include any product or service targeted at the local PEI market. This public event will take place on Saturday, February 5, 2011 from 9 am to 1 pm in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, UPEI School of Business, Don & Marion McDougall Hall. For more information, call Grace McCourt at (902)566-6474 or e-mail .

Three Years of Grade 9 Mathematics Assessment: Factors influencing student achievement

The purpose of this study was to examine potential factors that may be influencing student achievement on PEI's Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics. This study encompassed an item analysis, teacher questionnaire, and an examination of student achievement data over the three years for evidence of growth in student achievement. Findings revealed that teachers believed the purpose of Common Assessments was to focus instruction on the provincial curriculum which is encouraging; however, student achievement over the past three years showed no significant improvement. Presented as part of the 2010-2011 UPEI Centre for Education Research Seminar Series.