W-hockey vs. UdeM Last home game
AUS Women's hockey last home game vs. UdeM 7 pm
Men's Soccer Dinner
UPEI Men's Soccer team with the UPEI Friends of Men's Soccer are hosting a Dinner and Roast featuring John Diamond at the Rodd Royalty. Ticket includes 2011 Soccer Season Pass.
Vice President Academic's 'State of the Academy' Address
"Academic Integrity: Reflections and Actions"
Brown Bag Lunch
Applying Parenting Strategies to our Relationships with Students
In this Brown Bag, we will discuss our work on adapting concepts related to parenting styles to teaching in higher education. In other levels of education, there is some discussion of different classroom management styles based on parenting styles, such as authoritarian, permissive, detached, and authoritative. We will discuss the applicability of these to higher education in our interactions with undergraduate students inside and outside of the classroom. We will discuss the questionnaire we re currently piloting to identify what teaching styles exist for professors teaching undergraduate students.
Facilitated by: Drs. Dany MacDonald, Charlene VanLeeuwen and Lori Weeks
Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
SPEAKER: Fraser Clark, Department of Pathology and Microbiology
TITLE: Exploring the genetic mediators of lobster immune response
Assessing the effectiveness of school nutrition policies: Balancing Rigour and Practicalities
Dr. Jennifer Taylor will be leading this seminar on the challenges of implementing nutrition policies in the PEI school system, and why it matters.
Presented as part of the 2010-2011 UPEI Centre for Education Research Seminar Series. These seminars are open to the entire UPEI campus community.
Brown Bag Lunch
"The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: The Value and Challenges of Publishing Your Teaching Ideas."
Facilitated by: Dr. Brian D. Wagner
Department of Chemistry and Office of Graduate Studies
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning has varying definitions and descriptions, but typically it is seen to “involve the systematic study of teaching and/or learning and the public sharing and review of such work through presentations or publications” (http://www.sotl.ilstu.edu/downloads/pdf/definesotl.pdf ). This brown-bag lunch interactive session will involve a presentation and open discussion forum about all aspects of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The topics for discussion will include (but not be limited to) such areas as descriptions of what SoTL is and what it involves, some sense of its history at Canadian Universities, the impacts it can have, issues around the recognition of SoTL as a scholarly research pursuit across disciplines and institutions, SoTL research funding, issues relevant to the use of student data, the engagement of Faculty in SoTL, and challenges and approaches to publishing SoTL research. This session will be of particular interest to Faculty and staff contemplating entering into SoTL pursuits, and to those already undertaking such scholarly work (the latter of whom will be called upon to share their experiences and advice!).
UPEI Open House
To be completed. For now, prepare to see the best UPEI has to offer, along with the annual AVC Open House.
UPEI Panther Classic Golf Tournament
All faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of UPEI are invited to attend the annual Panther Classic in support of UPEI students.
Summer Reunion Weekend
All alumni of PWC, SDU, and UPEI are invited to join events to celebrate their reunion years. Milestone reunions are already being planned for SDU'61, UPEI'81, and AVC'01. If you want to start planning yours, please get in touch with us.